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{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {voice, vocal}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese}
@2={voice, vocal}


  • flashcards (Tokyo) -
    When you wanna see Japanese flowers, click here!
    (kids, english, flashcard, flashcards, abc, flower, Japanese, photo, telephone, hana)

  • Kanattari,Japan. (Yamanashi) -
    KANA's homepage.KANA is a performer,a singer,an artist.The report of TV program,description of her song and abstract painting,etc.
    (KANA, Singer, VoiceActor, TVStar, pokemon, PocketMonster, CrayonArtist, JapaneseTalent, Anime)

  • Japan,aki,room (Ibaraki) -
    aki HomePage
    (Japan, ibaraki, hekiru, shiina, free)

  • KITCHEN SUGAR (Tokyo) -

  • Japan Dredging and Reclamation Engineering Association (Tokyo) -
    Japan Dredging and Reclamation Engineering Association
    (Japan, Dredging, and, Reclamation, Engineering, Association)

  • Breathing BUDS HOME (Tokyo) -
    Breathing BUDS Broad repertory profiles, such as the introduction Gospel, Jazz, and POPS of Breathing BUDS, the contents of activity, etc.
    (Gospel, Jazz, Pops, Ken, Hirai, party, vocal, Japan)

  • gappei (Gifu) -
    organization in japan mizunami city
    (organization, in, japan, mizunami, city)

  • nomuratarou,bbs,japan (Tokyo) -
    J-POPsinger-songwriter NomuraTarou is just 23 years old. His voice and songs are great!
    (nomuratarou, osawaitsuto, imamurakouji, pops, singersongwriter, geta, chorus, vocal, tokyo, japan)

  • callsoct with pc. from Osaka Japan (Osaka) -
    VIA Eden EPIA-C800,Aopen FM56-SV/F,and,BIOS Setup.
    (VIA, Eden, EPIA-C800, FM56-PLM/F, callsoft, FM56-SV/F, aopen)

  • Symbol Japan (Tokyo) -
    symbol Japan's HomePage BAR CODE,PDF417two-dimensional bar code,Hand-held scanner, Handy Terminal,SS Wireless LAN,Access Point,PCMCIA Card, Spectrum24,Symbol Technologies
    (OLYMPUS, symbol, barcodescanner, terminal, ss, wirelesslan, PocketPC, PDA, SPT, Voice)

  • nagoya chor harmonia (Aichi) -
    We always sing Spirituals, Japanese song and Missa
    (Nagoya, Spirituals, Missa)

  • Dialogue among the Civilizations (Tokyo) -
    (Photo, yemen, europe, essay, japan, art)

  • Taketo-Kageyama's Dictionary (Tokyo) -
    The announcer of NHK comments on Japanese of the medium, the communication, the recitation and the speech. it comments on the power as well to reside in the word.
    (announcer, medium, language, Japanese, recitation, speech, word, communication, TaketoKageyama)

  • cccd,upnp etc (Osaka) -
    (japan, livechat, copy, control, cd, exact, sudio)

  • tape transaction (Aichi) -
    tape transactions Speedy service for you. We transcribe English and Japanese documents:interviews, conferences, lectures, business transactions, data collection,etc. You name it, we transcribe it! Professional writers and bilingual journalists who have lived in San Francisco for 25 years take the burden off your shoulders. We also do translation from English into Japanese and vice versa. We cover all fields, including medical data.
    (tape, rewriting, transcription, English, Japanese, documents, interviews, conferences, lectures, business)

  • HarajukuTV.Tokyo.Japan (Tokyo) -
    J-Pop,Indies. CD-Release. ArtistPromotion. NewFaceAudition. HarajukuTokyoJapan.
    (harajuku, audition, newface, live, recordmaker, singer, vocalist, vocal, unit, producer)

  • VFD's Homepage (Osaka) -
    (stage, event, voice, actor, song, osaka, story, japan, singer)

  • ANALYZE - Kyoto, Japan. (Kyoto) -(2002)
    ANALYZE is a website for those who love B'z.
    (analyze, karaoke, koshi, inaba, tak, matsumoto, CGI)

  • Study and presentation software for Microsoft Access 2002. (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Study and presentation software for Microsoft Access 2002. Microsoft Agents reads the database. Ease to use. Share ware.
    (Access2002, MicrosoftAgent, Agent, Speech, Text-to-speech, SAPI, presentation, Study, Japanese, Shareware)

  • PCC Japan Studio (Tokyo) -(2002)
    State-of-the-art 3D Virtual Studio located in the center of Tokyo.
    (3Dvirtualstudio, rental, streaming, disitalcontents, production, video, non-linear, MA, CG, Broadband)

  • Akanoite'sHomePage (Kyoto) -(2002)
    Akanoite's Home Page.Main contents is diary.Japanese.Only Japanese.
    (diary, japanese, kyouto, japan, photo, plasticmodel)

  • Free, Free and Free in Japan -(2002)
    All the free communication resources in Japan.
    (free, no, charge, reduce, price, sale, discount, costdown, reduction, lowprice, special, registration, cheap, net, internet, domestic, long distance, Japanese, CATV, international, overseas, telephone, phone, communication, mobilephone, cellular phone, internetphone, internettelephone, broadband, facsimile, postcard, greeting, service, fax, IP, ad, ADSL, voice, foreign, Japan, chat, PHS, click, mobile, ISDN)

  • free,tool,community,setagaya,tokyo,japan (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Tel's HomePage,free,telephone,voice,video,chat,tool
    (free, telephone, video, chat, tool, voice, discount, bargain, software, freshvoice)

  • Speech software for Microsoft Access 2002. (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Speech software for Microsoft Access 2002. Microsoft Agents reads the database. Ease to use. Share ware.
    (Access2002, MicrosoftAgent, Agent, Speech, Text-to-speech, SAPI, language, character, Japanese, engines)

  • SamplingCD web site (Tokyo) -(2002)
    We are SamplingCD maker.This company stats in Harajyuku-Japan.
    (KAERUCAFE, Sampling, SoundEffects, HipHop, Noise, material, mobilephone, japan, harajyuku, VOICE)

  • osaka,japan, (Osaka) -(2002)
    osaka. BLACKCAT housinnenngi tennis op prince net voice acter

  • Sapporo villagevoice (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    Jazz Live information in Sapporo
    (villagevoice, Sapporo,, jazz, live, izumi, session, bopdojyo)

  • MessageBay Japan (Tokyo) -(2002)
    New voice distribution technology. Lightweight operation. Only plug-in is installed automatically.
    (messagebay, mp3, Streaming, sound, Script, asp, voice, ActiveX, Plug-in, Banner)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, homestudy, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, study room, study, entrance examination, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, on line study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, children, materials, math story problems, English grammar, homework, education, living abroad, studying on lines, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shichida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo-itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aida-hotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikushigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Yui Horie Fan's Page Pure Angel (Osaka) -(2002)
    This page is a Japanese voice actress(radio actress) ,Yui Horie's fan page.But This page is Japanese only. So I feel sorry for you. If you can show Japanese, you can watch my web page. Thank you.
    (Pure, Angel, PureAngel, YuiHorie, Yui, Horie, voice, actress)

  • Web culture school X-course (Tokyo) -(2002)
    X-course is web culture school.
    (culture, climbing, magic, camera, kimono, cooking, actor, gardening, model, lecture)

  • Canada Journal -(2002)
    Articles and information about Canada from Japanese journalist who lives in Canada.
    (journalist, Asahi, Nikkei, Toronto, Canada, Saunders, Miyamatsu, Voice, Nikka, Harmony)

  • ZeeVaaCommunications.Inc (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (zeevaacommunications, VoxStudio, crm, japan, tokyo, web-system, crm-system, web-service, Vox, kudan)

  • MARQUEE INC. Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002)
    MARQUEE INC. Website!! This site will carry the newest releases info by our record label Avalon and Belle Antique, the new arrivals info by our record shop World Disque. Publications info by Euro Rock Press and Marquee.
    (marquee, avalon, belleantique, voiceprint, worlddisque, recordcompany, hardrock, progressive, rock)

  • UTASHIE WORLD (Shiga) -(2002)

  • Voice Percussion (Gunma) -(2002)
    this is Voice Percussion
    (japanese, oriental, boy, adult, Ninja, kabuki, fujiyama, akihabara, geisha, tokyo)

  • Correct English Composition For Japanese (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    Correct English composition for Japanese.
    (correct, English, composition, voice)

  • shikuramariko. japanese vocal official web site. tokyo.japan (Tokyo) -(2002)
    shikura mariko official web site. Japanese vocal Home Page.
    (shikura, mariko, singer, lesson, vocal, song, fujiplan, japan, tokyo)

  • CuTE aS heLL (Tokyo) -(2002)
    This Takako's site is about music,pet,blythe,and so on.
    (vocal, Japanese, cute, fire, king, blythe)

  • Vocal School Voice (Tokyo) -(2002)
    vocal school voice
    (vocalschool, school, J-pop, R&B, voice)

  • Chuckzenkai!!OffcialHomepage!PUNK!PUNK!PUNK! (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Punk is no dead!Here it is!!!Open a fastener in your heart full!!!!
    (chuck, punkrock, punk, rock, pops, fastener, j-pop, indies, rock'n'roll, bands)

  • yuki minakami site (Fukushima) -(2001)
    Jazz/piano&Vocal Yuki Minakami site
    (jazz, piano, vocal, fukusima, kooriyama, yuki, minakami, sendai, niigata, japan)

  • RIN@room (Kagawa) -(2001)
    RIN@room RinOkihara's HomePage.
    (netidol, profile, sound, photograpger, talk, photoalbum, cute, singer, Japanese, Japan)

  • Guitar Kozou Japan (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (racerx, mr.big, stevevai, guitar, heavymetal, kolapa, bassfishing, game, imac, animetion)

  • JET CRAFT official homepage (Mie) -(2001)
    JET CRAFT's official homepage! CD preview, LIVE information, streaming videos and more...
    (jet, craft, band, rock'n'roll, j-pop, girls, rock, mp3, indies, streaming)

  • TERRA mixedchorus group in Shizuoka,japan (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    TERRA mixedchorus group in Shizuoka,japan
    (chorus, mixedchorus, shizuoka)

  • Most famous Ladys in Japan sings Tanabata song !! (Aichi) -(2001)
    Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.
    (Tanabata, song, nagoya, lady, katsuyo)

  • SakagamiIoriHomepage (Tokyo) -(2001)
    IORI SAKAGAMI HomePage Japanese female vocalist.Nippon no exoticism!
    (IORI, SAKAGAMI, vocal, pops, japanese.female.vocal)

  • japan,anime,voice,actor,actress (Saitama) -(2001)
    amatuar voice actor&actress
    (anime, voice, actor, actress, singer, entry)

  • Sakura's Network -SakuraTange's FanSite- (Osaka) -(2001)
    VoiceActress SakuraTange's FanSite. SakuraTange Fan's Intercourse Site. SakuraTange's WebRing is Sakura's WebRing Network. Chat,BBS,Link...etc.
    (SakuraTange, VoiceActor, Animation, WebRing, WONDER-NET, CardCaptorSakura, Voice, Japanese, CLAMP, FanSite)

  • good-child.newspaper (Tokyo) -(2000)
    sorry,japanese only
    (FX, 1992)

  • Kazuma's Homepage (Osaka) -(2000)
    Osaka, Japan
    (Evangelion, GURPS, Magic, Seiyu, Anime, Japanimation, Novel)

  • Project (Hiroshima) -(2000)
    Multi-media project by voice actress Riko Kiryu, illustrator Akira Jinai and producer Satoshi Watanabe.
    (fortune, tarot, radio, drama, Kiryu, Jinai, original, Japan, Tea, Present)

  • Net's Work (Gifu) -(2000)
    Money's homePage
    (money, anime, Japan, manga, hentai, dojin, evangelion)

  • Nihon Cochlear Co.,Ld. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    The Nucleus24 Cochlear Implant System from Nihon Cochlear, a subsidiary of Cochlear the world leader in cochlear implant technology which is a hearing alternative for the deaf
    (cochlear, hearing, aids, implant, bte, deaf, Nucleus, prosthesis, ESPrit, SPrint)

  • VOICE OF WORLD (Oita) -(2000)
    EQ AND MULTICULTURISM. I WILL SEND YOU MAIL MAGAZINE in which international sudents tell you what they feel. YOU CAN ALSO TRY EQ AND IQ TEST
    (emotional, inteligence, phycology, test, world, voice, international, multiculturism, global, Japanese)

  • Japan Energy Services Co.,Ltd. (Kyoto) -(2000)
    Japan Energy Services Co.,Ltd.

  • Horaguchi Momoko official web site (Tokyo) -(2000)
    japanese j-pop artist,Horaguchi Momoko's official web site

  • NIPPON DENWA SHISETSU CO., LTD. (Aichi) -(2000)
    Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.

  • ldvnet co.,ltd. Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    ldvnet co.,ltd. Tokyo,Japan VoIP LANdeVOICE
    (VoiceOverIP, telephony, wireless, ipnetwork, catv)

  • maenner-cor-tokai (Aichi) -(2000)
    men's chorus nagoya
    (chorus, group)

  • VoiceChatJapan (Kagawa) -(2000)
    (voice, chat, VoiceChat, VoiceChatJapan, friend)

  • Iris's Honkong & Cantonese Park.(Tokyo,Japan) (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Iris's Honkong & Cantonese Park.(Tokyo,Japan)
    (HongKong, Cantonese)

  • Jimmy Scott unofficial site (Osaka) -(2000)
    About jimmy Scott, concert schedule, links, What's new, How I knew him etc.
    (Jimmy, Scott, jazz, vocalist, singer, japan, tour, concert)

  • Aureus (Kyoto) -(2000)
    exhivision information in Kyoto Osaka Nara ,Japan Kyoto,Japan
    (exhivision, information, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Japan)

  • KAF HoME Japan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Editors union KAF
    (mp3, pop&rock, art, indeis)

  • Cowboy Bebop Fan Page FreeFall (Aichi) -(2000)
    Animation Cowboy Bebop FanPage
    (Sunrise, Japanimation, CowboyBebop, SF)

  • VOICE OF JAPAN REBIRTH (Chiba) -(1999)
    Makoto's Home Page.history of Japan and world news for Japan rebirth.
    (japan, nuclear, history, army)

  • chiyoda. hiroshima. Japan. (Hiroshima) -(1999)
    chiyoda. hiroshima. Japan. official
    (hiroshima, chiyoda, sound, move, stream)

  • actress's page natsuki aoi. (Saitama) -(1999)
    Japanise actress's page. Welcome to natsuki's cool page!
    (natsuki, actress, japan, actor, audition, deviw, entertainment, singer, VoiceActor)

  • CyberDreamStation (Tokyo) -(1998)
    CyberDreamStation InternetRadioStation
    (Radio, Audition, Japanese)

  • AICHI VOICE (Aichi) -(1998)
    Aichi Voice aims introdue Aichi Prefecture,Japan and its people with photos and articles.Aichi has a rich cultural tradition fostered through the centuries.In the year 2005, Aichi will host the first World Exposition of the 21st century.
    (Aichi, Voice, Nagoya, Japan, history, culture, tradition, technology, World, Exposition)

  • Dr.eye -(1998)
    Dr. eye is new English-Japanese/Japanese-English bilingual translation software . It translates it instantaneously just moving a mouse cursor in an optional place.
    (Dr.eye, bilingual, dictionary, internet, translation, english-japanese, japanese-english, speech, schedule)

  • Setsuko Uzuki Voice Training (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Tokyo, Japan.
    (vocal, training, chorus, vocalist, band, recording, stage, karaoke)

  • Esashi Oiwake for RealAudio Version (Hokkaido) -(1997)
    Esashi Oiwake,it's a very famous Japanese folk song. It has been supported by many people. Esashi Oiwake National Contest has been hold in Esasi town. We present you Esashi Oiwake and it's history.
    (RealAudio, Esashi, oiwake, Japanese, song)

  • World Wide Whoopee! Web (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Japanimation-ThemeSongs & Japanise Voice-Acters Songs arrangement Do-jin Cercle Whoopee!records's Official HomePage. You Can Risten To Our Music Pices By QuickTime. SORRY! This HomePage Text Is JAPANESE ONLY.
    (midi, animation song, whoopee, megu amix, voice actor, quicktime, japanimation, cd, comicmarket)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan