Advanced Stream (Aichi) -(2001) It is the company guidance page that the project, development (Development of trust is contained.), sales, data preparation of the geography information system GIS is done. (MapInfo, GIS, SIS, Advanced, Stream, MapBasic, UNIX, JAVA, LINUX, delphi)
Room of music material^^ (Tokyo) -(2000) A useful page for you like JAVAPIANO music free material, the love lecture, and PC question a box, etc. is a lot of pilings. It is a site which can be enjoyed in the sight where HP latest technology like Flash and the effect etc. of Dynamic HTML was made good use of. (HP, WavRing, Free, material, Personal, computer, question, box, chat, bulletin)
M-world (Kanagawa) -(1998) In mworld, we have introduced our products (Project Manager, M1, Business Scheduler, R1, Contact Manager, X1) and also the solutions our group offers. We hope we will be able to make this site informative and interesting, and welcome your comments and suggestions. (M1, R1, ProjectManager, ContactManager, BusinessScheduler, Java)