Lecture of Homepage building (Tokyo) - This course provide you the skill of creating Homepage from the beginner to the experts. The best point of this course is that you can ask questions via email. (HomePage, HTML, JavaScript)
noapc (Shizuoka) -(2002) The method for creating & exhibiting a homepage for nothing for those who are called ! which will make a homepage for the first time is introduced. Since power is put in and explained to especially HTML and a style sheet, please make it reference by all means!! japan (html, stylesheet, java, ftp, windows, os, hp, text, ie, cascade)
BERRYESSAY (Aichi) -(2002) It is a template about the tag of HTML and a style sheet, and is Now Showing. There is also an essay chat of a janitor's diary or real intention. (css, icon, java, chat, tag, diary, essay, scroll)
FAINALZONE (Kanagawa) -(2002) FINALZONE is a dynamic new-media design agency specializing in visual communications. Armed with fresh ideas and cutting edge technologies, our goal is to push the standards of web development by creating intelligent and engaging new-media projects that enhance communications. (FLASH, Macromedia, adobe, e-commerce, design, broadband, java, XML, HTML)
C-KENS's Easy Steps for Making HomePage (Osaka) -(2000) Title: C-KENS's Easy Steps for Making HomePage ---This page covers whole range of techniques and skills of making webpages by using HTML tags. A lot of PC images and associated explanations are included, so that those are very easy to understand for everyone especially for beginners. Downloading are available. Unfortunately, at present time written in Japanese only. (HTML, JavaScript, tag, Java, ActiveX, editor, applet, W3C, LHA, MP3)
Euphoric Sight (Hyogo) -(1998) [ ExpeRimentaL hacKin' PhreAkin' cRack and No StaR ] Webmaster:Cordu-Roy(UGTOP) Artistic Web Design and Hacking Tech Internet Explorer 4.x or later Recommended (DHTML, JAVA, CGI, Hack, Crack, Proxy, CG, Art, Design)
CanDraw Draw type home page making tool (Aichi) -(1998) New concept home page making tool was announced. This tool is easy use like a draw type editor. It handle a vector data as a figure data not a image data. Then it will be very compact data size. We introduce this tool at our home page. Price is 7800 Japanese yen. (computer, software, java, candraw, homepage, internet, intranet, tool)
Web Laboratory (Aichi) -(1997) In this page, Info-Japan shows basic and new technolody of web. You can learn about how to make the home page. But Japanese only. Sorry. (RealVideo, Flash2, plugin, download, RealAudio, Shockwave)