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{Java} + {XML}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2

  • Www INtegrated Guide on Server-architecture (Tokyo) -
    We introduce Www INtegrated Guide on Server-architecture. books, magazine, ON-line article about JSP/Servlet, PHP, ASP.NET, and so on. BBS, FAQ, sample download, Rental Server, Related Site etc.
    (JSP, ASP.NET, PHP, VBScript, XML, JavaScript, Java, CGI)

  • fattyuuroom javasampleprogram (Aichi) -
    JAVA sample program. Bulletin board use, such as a FTP server, DB, and serve let. Sample program description. Under renewal of an OOKUWAGATA diary. The recommended restaurant when being troubled. The restaurant which a couple recommends.
    (java, program, sample, servlet, JSP, DB, XML, EJB)

  • EW Settlement System <Mam's Tools> (Saitama) -
    You can use electronic settlement system <Mam's Tools>
    (Laputa, Mam'sTools, ElectronicSettlement, ElectronicCommerce, ElectronicWallet, ew, ec, java, xml)

  • XML First Step (Osaka) -
    xml & xsl & dom & sax guide for beginner!!
    (xml, XQuery, xsl, PHP, javascript, DOM, PHPDOM, soap, pxbase, sax)

  • Diannao Zajituan (Saitama) -
    We provide English-Japanese translation and Web programming services.
    (translation, XML, Servlet, Oracle, PostgreSQL, PHP, Java, JavaScript)

  • OPRO JAPAN.,CO.LTD (Tokyo) -
    The newest product in our range, the OPRO X Server will significantly change your perspective of data reporting. Built for accessing multiple databases, the OXS is a comprehensive business solution for extracting and presenting data.
    (PDF, XML, Java, DB, Oracle, WEB, Document, Server, OnDimand, e-Japan)

  • kenji k homePage Java Freeware (Ishikawa) -
    java homepage.
    (java, struts, xml, sound, midi, jaxp)

  • Homepage Lessons (Osaka) -
    This site is prototypes to make homepage. If you need these pages ,you may use many codes.
    (homepage, purograming, Linux, javascript, vbscript, xml)

  • ITS inc. [ ITsMSP ] (Osaka) -
    ITS inc.'s ITsMSP, Will Be Make Special Chance To All Japanese Companys!!! May Be not Only Japan!!
    (IT, ASP, iDC, DWH, ITS, MSP, eMP, SSP, Java, XML)

  • UNKOWNED VIMIST (Kanagawa) -
    Use VIM Editer for JAVA Programming. Information for VIM.
    (VIM, JAVA, Script, Developer, Soft, Pure, Open, Source, Free, XML)

  • EW Settlement System <Mam's Tools> (Saitama) -
    You can use electronic settlement system <Mam's Tools>
    (Laputa, Mam'sTools, ElectronicSettlement, ElectronicCommerce, ElectronicWallet, ew, ec, java, xml)

  • IT Solutions Group Head Company (Osaka) -(2002)
    IT Solutions Group Layerlogic inc.'s ITsMSP, Will Be Make Special Chance To All Japanese Companys!!! May Be not Only Japan!!
    (ITs, MSP, iDC, ASP, eMP, SSP, CRM, BtoB, Java, XML)

  • Linux Academy (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Training Center for Linux, Java & XML engineer.
    (Linux, Java, XML, school, training, center, institute, technology, information, programmer)

  • ardito (Tokyo) -(2002)
    ardito business employment
    (ardito, java, xml, oracle, unix, c, c++, linux, windows)

  • ReportsStation (Kanagawa) -(2002)

  • X (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Let's gather using XML !
    (XML, Java, PostgreSQL, Relax, Relaxer, Servlet, JSP, Tomcat)

  • Mobile solution (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Jeecom turns its customers' data into business intelligence, delivering it to decision makers, no matter where they are.
    (Mobile, Workflow, Framework, SME)

  • FAINALZONE (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    FINALZONE is a dynamic new-media design agency specializing in visual communications. Armed with fresh ideas and cutting edge technologies, our goal is to push the standards of web development by creating intelligent and engaging new-media projects that enhance communications.
    (FLASH, Macromedia, adobe, e-commerce, design, broadband, java, XML, HTML)

  • TeRoom Home Page (Hyogo) -(2001)
    (JavaScript, XML, frash, CGI, DynamicHTML, HomePage, Home, Page)

  • OPRO AdPrint CRM System (Tokyo) -(2001)
    OPRO AdPrint CRM System
    (FAX, DM, PDF, Ad, XML, JAVA, DB, CRM, direct, mail)

  • (Shizuoka) -(2001)

  • Good job about various computer systems (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Good job site for computer engineer
    (SE, PG, Java, XML, IT)

  • Arrow Consulting & Internet Services (Chiba) -(2001)
    this site is server rental service
    (java, php, ruby, xml, xsl, server, rent, net, com, jp)

  • Triumph-corp. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (java, c++, xml, c, unix, linux, visualbasic, delphi, cobol, asp)

  • YEST2000 (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    YEST2000 HomePage
    (WebParade, java, servlet, jsp, xml, xerces, postgresql, apache, tomcat, cocoon)

  • Prod Corporation WEB Site (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Plan construction management of mobile one of wide / broadcloth band time and the Internet business is carried out by the WIN/WIN model.
    (TCP/IP, JAVA, XML, W-CDMA, CDMA2000, IMT2000, C/C++, FOMA, mobile, IPv6)

  • Imobile K.K. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    iMobile is a Solution Provider Company which supports next-generation communication sysytem used for business.
    (Mobile, MobileStarterKit, Internet, IMT2000, JAVA, 3G, i-mode, FOMA, XML, imobile)

  • D-ROOT (Tokyo) -(2001)
    D-ROOT HomePage
    (D-ROOT, Lets, Java, xml, linux, HTML)

  • Spiral Knowledge Station (Osaka) -(2001)
    Knowlege Management Service
    (Linux, Java, XML, Free, Knowledge, Management, Agent, Mobile, Palm, Net)

  • adhocrat (Tokyo) -(2001)
    ADHOCRAT's HomePage,Software & Out-sourcing.
    (SECS, XML, VRML, Java, out-sourcing, PC-assembly, Linux, PowerPoint)

  • evalley Inc. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    eValley Inc.
    (Java, Servlet, EJB, JSP, Keitai, Catalog, MIDlet, XML, DB)

  • UL Systems,Inc. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    UL Systems Home Page

  • MBA Digital School (Tokyo) -(2000)
    MBA Digital School
    (flash, xml, shade, lightwave, Photoshop, school, 2d, 3dcg, java, mba)

  • Smalltalk of Object (Chiba) -(2000)
    Object oriented reference
    (Object, Smalltalk, JavaScript, CORBA, Java, UML, XML, EJB)

  • KEI Corporation (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Kei Corporation's Web page.
    (KEI, Java, XML, Web, MVC, MVC)

  • ADOS,@dos (Hokkaido) -(2000)
    We development XML core engine and we development Gorupware also we have plans to Online network game.
    (ADOS, @dos, XML, Java, online, game, gorupware, Software)

  • (Osaka) -(2000)
    very low cost client server solution in japan.cti,mobile,pure java,xml
    (PureJava, VB, VC, IT, Japan, China, ISO, NewProduct, Microsoft)

  • Homepage Build guide,Java Applet,DHTML,JavaScript (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Homepage build guide,DHTML,Java Download:Applet,JavaScript,MP3,Webradio,Jazz,Worldmusic,Onlinesoft
    (FrontPageExpress, JavaApplet, JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, Wordpad, Microsoft, Linux, MP3, XML)

  • java-station (Kyoto) -(2000)
    this page is about for Java!
    (JDBC, Servlet, Oracle, UML, XML)

  • The Computer Today Web Pages (Tokyo) -(1998)
    The Computer Today Web Pages introduce a bi-monthly Japanese paper magazine published by Saiensu-sha, titled Computer Today that features computer science and its relationship with the human. The web pages also include columns, sample article pages, and outside stories of interviews and featured articles, as well as useful information for students, researchers, analysts, teachers, developers and anyone interested in cutting edge computer science that renowned front line academic researchers introduce.
    (Cryptography, Algorithm, Neuro, Sense, ComplexSystems, Brain, Java, XML, SGML)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan