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{life} + {mind}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Alien Mind Alien Mind (Yamanashi) - Website by a Japanese freelance writer/translator who has Asperger's syndrome, high-function autism. (asperger, japanese , bilingual , autism , high , function , mind , alien , english )
A patient,dont fight cancer for happiness. A patient,dont fight cancer for happiness. (Hyogo) - A patient,dont fight cancer for happiness.Have a true understanding for cancer. (cancer , health , fitness , radiation , medical , sickness , illness , resonance , alternative , mind )
MIND RESORT MIND RESORT (Tokyo) - The life in character with oneself. A free life style is aided. (life , mind , resort , free , style )
Kuxen's Home Page Very cute! Kuxen's Home Page Very cute! (Osaka) - Japan (LOVE , LIFE , MOTHER , FOTHER, BROTHER , OTHERS, ABOUT)
suffering's HomePage suffering's HomePage (Tokyo) - tokyo,japan (words , suffering , heart , mind , life )
eco-mind eco-mind (Fukuoka) - eco (eco )
Mental Helth Conference Room by Inotama Mental Helth Conference Room by Inotama (Tokyo) - Total nformation of mental helth.
Ohashi's HomePage Ohashi's HomePage (Osaka) - Osaka.Japan
Koutan's Diary Koutan's Diary (Nagano) - Koutan's Diary (Diary , mind , Japanese , oneself , life , lifestyle , memory )
The page of L.H.P. The page of L.H.P. (Nara) - I think about why we are born,and alive.I know there is no answer.But just thinking about it tell me something important on our life. (Sing , L.H.P., Life , destiny , love , heart , fortune , vocal , alive , people )
*YOU's Home* *YOU's Home* (Tokyo) - Tolking to Myself(YOU). Trying to write what I "feel". YOU AIKAWA's daily feeling. I feel, and I write, and you might feel something new through the girl's live feeling. (thinking , feeling , words , tolk, colum, essay , diary , daily , live , mind , kindly , grief , myself , sympathy , awkward , candid, girl , YOU, pink )
Enjoy Country Life by myself Enjoy Country Life by myself (Aomori) - I want to be a country boy. I want to live in a counry field with natural foods and water. Because, I want to be health forever. (country , village , life , food , health , joy , mind , worm , heart , edit )
utopia suginaminokai utopia suginaminokai (Tokyo) - Utopia suginami's HomePage Nomita (UtopiaSuginami, Suginaminokai, nomita)
Counselingroom, DontokoiSoudansitu, heartoasis bodyoasis. Counselingroom, DontokoiSoudansitu, heartoasis bodyoasis. (Tokyo) - Counselingroom, DontokoiSoudansitu. Could you please tell what your feeling? I believe my words are adequate to convey my feelings. (heart , body , love , feeling , thoughtful , life , oasis , counseling , consult , healing )
echigoya echigoya (Tokyo) - Japanese Online drugstore (Rogaine , minoxidil , FUSAFUSA, regaine , Headway , Propecia , Proscar , finasteride , riup , baldness , lose hair, ikumouzai, alopecia, hair , increase , usuge, drug , shampoo , Diflucan , viagra , cialis, celebrex , z-max, sale , drugstore, personal import , Gleevec, Glivec, Xenical , meridia , Reductil, Obestat, fasten, diet , diet system 6, drug , gennryou, HOLLYWOOD 48HOUR MIRACLE DIET, EMS , Hypericum perforatum, Urtica dioica, Unicaria tomentosa, Agaricus , Royal Agaricus, Echinacea angustifolia, Caterpillar Fungus or Cordyceps, Mazindol, imbecility , drug , renova , Kinerase , wrinkle , Preven , pill , ex-lax, drug , rejuvenal, Zoloft , Prozac , zoloft , Provigil, MODAFINIL, inderal, zyban , no smoking, drug , drug , anadrol, mindscape, drug , herbalv, Ephedra, imitrex, headache , rheumatism , arthritis , drug , organic ecstacy, yohinbe, candida, drug , kouetsugan, e-LONG-ate, satibo)
lifesupport lifesupport (Okinawa) - Life Support Office. We Produce your health and happiness from healing island. (Healing , Okinawa , Life , Support , Food , Island , health , Happiness , sea )
The way of living as ITSUKI The way of living as ITSUKI (Kyoto) - Saying life and death,love,friendship with poem and novels. (Holy , Dark , Human , Live , Life , poem , novel )
iyasinoyado iyasinoyado (Tokushima) - helth (helth)
Welcome to John N. Matsumoto's homepage Welcome to John N. Matsumoto's homepage (Hyogo) - Homepage for spiritual care, pastoral care, terminal care, thinking of life and death, education of life and death, and so on. (life , death , pastoral , spiritual , terminal , care , patient , family )
kokoronokyuukeijyo kokoronokyuukeijyo (Aichi) - kibunntennkannsimasennka (deai)
MindTrips MindTrips (Osaka) - MindTrips (MindTrips)
room only suikinkutsu room only suikinkutsu (Shimane) - Suikinkutsu Home Page (prenatal, gift , lounge , alpha , achievements , slow , thinking , rilaxing, idea , mind )
It Will Be Fine Tomorrow It Will Be Fine Tomorrow (Ehime) - Kokoro Yumeki's Poems page with photographs of dogs and flowers etc. (healing , poem , photo , dog , flower , link , life , love , lonliness, heart )
It becomes your ally! It becomes your ally! (Tokyo) - This homepage hears consultation of the heart, various grumbles, the trouble to a result not coming out, etc. by mail, aligns your feeling, and calms down a feeling, and it is being cared for the heart. (Trouble , Consultation , Ally , Grumble , Care , Heart , Love , Life , Sex )
Food and Life Style for Kids Food and Life Style for Kids (Nara) - Food and Life Styke for Kids (kid , lifestyle , food , education , future , probrem, child , slow , institute , bread )
suteki simple sweet suteki simple sweet (Shizuoka) - simple sweet life (simplelife, Healing , health , Love , partner , spritual, mind , peace , sweet , home)
Jonathan's LifePhilosophy Website Jonathan's LifePhilosophy Website (Hyogo) - philosophy,literature,menntal... (SGI,Sokagakkai,Lifephilosophy.mental)
Hanno Baptist Church Hanno Baptist Church (Saitama) - There are lot of wonderful messages for your spirit. (Christ , church , Baptisut, Hannou , spirit , religion , healing , stress , life )
kono,shiori kono,shiori - eating disorder (eating , disorder )
ukishima ukishima (Shizuoka) - Tenrikyo ukishima bunkyoukai's HomePage (Tenrikyo , religion , Almighty , Deity, god , heal , cure )
kokoronokyuukeijyo kokoronokyuukeijyo (Gifu) - jisatuwokanngaeruhodoboroboninattesimattaanatahe (jisatu, ijime)
Broken pieces of Heart Broken pieces of Heart (Tokyo) - Rinko's HomePage (Poem , Photo , Love , Life , Broken , pieces , Heart )
Kanan's HomePage Kanan's HomePage (Osaka) - Sakai,Osaka,Japan. (book , review , life , mind , spirit , memory , hirota , kanan )
Kanan Hirota's Home Page Kanan Hirota's Home Page (Osaka) - Sakai,Osaka,Japan. (psychology , brain )
LIFE AND WAY LIFE AND WAY (Osaka) - Let's enjoy life. (LIFE )
Welcome to mind market Welcome to mind market (Fukui) -(2002) MIND MARKET's HomePage
Heartstrings Heartstrings (Saitama) -(2002) scenario site heartstrings (heart , heartstrings, pediatrics , scenario , life , hospital )
Life is Beautiful Life is Beautiful (Chiba) -(2002) kurun's HomePage Live on a happy life!
Life Word Life Word (Kanagawa) -(2002) health (health , ICU )
SEXCOM SEXCOM (Tokyo) -(2002) Welcome to the SEXCOM web site about SEX & LOVE & LIFE style. (sex , std , contraceptive , style , posture , questionnaire , chat , bbs , guestbook , magazin, consultation , information , love , community , couple , friend , human , relations , marrige, divorce , child , adult , condom , illust , education , life , communication , drive , sexual , morality , desire , hormone , spirit , mental , health , womens, medical , mind , heart , entertainment , pill , design , gene , virtual , goods , art , kantou , touhoku , chubu , hokuriku , koushinetsu , kansai , chugoku , shikoku , kyushu , hokkaido , okinawa )
testament testament (Fukuoka) -(2002) testament (life , heart , death , flower , psychology , mental , season , fate , music , testament )
training csnter life academy training csnter life academy (Okinawa) -(2002) A brain is built up! The method.creative power.Which reads a book (Development , of, the, brain , power )
Tamao's HomePage Tamao's HomePage (Fukuoka) -(2002) Fukuoka (Action , Heart , freeswimming, balloon , Dear , thanks , word , Life , sozai)
minor change minor change (Tokyo) -(2002) This is Yui Aoi's HP. Following my heart, I write, I sing, and I draw. All my real heart is in here. (love , life , peace , poem , diary , free web material )
Mylifetrack and Lovetrack Mylifetrack and Lovetrack -(2002) The programs are designed to help you experience "breakthrough intimacy" with your partner, in order to enhance your sense of self and achievement, according to the principles presented in the book; "Breakthrough Intimacy - Tracking Life's Quanta", by Dr. Yukio Ishizuka. (mylifetrack, love , depression , well-being, breakthrough , intimacy , health , therapy , life-track)
Lune's office from tokyo Lune's office from tokyo (Tokyo) -(2002) Lune's page (consultation , counseling , counselor , heart , life )
despair of life despair of life (Hiroshima) -(2001) Mii's HomePage (boderline)
Starmines Starmines (Hokkaido) -(2001) Starmines (car )
Money Planning for Good Life Money Planning for Good Life (Saitama) -(2001) Money Planning for Good Life (financialplanner , lifeplan, money , simulation , Q&A , housing , education , CFP )
A.Satoshi's Web page A.Satoshi's Web page (Tokyo) -(2001) Tokyo Japan(Nippon) (depression , mentalhealth , mind , mentaldisease, protectionoflivelihood, medicine )
Gift of word Gift of word (Toyama) -(2001) Giving of word fo you with love.Content word of the truth word of happiness word of affection by Itusei Ohsima (word , language , poem , truth , love , happiness , affection , life , human , suffering )
Ray*Avatar Center Ray*Avatar Center (Osaka) -(2001) Ray* Avatar Center (mind , avatar , course , wokshop, seminer, spiritual , spirit , magic , miracle )
holistic chi-kung network holistic chi-kung network (Osaka) -(2001) holistic chi-cung network web cite. (chi-kung, qi-gong, health , NGO , environment , body , mind , spirit , nature , life )
In the Eternal Wind In the Eternal Wind (Hokkaido) -(2001) poem HP. In my image,in a life,I feel and think many about human.I write them as poems. (poem , eternal , wind , human , heart , japanese , think , wolf , life )
Be A Prety Woman! Be A Prety Woman! (Okayama) -(2001) Be A Prety Woman! (diet , shape , make , woman , wife , beauty , body , heart , girl )
Ozawa`s HomePage Ozawa`s HomePage (Kanagawa) -(2001) Fujisawa,kanagawa,japan (psychoses, n-studennt, medical , nursing , education , welfere, health , counseling )
kouunsya kouunsya (Tokyo) -(2001) kouunsya (live )
chai&CD&goods chai&CD&goods (Tokyo) -(2001) healing CD and chai and fun goods (nepal , indragurung, tea , healing , cd , chai , soy , fashion , food , life )
This program is comming from Japan This program is comming from Japan (Kanagawa) -(2001) The recommended information will be shown on pages. (natural , food , life , record , bit , link , banner )
You can link now You can link now (Kanagawa) -(2001) you should made link free with our pages. (heart , mental , body , mind )
internet radio internet radio (Tokyo) -(2001) Internet radio (web , radio , life , interview , japanese )
Moto Moto -(2001) Moto's Homepage (Lifelong , education , Live , in, USA , America , English , VISA , Green , card )
Ecological Mind Ecological Mind (Chiba) -(2001) ecology life (ecology )
snowman'spoket snowman'spoket (Chiba) -(2001) snowman'spoket (japan , snowman , family , winter , heart , life )
I-Mode I-Size I-Message I-Mode I-Size I-Message (Tokyo) -(2001) Who does my life exist for? Who do I exist for? And what is myself? (self , happiness , life , tender , mental , soul , heart , Pam , neurosis , AC )
school counseling school counseling (Tokyo) -(2001) yamamoto yuuki's home page. this page is school counseling. (school , counseling )
Self Space Self Space (Hyogo) -(2001) Think yourself and your way to commyunicate (self , mind , love , life , communication , partner )
Kiyoka's Relaxation room [Breath] Kiyoka's Relaxation room [Breath] (Tokyo) -(2000) Kiyoka's Relaxation room [Breath] (Relaxation , Poem , Photograph , Pet , Body , Aromatherapy , Dance , Stress , Life , Exercise )
The Song of the Nature The Song of the Nature (Hyogo) -(2000) Ast-y's Home Page (illustration , art , nature , heart , environment , protection , story , forest , life , tenderness )
The poems of life and education The poems of life and education (Shizuoka) -(2000) the poems of life and education (POEM , life , education )
Consciousness Learning Consciousness Learning (Gunma) -(2000) explotation of telepathy (happiness , lifestyle , consciousness&mind, consciousness learning, EMC , counselor , spirit , life )
TanakaYoshi TanakaYoshi (Aichi) -(2000) Welcome to the home page of takaka-yoshi.co! (TanakaYoshi, cotton , cloth , FigaroTanaka, life , article , music , song , clothing , shopping )
money management for your life money management for your life (Saitama) -(2000) money management for your life (money , finance , life , loan , FP)
page of self actualization page of self actualization (Tochigi) -(2000) This is a Home Page by Yoshihiko Kunishi who is a pioneer of Humanistic Psychology in Japan.He is also an asssociates of F.G.Goble,a succesor of Dr.A.H.Maslow. Kunishi is also an author of a lot of books for the business executives,studenst on the counceling and the problems of spiritual dimension. (seif, actualization )
japan.umebosi.love. japan.umebosi.love. (Wakayama) -(2000) sasaki,umeboshi.HomePage (umeboshi , wakayama , love , mind , life , one , moon , macky , present , world )
Yosi&Reiko's HomePage Yosi&Reiko's HomePage (Iwate) -(2000) Morioka,Iwate,Japan
NonohanaZizou NonohanaZizou (Fukuoka) -(2000) ecolife`s HomePage (cute , ecolife, flower )
Kaiga no Hiroba Kaiga no Hiroba (Tokyo) -(2000) satori... (Heart , ZEN , KOKORO)
kaiga no hiroba kaiga no hiroba (Tokyo) -(2000) sounen,kokoro (ZEN , HEART , ETERNAL , ETERNITY , everlasting)
In order to succeed our life In order to succeed our life (Kyoto) -(2000) Someone seems to be generous.And everyone respect to him.Conseqently he is always successful. (life , success , mind , generosity, depth )
Yosi&Re's HomePage Yosi&Re's HomePage (Iwate) -(2000) Morioka,Iwate,Japan
MINDOM MINDOM (Tokyo) -(1998) MINDOM is to get the philosophical words for better life. (Mindom, philosophy , Thought , Words , Mind , Life )
Hiroki's feeling Illusts Page Hiroki's feeling Illusts Page (Saitama) -(1998) What are you feeling now? Showing my feeling illusts. What are your heart feeling now? What are your body feeling now? Focusing into your deep feelings. How to draw feeling illusts. How to touch your inside feelings. (life , hurt , therapy , mind , body , abstraction , psychology , thought , death )
ZENNET ZENNET (Aichi) -(1997) Do you know yourself ? It is so important thing to live a life. (life , oneself , zennet, zen , mind )
Home Page Of heart and mind Home Page Of heart and mind (Aichi) -(1997) This is the home page of heart and mind about a great anxiety. (heart , mind , anxiety , life , consultant )
Home Page Of Mind Home Page Of Mind (Aichi) -(1996) We intend to think over the matter in our human life especially on the point of a mind for ourselves. the matter in our human life especially on the point of a mind for ourselves. We are looking forward to your feeling free to drop in anytime. (life , religion )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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