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{lyric, lyrics, lyricism, lyrical} + {poem, poetic}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={lyric, lyrics, lyricism, lyrical}
@2={poem, poetic}

  • Morisa speaks. (Fukuoka) -
    Romanization of spoken Japanese. Selections of short verses in Romanized Japanese.
    (poem, verse, lyric, poetry, poet, word, iso3602, romanization, japanese, kunrei)

  • poemboxman (Hokkaido) -
    This earth has three world. the first is my world ,second is other world ,and this world welcome to my world!
    (poem, lyrics, nobel, movie, koboabe, horserace, rock, drug, kenzaburooe, thedoors)

  • boxman_diary (Hokkaido) -
    This earth has three world. the first is my world ,second is other world ,and this world welcome to my world!
    (poem, lyrics, movie, rock, horserace, music, spilitual, drug)

  • Life go SIMPLY (Saitama) -
    Life go simply! In this page,I exhibit lyric,photo and essay.
    (lyric, photo, essay, life, simply, simple)

  • KATZENLABOR. (Tokyo) -
    Love,Science and Strangeness
    (illustration, love, science, strangeness, poem, lyric, juvenile, music, handmade, electronic)

  • self starter (Aichi) -
    This page is all music site!Another, dogs and diarys, miner band infomation, original words of songs pages!
    (music, lyric, original, band, dog, diary, poem, Hi-standard, thebluehearts, thehighlows)

  • THE BEGINNER!-learning Java (Aichi) -
    Sugizou's Home Page.I am learning Java(not JavaScript!),and this site is for people who are about to learn Java! And,the photographs of dogs make you relaxed. My diary is popular among my friends.Please visit my Home Page!!
    (Java, chat, poem, lyric, diary, dogs, saying, LUNASEA, game, photo)

  • Junji Omata official website (Kanagawa) -
    Singer-songwriter Junji Omata's Homepage Pop & melodious world
    (singer-songwriter, pop, indies, musician, song, lyric, artist, writer)

  • SPLENDID DRUG (Hokkaido) -
    Their own poetry and their own MIDI are exhibited. In addition, this homepage is written only in Japanese.
    (splendid, drug, rock, artist, music, poetry, lyric)

  • Morisa speaks. (Fukuoka) -
    Romanization of spoken Japanese. Selections of short verses in Romanized Japanese written by Morisa.
    (poem, verse, lyric, poetry, poet, word, iso3602, romanization, japanese, kunrei)

  • (Shiga) -
    SAKI Private Site
    (eassy, lyrics, dialy, music, internet, text, saki, html, computer, comic)

  • ebisu YA cafe - indie's label - Records (Tokyo) -
    This is a Japanese musician Naoya Chikahiro's web site - Lyrics,Music,Japanese Label,Column and so on.Come and visit to my site!
    (Musician, Lyrics, Naoya, Chikahiro, Tokyo, indie's, Column, Album, Label, ebisuYAcafe)

  • Dear My Friend (Tokyo) -(2002)
    monologues as poetry or essay, described in my daily life;
    (poem, poetry, lyrics, monologues, life, spirit, power, exhausted, existence, cheer)

  • iris_hyper_lab (Kyoto) -(2002)
    rylics ;digital expression to study words and perception
    (lyrics, experiment, dream, perception, digital/, poetry, cosmos, karma, optical, illusion)

  • orange crayon (Tokyo) -(2002)
    write words
    (lyricist, lyrics, music, poem, word, orange, diary, experience, image, thought)

  • Optical Soliton (Chiba) -(2002)
    The word lay thick on the room. Poet ZALI's official site.
    (poet, word, soliton, optical, soho, essay, column, songwriter, lyrics, poem)

  • Lyrics Site (Nagano) -(2002)
    Doesn't it express having considered or its having experienced at the view of the world of its lyrics? Let's carry lyrics which you yourself made to this page, and throw our thought! Since the janitor itself is a beginner, a beginner's man can also do in comfort
    (Lyrics, music, biginer)

  • Hazuki's Bird's Blue (Osaka) -(2002)
    80's music and a trip to England and overseas drama and an accent of mikawa(toyohashi)
    (music, England, trip, Hartley, drama, mikawa, toyohashi, lyric, guitar)

  • kotani mayumi (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Lyrics singer
    (Lyrics, singer, poe, mayumi)

  • Frederic Beethoven Official Homepage (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Tadashi's Home Page
    (FREDERIC, BEETHOVEN, music, create, song, lyric, world, poem, artist)

  • Chez Josette (Tokyo) -(2001)
    This is Yuki's HP!!! I got some lyrics(oroginal), BBS, Diary... and stuffs!! People from all over the world, come drop in!!!(^0^)/ (I can speak Eng. dayo!)
    (Lyrics, Diary, Highschooler, ISKL, New-Caledonia, Malaysia, Virgile, Josette, Essay)

  • Suzuri's Home Page (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Kypto, Japan.
    (hypatia, Kingsley, greek, Alexandria, grammar, lyric, translation, novel, classic, literature)

  • Miyagi's Homepage (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Kyoto, Japan.
    (Greek, lyric, translation, insect, butterfly, watching, plants, review, nature, Alexandria)

  • INQUBATE - for All Song Writers (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    INQUBATE - for All Song Writers
    (inqubate, lyrics, lyric, word, music, incubate, search, compose, sakushi, DragonGate)

  • utatane (Saitama) -(2001)
    The site of good-looking fantasy poet Yuka Itoh. It carries a full load of a visionary song and visionary poetry, and a pleasant fairy tale. Also listening a its own song can be tried at MP3 and Real Audio. it will become a feeling gentle to like the acquired seed.
    (music, poem, lyrics, mp3, BBS, idol, Sexty, pictures)

  • KD WATANABE Web Site (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    (FarEastNative, KDWATANABE, F.E.N., rock, photo, lyric, live, picture, kd, kdw)

  • Look in (Nara) -(2000)
    kizashi's web site.
    (lyric, poem, diary, idol)

  • THE BEGINNER!-learning Java (Aichi) -(2000)
    Sugizou's Home Page.I am learning Java(not JavaScript!),and this site is for people who are about to learn Java! And,the photographs of dogs make you relaxed. Please visit my Home Page!!
    (Java, chat, poem, lyric, FinalFantsy, dogs, Board, profile, game, photo)

  • WORP SITE (Tokyo) -(2000)
    WORP SITE mikaze's HomePage
    (mikazesugihara, mikaze, singer, song, lyrics, poem, word, portraits, diary)

  • Twincle Twincle 2002 (Hyogo) -(2000)
    This site is Japanese only... This site includes original novels, poem and lyric. Please come and enjoy it!
    (personal, lyric, poem, novel, original, teenager)

  • STATISTICS Official WEB Page (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    The Official WEB Page of the progressive hard rock band STATISTICS
    (rock, band, indies, heavy, metal, pops, music, song, lyric, art)

  • Last-Quarter (Osaka) -(2000)
    (lyric, moon, GAMBA, soccer, link, guestbook, chat, dictionary, yasu)

  • A garb of Mrs.Murasaki (Osaka) -(2000)
    Welcome to the world of true love and lyricism literature!A poem in praise of the Virgin Mother,Original poem,novells
    (love, lyricism, literature, poem, Virgin, Mother)

  • Rhythm&Rhyme (Hyogo) -(2000)
    This is ERY's personal HomePage.
    (poem, diary, lyric, picture, movie)

  • Kameill's Music Factory (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Kameill's HomePage
    (write, lyric, song, music, sing, poem)

  • Le chant du Cygne Noir -(2000)
    Le chant du Cygne means The song of Swan in french, and it means also the posthumous work of a great artist. You can see tears of Black Swan on this site as distressing and painful words. In addition, you will enjoy my fanny story that I experienced through my job as flight attendant!
    (chant, Cygne, Noir, song, poem, poetry, lyrics, music, flight, swan)

  • Crimson Road (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    This homepage is the official page of KARMA.
    (mp3, realaudio, bbs, lyrics, band, indies, diary, kyusyu)

  • Ore University (Chiba) -(2000)
    this site is consist of the things which I'm alwais thinking. Please come to my site!
    (diary, oreuniversity, poem, profile, column, MIDI, education, thinking, lyric)

  • good lyrics and guitar page (Osaka) -(2000)
    Haru's Home page

  • SecondaryPlace (Okayama) -(1999)
    Hiro's HomePage. Okayama,Okayama,Japan.
    (SecondaryPlace, lyrics)

  • POETIC LINKS (Osaka) -(1999)
    Great links of lovely poem sites.
    (poem, poems, poetic, lyric, poet, anthology, URL, link, hokuto, k-hokuto)

  • POETIC ILLUSION (Osaka) -(1999)
    Such a sweet & lovely poetical site. and great links.
    (poem, poems, poetic, lyric, lirical, anthology, poet, MYSHISHU, hokuto, k-hokuto)

  • NANIO PAGE (Ibaraki) -(1998)
    (NANIO, food, punk, club, night, rock, ARB, song, poem, lyric, chat, BBS, recipe, snack, menu, hungry, pop, music, drum, radio, fm, web, plan, writer)

  • (yes,it's workshop)word's works! (Toyama) -(1997)
    Here is my poetic project site.
    (lyrics, poem, word's_works)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan