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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{medicine, potion, medicinal, medically, medical, drug, clinical, chemicals} + {pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={medicine, potion, medicinal, medically, medical, drug, clinical, chemicals}
@2={pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical}


  • ishida pharmacy momupe-ji (Fukuoka) -
    drug caunnserer

  • CRS institute,Inc. (Hokkaido) -
    CRS Institute,Inc.
    (SMO, CRC, CRS, GCP, Hokkaido, Sapporo, Institute)

  • Daiichi Suntory pharma Group (Tokyo) -
    Daiichi Suntory pharma Group
    (Suntory, daiichipharm)

  • kaisei.Japan (Osaka) -

  • kaisei.Japan (Osaka) -

  • osaka,japan (Osaka) -

  • kaisei HomePage (Osaka) -

  • kaiseiHomePage (Osaka) -

  • kaiseiHomePage (Osaka) -

  • kaisei's HomePage (Osaka) -

  • kaiseiph's HomePage (Osaka) -

  • danseiyoutouzai (Osaka) -
    kaisei's HomePage

  • kaiseiph's HomePage (Osaka) -

  • RISU-SEMINAR (Tokyo) -

  • kazu's HomePage (Kanagawa) -

  • Petrochemicals in Japan and Asia (Tokyo) -
    Data base about petrochemicals and other industries.
    (petrochemical, pharmaceutical, pesticides)

  • Abnormal doctor's life (Tokyo) -
    Abnormal doctor's life
    (doctor, medicine, adult, life, nurse, hospital)

  • Petrochemicals in Japan and Asia (Tokyo) -
    Petrochemicals in Japan & Asia
    (petrochemical, industry, raw, materials, plastics, high-tech, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, polyethylene, polypropylene)

  • koa shoji (Kanagawa) -
    Import and sales of generic phermaceuticals exporting substitution of Japanese medicine. Introduction of technics and know-hows of new permaceuticals.
    (Pharmaceutical, Importlicense, GMPI, Generics, CPhI, Psychotropicagent, Antibiotic, DMF, DrugMasterFile, Import)

  • JCW-Online (Tokyo) -
    JCW-Online is the website for weekly English newspaper Japan Chemical Week offering the latest chemical and life science news in Japan and Asia on a weekly basis.
    (chemical, medical, pharmaceutical, environment, IT, science, petrochemical, R&D, news, industry)

    (Laboratory, Science, pharmacy, medicine, breeding, management, machine, animals, research)

  • chromatracer Al (Kanagawa) -
    (aluminum, Al, chromatracer, HPLC, chromatography, determination, LVP, SVP, TPN, FDA)

  • Sekino Clinical Pharmacology Clinic (Tokyo) -(2002)
    SCPC conducts to support development of the tailor-made therapy and the novel genome drugs by the establishment of DNA panel of healthy adult in the first phased clinical trials
    (SCPC, Pharmacogenomix, subject, MedicalVolunteer-panel, Ethical-guidelines, DNA-panel, Informed-consent, HuBit Genomix)

  • Sato-light's neo suikato (Osaka) -(2002)
    This product can be used in diuretic.
    (diuretic, suikato, watermelon, pharmaceutical)

  • nagase medicals co., ltd. (Hyogo) -(2002)
    We are implementing policies to further expand our contract manufacturing business, with a focus on liquid pharmaceuticals for injection.Our manufacturing department and formulation technologies department work together at all stages, from ingredients and composition examination and formulation design to application for approval, validation and the practical manufacturing process, allowing us to accurately meet a diverse range of contract manufacturing needs.
    (contract, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, injection, packaging, injectables, veterinary, gmp, ampoule, vial)

  • RIUP (Aichi) -(2002)

  • OpenPrism (Tokyo) -(2002)
    OpenPrism's Home Page
    (openprism, Nihon_Unisys, Pharmaceutical, sales&marketing, BackOffice, CRM, SFA, DataWareHouse, MR, JD-NET)

  • okada pharmacy (Shizuoka) -(2002)
    Institution standard pharmacy
    (The medicinal bath of Atami, Coupon, Medicine consultation room, Institution standard pharmacy, Atami-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture)

  • Work information portal site (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Work information portal site
    (job, work, business, career, ricruit, matching, secretary, clerk, international, hospital)

  • Immunopharmacology Meeting (Gifu) -(2002)
    This Website is a website of Japanese Forum of Immunopharmacology. Unfortunately, only Japanese is available now, but in the future, English should be the common language.
    (Immunopharmacology, Hiroichi, Nagai, Immunology, Allergoogy, Gifu, Pharmaceutical, University, Akihiko, Watanabe)

  • Meding (Tokushima) -(2002)
    ID Card
    (ID, CARD)

  • Okinawa local songs NAa,Kyoto,Japan (Kyoto) -(2001)
    We sing and act an Okinawan local songs. NAa.
    (Volunteer, Kyouto, Matsuda, Yoshitaka, Music, Yamanouchi)

  • excavation! dictionary of pharmaceutical (Tokyo) -(2001)
    information about medicine(with structural formula)
    (drug, medicine, medical, structural, interaction, side, effect, kinetics, mechanism)

  • okikusri (Nara) -(2001)
    nara,kusuri,rekisi nara,jyapan

  • medecine infomation (Tokyo) -(2001)
    medecine infomation
    (halcion, upjohn, enema, aids, glycerin, drugs, pharmacy, medecine, speed, ointment)

  • kusuri-chiaki (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    (WhiteLily, tsukui, shiroyama, chiaki)

  • SNP-Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism -(2001)
    The DNA sequence variation of human genome is called a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The SNP is important not only for the disease analysis, but also for the populatoin genetics and a pharmacogenomics.
    (SNP, single, nucleotide, polymorphism, DNA, medicine, pharmacogenomics, chromosome, human, disease)

  • Free Style's Home Page (Yamaguchi) -(2001)
    (volvo, pharmacy, windsurfing, mougle)

  • INCUBASE JAPAN (Tokyo) -(2001)
    We will be interface of the medical world and optimize each technology adoptable to various countries.
    (incubation, medicine, device, venture, technology, medical)

  • HOLOSRIN (Osaka) -(2001)
    HOLOSRIN a remedy for vesicular eczema
    (HOLOSRIN, eczema)

  • apartment house information near toyama mp univ (Toyama) -(2001)
    Apartment house information near Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University.
    (toyama, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Apartment, mansion, rental, student, lodgings, room information)

  • excavation! dictionary of pharmaceutical (Tokyo) -(2000)
    information about medicine(with structural formula)
    (drug, medicine, medical, structural, interaction, side, effect, kinetics, mechanism)

  • atol (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    drug information
    (atol, drug, fukuoka, portalsaite, delivery)

  • Diet treatment, Calorad AM and PM from (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Diet trement,
    (Calorad, AM, PM, Diet, taisho, taishou, taishoseiyaku,,, yaseru)

  • naturelmedicalnet (Tokyo) -(2000)

  • Drug is my life (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Life of pharmaceutical student etc.
    (drug, pharmacy, life, NGO, pospe, postpet, syouwa, HP)

  • Takiyama Hospital Pharmacy (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This page is a Takiyama Hospital Pharmacy Homepage!!

  • museum of materia medica tmpu japan (Toyama) -(2000)
    museum of materia medica ethmedmmm
    (ETHMEDmmm, museum, of, materia, medica)

  • welcome to taiyoudo pharmaceutical (Nara) -(2000)
    Taiyoudo Pharmaceutical co.,ltd
    (taiyoudo, taiyodo, drag, pharmaceutical)

  • exel import of rogain (Hyogo) -(2000)
    personal import of can get it for 2 weeks from America.
    (upjohn, reup, hair, exel, import, rogain, growth, America)

    (occupation, offer, employment, pharmacy, medicine, biotechnology, care, MR, medical, doctor)

  • First Department of Internal medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University (Toyama) -(2000)
    First Department of Internal medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
    (Toyama, Medical, Pharmaceutical, University, Internal, Medicine, Diabetes, Respiratory, Collagen, Rheumatism)

  • tanpopo pharmacy's homepage (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    tanpopo pharmacy's homepage
    (pharmacy, drug, riup, tanpopo)

  • Welcome to Umineko's Homepage (Mie) -(1998)
    Welcome to Umineko's Homepage!! Umineko is a translator expert in medicine and pharmaceuticals. Try request Umineko for translation!
    (translation, translator, medicine, pharmaceutical, pharmacy, biology)

  • MOTOSIMA PHARMACY (Kagoshima) -(1997)
    medicine and heart
    (medicine, heart)

  • JAM Post -(1997)
    Medical Manuscript Proofreading : JAM Post supports Japanese doctors by helping them publish their English documents with confidence. Medical News Delivery : Using "Agent" technology, JAM Post will deliver the latest updated news available on the Intenet. The information delivered will be customized by specialty and will be provided free of charge to those who apply.
    (manuscript proofreading, manuscript editing, English manuscript, Medical proofreader, Medical editor, Abstract, Clinical Reports, dentistry, pharmacy, Medical Writing)

  • Researching service for the supply source of Pharmaceutical raw materials, (Toyama) -(1997)
    A manufacturers of Pharmaceutical raw materials, Dosage forms and OTC drugs. Starting research service for the marketting, supply source of pharmaceutical raw materials, and its intermediates from Japan on the net. Having information interchangeable notice board, link list on the medical field. Introduction of new innovated bulk drug.
    (daito, pharmaceuticals, material, reference, search, market, survey, services, generic, bulk)

  • Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center(JAPIC) (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center(JAPIC) Home Page
    (drug, adverse effect, medicine, medical information, regulation, foundation, JAPIC, Japan Pharmaceutical)

  • Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University (Toyama) -(1996)

  • PDA International Congress & Exhibits Osaka '97 (Tokyo) -(1996)
    PDA is An International Association for Pharmaceutical Science & Technology which have about 7,000 members all over the world. The members are researching and developing GMP,Validation and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology. Many current topics will be dealt with PDA Osaka Congress '97.
    (GMP, VALIDATION, Pharmaceutical Science)

  • Pharma Information Network [PIN Japan] Home Page (Chicago, IL. USA) -(1996)
    Pharma Information Network [PIN] offers a new academic zone to medical and pharmaceutical specialists by providing medical WWW sites indices categorized by specialty.
    (information service, medical, pharmaceutical)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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