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{ocean, sea, maritime, marine} + {ship, boat}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
seafood restautants Shoutoku seafood restautants Shoutoku (Kanagawa) - Seafood Rawfishes (manaduru , shoutoku, umi, sea , ship , sasimi, susi )
Evinrude Evinrude (Kanagawa) - Evinrude (Evinrude, bombardier, brpj, seadoo, skidoo, directinjection, DI, E-TEC, dealer , marine )
boat licence school marine-mate boat licence school marine-mate (Miyazaki) - boat licence school (boat licence school, mennkyo kousin, boat licence, kaijidairisi, boat , boat , boat , boat )
sms sms (Oita) - Kituki,Oita,Japan (SMS)
Marine Engine ,Industrial Machinery,Trading,Generator/Japan Marine Engine ,Industrial Machinery,Trading,Generator/Japan (Osaka) - We have the stock which is used Marine engines,Generators and Industrial Machineries.Please inquire anything you want!! (Engine , Marine , Generator , Vessel , Yanmar, Niigata , Mitsubishi , isuzu , Trading , Used )
ABASHIRI HOKKAI HOTEL ABASHIRI HOKKAI HOTEL (Hokkaido) - hokkaido abashiri hotel (hotel , abashiri , okhotsk , hokkaido , Drifting , Ice , Boat , Ryu-hyo)
JetsteramBoatClub'sHomePage JetsteramBoatClub'sHomePage (Aichi) - aichi,japan
We support Japan self defence forces. We support Japan self defence forces. (Aichi) - We support Japan self defence forces. (Japan , self , defence , forces , blue , impulce, air , festa , recruit , airplain)
MAX's Album MAX's Album (Niigata) - MAX's Home Page (Photo , Snap , Germany , Travel , Bach , Vessel , Destroyer )
Tokuyama land-and-sea transportation incorporated company Tokuyama land-and-sea transportation incorporated company (Yamaguchi) - I provide a base with synthetic physical distribution service of harbor loading and unloading, marine and land transportation, a warehouse, an export-and-import vessel agency, etc. for the Tokuyama Kudamatsu harbor in Yamaguchi shuunan city
AsahiBoatLicenseSchool AsahiBoatLicenseSchool (Hyogo) - Asahi Boat License School (AsahiBoatLicenseSchool, BoatLicenseSchool, Boat , BoatSchooling)
Japan Dredging and Reclamation Engineering Association Japan Dredging and Reclamation Engineering Association (Tokyo) - Japan Dredging and Reclamation Engineering Association (Japan , Dredging , and, Reclamation , Engineering , Association )
marine-city marine-city (Kanagawa) - marine-city
Diving Shop Seasir's Uminchu Shop Diving Shop Seasir's Uminchu Shop (Okinawa) - Seasir is a largest diving shop in Okinawa. Now Seasir has open an on-line shop called Uminchu Shouten. Please visit our web site at http://www.rakuten.co.jp/seasir-umi/ (Diving , Scuba , Boat , Marine , House , Okinawa , Beach , Seasir, Surf , Snorkling)
kosutamarinclub kosutamarinclub (Kanagawa) - kosutamarinclub (kosutamarinclub)
NATSUMI diary NATSUMI diary (Kanagawa) - NATSUMI diary (NATSUMI , diary )
Used Jetski & ATV50 Shop in Japan Enosima, Chigasaki, Used Jetski & ATV50 Shop in Japan Enosima, Chigasaki, (Kanagawa) - Used Jetski & ATV50 Shop in Japan. We Are www.used-jet.com . Let's Enjoy PWC and GO Race! (jetski , IJSBA, pwc, usedboat, JJSF, japan , ATV50, kawasaki , kanagawa , chigasakicity)
concaved paddles and oars concaved paddles and oars (Osaka) - concaved paddles and oars (outdoors , paddling , canoeing , boating , kayaking , rafting , paddles, oars)
boatmenkyo boatmenkyo (Osaka) - Boat license school in KINKI area. (boat , license )
The Sea Fellows The Sea Fellows (Osaka) - Seamen's Homepage You can know a lot of things about sea and seaman. Pleas be experience like a Seaman in this sight. (seaman , sea , ship , captain )
MARINE ANTIQUE BLUEMARINE MARINE ANTIQUE BLUEMARINE (Kumamoto) - Marine Antique Goods (Marine , Antique , Goods )
florida-marin florida-marin (Hiroshima) - boat (boat )
O.K.E.SERVICE Co.,LTD. O.K.E.SERVICE Co.,LTD. (Kanagawa) - Description of our servicing equipments:STN ATLAS Germany,CONSILIUM(SELESMAR) Italy,NORCONTROL Norway,NIHON HAKUYO electronics,T.I.C CITIZEN,SSI U.S.A,SOFTEX Finland,WESMAR U.S.A,SAMARTEC Switzerland,NOVATEL Canada,C.M.C Canada. (Total , Navigation , System,Auto, Telephone , exchange,Telemeter,CONSILIUM,STN, ATLAS,Radar,Doppler, Speed , Log,AIS/VDR,Fire, Alarm,ECDIS)
Surf Side Jet Ski Surf Side Jet Ski (Yamaguchi) - It is a membership system marine sports club.A marine favorite man needs to come by all means. (Marinesports , yamaguchi , shimonoseki-shi)
grandblue marine club grandblue marine club (Okinawa) - diving service in naha for diver and snorkeler we're also teaching diving. our ship goes to kerama (diving , snorkel , sinior , brank, divingschool , ship , risence, okinawa )
hirocity hirocity (Hokkaido) - This page introduce my trip. (trip , travel , train , castle , food , swallows , ship , student , baseball , sightseeing )
hi-marine marine paint hi-marine marine paint (Kanagawa) - TO PREVENT BARNACLE,SHELL AND SEAWEED FROM HULL OF VESSELS (marine , paint )
Circle Club Foundation Circle Club Foundation (Tokyo) - Circle Club Foundation official HomePage. (children , gallery , sea , ecology , ship , island , welfare , handicapped , people , network )
seagardenhomepage seagardenhomepage (Okinawa) - diving
carnival-japan carnival-japan (Tokyo) - Let's enjoy exelent cruising. (CRUISE , CRUISING , CARNIVAL , SHIP , CARIBBEAN , AMPHITRYON, MAIMI, DISCOUNT )
Yamato Motor Co., Ltd. Yamato Motor Co., Ltd. (Gunma) - The racing boat & motor manufacturer (kyotei, boat , race , racing , propella, lifeboat, ganble, engine , motor , hydroplane)
CADETS' ROOM CADETS' ROOM (Osaka) - About maritime topics. (Cadet , Room , ship , ocean , marine , sea , shipping , univercity, navigation , vessel )
MORINOHANPUSENGUKOUGYOUJO MORINOHANPUSENGUKOUGYOUJO (Kanagawa) - Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa. the ship's-fittings processing industry centering on a rope. (Kanagawa , Yokohama , Rope , Ship , Ship's , fittings , Vessel , Maritime , Nippon , Flag )
IKEIbeach IKEIbeach (Okinawa) - Beach of Okinawa where the difference in ebb and flow isn't minded and it is enjoyable. The clean sea. Many fish. Rich marin sport. (beach , sea , okinawa , marinsport, jetski , glassboat, scubadiving , wakeboad, bananaboat, waterski)
HonmaMarineService HonmaMarineService (Niigata) - Sorry,Japanese only (GPS )
Sea Treks home Sea Treks home (Okayama) -(2002) We offer you fine sea kayaking tours & Fun campings . we can take you to anywhere Siwaku islands in Seto Inland Sea by our ayakker carrer boat.If you were keen on outdoor life in Inland Sea,please visit Sea Treks home page. (sea , trek , kayaking , tours , campings, bush , harvest )
Okinawa, Isigaki Is, D.S.Oshiro Okinawa, Isigaki Is, D.S.Oshiro (Okinawa) -(2002) D.S.OSHIRO HP (Okinawa , Ishigaki , Oshiro , Diving , Dive , Iriomote , Hateruma, Japan , Marin , Boat )
Ukishima shipyard' Home Page Nobeoka,Miyazaki,Japan. Ukishima shipyard' Home Page Nobeoka,Miyazaki,Japan. (Miyazaki) -(2002) Ukishima Shipyard' Home Page (ship , FRP , Ukishima , Boat )
Let's acquire the boat license! Let's acquire the boat license! (Shiga) -(2002) We am doing the student recruitment of the boat license classroom! (recruitment , marine , Marina , Captain , sea , ship , license , boat , acquire, lesson )
YAMAHA boat marine rental YAMAHA boat marine rental (Ishikawa) -(2002) kanazawa,isikawa.japan (boat , yamaha , rental , marine )
the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (Hyogo) -(2002) The programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (ship , marine , engineering , design , structural , consulting , naval-architect, structural-engineer, professional-engineer, PANASE)
Jet Sports Service Very Fast Jet Sports Service Very Fast (Yamaguchi) -(2002) Jet Sports Service Very Fast (jet , marine , yamaha , kawasaki , sports , jetski )
clubmtrs+ clubmtrs+ (Mie) -(2002) welcome!kboard search (k-board, kboard, cgi , zippo , photo , proxy , ring , search , marine , police )
tinian,marine,suport tinian,marine,suport (Saitama) -(2002) tinian,marine,suport (tinian, marine , suport)
CORAL DIVE BOAT CHARTER CORAL DIVE BOAT CHARTER -(2002) Boating service on tropical island of Guam. Provides fun diving, dolphin watching, various optional tours, anniversary parties, etc. on boat "ALIUS I" for maximum enjoyment on Guam. A charter is possible. (Guam , Boating Service, Charter , Diving , Dolphin watching, Anniversary , Cruising , Onboard, Party , Sea )
setonaikaikisen mobile setonaikaikisen mobile (Hiroshima) -(2002) port of hiroshima.timetable&reserve. (setonaikaikisen, ship , port , hiroshima , matsuyama , cruise )
kokusai boueki corporation kokusai boueki corporation (Hokkaido) -(2002) Trading and consultant of trading and investment (investemnt, trading , technical , seaurchin, crab , translate , interpretor, russia , seacucumber, octopus )
Tokyo University Of Mercantile Marine 50th HomePage Tokyo University Of Mercantile Marine 50th HomePage (Tokyo) -(2002) Tokyo University Of Mercantile Marine 50th HomePage (tokyo , GPS )
Pension & Marine Service FISH EYE, Ogasawara, Japan Pension & Marine Service FISH EYE, Ogasawara, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) Being 1,000km south from Tokyo, Japan, Ogasawara is the most exciting dive site in Japan. You can dive, swim with dolphins, watch whales, and play in the ocean! (Ogasawara , diving , scuba , dolphin , whale , accomodation, pension , photo , swim , boat )
Guam Diving Spot Guam Diving Spot -(2002) We are sucuba diving shop in Guam. (guam , diving , fisheye, midsummer , boatdiving, beachdiving, refreshdaiving, bluesea , japanease)
the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (Hyogo) -(2002) The programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (ship , marine , engineering , design , structural , consulting , naval-architect, structural-engineer, professional-engineer, PANASE)
joy marine joy marine (Toyama) -(2002) yamaha kawasaki suzuki honda (yamaha , kawasaki , nissan , honda , toyamakenn, suzuki , jetski , marinejet , roguhause, boat )
HOBIE KAYAKS Sakanoshita, Kamakura, Japan HOBIE KAYAKS Sakanoshita, Kamakura, Japan (Kanagawa) -(2002) HOBIE KAYAKS (HOBIE-KAYAKS, KAYAKS , HOBIE, Kamakura , Sea , Shonan , HOBIE-CAT, Sea-Kayaks , Sakanoshita, Boat )
joy marine joy marine (Toyama) -(2002) boat jetski (joymarine, rogu, home, marinejet , jet , ski , kotezi, yamaha , kawasaki , pwc)
shonanmarinelisence shonanmarinelisence (Kanagawa) -(2002) boatlicense (boatlicence)
bluemarlin bluemarlin (Osaka) -(2002) bluemarlin's homepage (bluemarlin, marlin , worldbeer, beer , beerrestaurant , restaurant , sea , wine , cocktails )
Japan Maritime Self Defense Force's Room Japan Maritime Self Defense Force's Room (Kyoto) -(2002) japan Maritime Self Defense Force's Room Japan Navy's Room (Navy )
marine.sports.j-mate marine.sports.j-mate (Aichi) -(2002) boat.license.school
Japan Captains' Association Japan Captains' Association (Tokyo) -(2001) Japan Captains' Association Official Website (captain , master , Japan , marine , maritime )
JET JET (Aichi) -(2001) JET (JET )
for all who loves the ocean for all who loves the ocean (Kanagawa) -(2001) ask us anything about motor boat and the operators license (boat , license )
toriki hotel toriki hotel (Kyoto) -(2001) Toriki hotel. in Amanohashidate(Miyadu) Kyoto. (amanohashidate , miyazu , hotel , sea , paradise , monjyu, ship , excellent , beautiful , nice )
shikoku maritime law office shikoku maritime law office (Kagawa) -(2001) (vessel , marine , license , renewal , maritime , boat lisence, inspection , registration , maritime law)
TDL&TDS TDL&TDS (Ibaraki) -(2001) TDL&TDS (TDLTDS)
marinax marinax (Osaka) -(2001) Let's enjoy boat life. (boat , license , marine )
senmatsu senmatsu (Kyoto) -(2001) funamori-hotel Senmatsu. (ship , sea , japan , tango , kyoto , hotel , food , fresh , hamazume, amino )
Blue Marlin Marine Goods Blue Marlin Marine Goods (Hiroshima) -(2001) Blue-Marline's HomePage (MarineGoods, GumBoat, BoatController, RodHolder, Awning , OilChanger, SolarChaeger, Inverter , FuelTank)
youzou,in,setouchi,homepage youzou,in,setouchi,homepage (Okayama) -(2001) youzou in setouchihome page (youzou, setouchi , manabe , shiraishi )
Get the boat license in japan! - woomie.com co.,ltd.(Osaka JAPAN) Get the boat license in japan! - woomie.com co.,ltd.(Osaka JAPAN) (Osaka) -(2001) Get the boat license in Japan! New learning system has come up! (boat , license , sea , marine )
ADDC ADDC (Aichi) -(2001) flare's HomePage (addc, flare, adiz, jda, jasdf , jmsdf , jgsdf )
Certificate of competency Certificate of competency (Hiroshima) -(2001) Hiroshimashi,Hiroshima,Japan (Certificate )
marineshop FAMILY marineshop FAMILY (Hyogo) -(2001) Let's enjoy marine life with us! (marineshop , Hyogo , Kobe , Kakogawa , Akashi , boatgoodsshop)
KOBAYASHISHOKAI HOMEPAGE KOBAYASHISHOKAI HOMEPAGE (Kanagawa) -(2001) KOBAYASHISHOKAI's HomePage! (engine , hoka, cruisair, conditioner , generator , onan, repair , engineering , marine , carrying )
IJN Warship Models Vanguard Factory IJN Warship Models Vanguard Factory (Tokyo) -(2001) The purpose of my web site is to revive the main warships of Imperial Japanese Navy by scale models. (modelship, warship , battleship , navy , fleet , GF, cruiser , destroyer , aircraftcarrier, Pacificwar)
quattro jet sports quattro jet sports (Kanagawa) -(2001) jetski,marinjet (wakeboard , hyperlite, liquidforce, usedjet, onlineshop , herculiner, sorex, jetpilot, slippery )
NKK MARINE & LOGISTICS Home Page NKK MARINE & LOGISTICS Home Page (Kanagawa) -(2001) kawasaki (NKK, ISO , ISO14001 , marine , logistics )
Himeji Wakeboard Club Himeji Wakeboard Club (Hyogo) -(2001) This Is A Pen (SEA , CRUISER , BOARD , SURFIN )
Tokki Service Hokkaidou Tokki Service Hokkaidou (Hokkaido) -(2001) Tokki's HomePage (GPS )
marineshop FAMILY marineshop FAMILY (Hyogo) -(2001) This is marine shop FAMILY. Welcome here! (marineshop , FAMILY , boat , Hyogo , marineshop )
communication science corporation communication science corporation (Tokyo) -(2001) ONAN GENERATOR (ONAN, GENERATOR )
container trade information at hakata port in japan container trade information at hakata port in japan (Fukuoka) -(2001) It is H.P about the cargo of the Container and the information on a ship which depart and arrive the Hakata Port. (hakata , container , import , export , B/L, BOOKING , custom , Naccs, freight )
ebisumaru ebisumaru (Tokyo) -(2001) We support the movement for recovering the bodies of the victim of the sunken ship. Nagasaki, Japan (movement , victim , ship , sink , campaign , sea , accident )
tankai bus's HomePage tankai bus's HomePage (Kyoto) -(2001) tango.kyoto.japan (amanohasidate, tango , bus , cablecar, ship , tangokairiku, tankai, ine , miyazu , kyougamisaki)
takehiromarine takehiromarine (Aichi) -(2001) YANBOHMARBOH (THM, takehiro , boat , outoboards, YANBOHMARBOH, yanbohmarboh, marineshop , marine )
JET SHOP GARUDA JET SHOP GARUDA (Shiga) -(2001) jetski wakeboard seadoo kawasaki yamaha (jet , jetski , marine , marinejet , seadoo, wake , wakeboard , wetsuit , kawasaki , yamaha )
shinsei kogyo shinsei kogyo (Kanagawa) -(2000) professional ship hull and machinery repair services (ship , marine , engeneering, engine , shipbuilding , dockyard, maintenance , machine , welding , diesel )
Kushimoto Marine Park Kushimoto Marine Park (Wakayama) -(2000) Kushimoto Marine Park's HomePage. In Kushimoto Marine Park, every persons can observe the beautiful underwater landscapes of the southern-most point of Honshu easily without any facilities. (Aquarium , Marine , Park , Coral , Glass-Bottomed, Boat , Tropical , Fish , Diving , Kushimoto )
Why don't you do wakeboad and Jetski with us! Why don't you do wakeboad and Jetski with us! (Kanagawa) -(2000) Why don't you do wakeboad and Jetski with us! (jetski , wakeboad, marinjet, marinshop, boat , license , toeing, diving , okonomiyaki , newbusiness )
@dcrew inc @dcrew inc (Tokyo) -(2000) Total communication and marketing services in one stop, with Internet banner ad serving as our core business. (internet , advertising , cost , per , click , marketing , sips , ecrm, banner , communication )
Marine Jet Shop Marine Jet Shop (Saitama) -(2000) Yamaha Kawasaki SeaDoo Shop (Yamaha , Kawasaki , Seadoo, Shop , mentenance, boat , used , PWC)
coralqueen coralqueen (Wakayama) -(2000) coralqueen homepage (coralqueen, kushimoto , padi , pira, boat , diving , scuba , school , marine , instructor )
hongkong hongkong (Wakayama) -(2000) hongkong (kongkong, cd , md , japan , java , bbs , banana , ship , sea , jet )
Sea Breeze Sea Breeze (Kanagawa) -(2000) Sea Breeze coos's Home Page
KUNITOMI TOKYO KUNITOMI TOKYO (Chiba) -(2000) Underwater Hull Inspection. In-Water Class Surver In Lieu of Dry Docking.CCTV and PHOTO Hull Inspection.Hull Cleaning and Polishing. (UNDERWATER , HULL, INSPECTION , CLEANING , POLISHING , SURVEY , DOC , CCTV, PHOTO , SHIP )
NagaiSuisan NagaiSuisan (Kanagawa) -(2000) (sea , yokosuka , fish , shell , fresh , food , ship , meal , shopping , sale )
HobbysHop Catapult HobbysHop Catapult (Kanagawa) -(2000) HOBBYSHOP CATAPULT'S Home Page (HOBBYSHOP, Catapult , Plasticmodel , JMSDF , Defenceship, Modelships, Resinkit)
vos vos (Yamagata) -(2000) vos (voyageroftheseas, titanic , miami , carribean, ship , cruise )
JY-CLUB-Marine JY-CLUB-Marine (Aichi) -(2000) JY-CLUB-Marine's Home Page (Marine )
kiyokawa industry kiyokawa industry (Osaka) -(2000) kiyokawa industry - catenary hardwares, marine hardwares, rigging hardwares,builder hardware, bolt nuts (catenary, hardwares , marine , rigging, builder , bolt , nuts , kiyokawa , industry , wire )
oyabitcha oyabitcha (Kanagawa) -(2000) hello (cat , fiah, dog , jazz , print , sea , marine , boat , friend , lover )
buppinbangouh015 buppinbangouh015 (Kanagawa) -(2000) homepage about japan maritime self defense force (japan , maritime , self , defense , force )
MarineNet Co., Ltd. MarineNet Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000) Asian and International maritime news, ship auctions, chartering and bulletin board services, with easily searchable directories of maritime-related services, manufacturers and other information. (ship , shipping , vessels , maritime , chartering, auction , bunkers, machinary, newbuildings, ports )
ALOHACUBE Sea Side Bar and Marine Sports ALOHACUBE Sea Side Bar and Marine Sports (Kanagawa) -(2000) ALOHACUBE Sea Side Bar and Marine Sports (ALOHACUBE, Sea , Side , Bar , and, Marine , Sports )
Iino Marine Service Iino Marine Service (Tokyo) -(2000) SHIP MANAGEMENT COMPANY,ENSURING THE SAFEST,MOST RELIABLE AND ECONOMICAL SERVICES. (ShipManagement, CrewManagemant, TechnicalSupervisor, MarineSuperintendent, ShipInspector, ChemicalTanker, MarineInsurance, Crewing, ISMCODE, MarineConsultant)
Yamamizu Group Yamamizu Group (Tokyo) -(2000) No.1 Shipbroking Company in Asia. WFP representative in Far East. Grain & Bunker Trading. Marine Machinery & Chemical Products. Ship Agency. (Yamamizu, Shipping , Exeno, marine , ship , shipbroker, broker )
RESTORE RESTORE (Tokyo) -(2000) Introduction of product by which engine performance to which car ship etc. are decreased is returned to the first level (Car , Ship , Jet , skiing , resutre, Oil , additive , Speed , boat , marina )
Mori's SF&CG Gallery:Unknownspace Mori's SF&CG Gallery:Unknownspace (Kagawa) -(2000) Mori's SF&CG Gallery UnknownSpace Spaceship sea dinosaur etc. (sf , cg , 3dcg , spaceship)
Enoki MarinePropeller Enoki MarinePropeller (Osaka) -(2000) sales (EnokiMarinePropeller, propeller , oosaka , bentencyo)
VirtualPHOTO [JAVA SPECIALS & Galleries] ImagiNation with very best applets Lake / Multi-purposes AquariumCity applets etc VirtualPHOTO [JAVA SPECIALS & Galleries] ImagiNation with very best applets Lake / Multi-purposes AquariumCity applets etc (Tokyo) -(2000) Special effects by certain Java applets make the slide shows into movies theaters. nature, aquarium, and or cities reflectings on lakes with excellent! This site exhibits animations, photo/pictures of nature in Japan, cities in the world etc with very best Java applets you have ever seen. Multi-purposes AquariumCity applet v1.5, v2.0 and v3.0 are also here! Let's enjoy Java Specials. (3d , aquarium , art , internet , web , wave , trip , animation , picture , java )
MarineLamp MarineLamp (Aichi) -(2000) brass waterproof marine lamp homepage (MarineLamp)
office tsuchikura office tsuchikura (Chiba) -(2000) boat license (boat , license , marine , sports )
Cruise Web Japan Cruise Web Japan (Tokyo) -(2000) Cruise Web Japan is an inclusive infomation site,concerned about sea trip and voyage. (cruise , news , recommended , products , clearance , price , passenger's , report , shipdata, profiles)
WORLD-WIDE SHIPPING PLAZA WORLD-WIDE SHIPPING PLAZA (Nagasaki) -(1999) Links of Home Pages of Major Shipping Companies, Major Cruising Companies, Major Shipbuilders, Major Marine Equipment Makers and Classification Societieies in the World, Ship Related Organizations, Universities, National Colleges & Schools for Sea Training in Japan. (Ship , Shipping Company , Cruising Company, Shipbuilder, Marine Equipment Maker, Classification Society, Ship Related Organization, Universities of Naval Architecture and Marine Mercantile.)
Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Homepage Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Homepage (Hiroshima) -(1998) Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Homepage. (Tsuneishi, Shipbuilding , Ship , Shipyard , Repair , Hiroshima , Numakuma)
SANSHIN INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD. SANSHIN INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD. (Shizuoka) -(1998) Developing Yamaha Brand outboard motors, diesel engines, and engines for watercrafts. Headoffice is located in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka, Japan. Here you can access to company guide, our product lineup, and recruiting information. (marine , engine , YAMAHA , outboard-motor, watercraft, diesel , boat , recruit , Hamamatsu , Shizuoka )
JMSDF HomePage JMSDF HomePage (Tokyo) -(1997) The Japan Maritaime Self-Defense Force(JMSDF)HomePage 1 Mission of JMSDF 2 Maritaime Defense 3 Education and Training 4 International Peace Cooperation Assignment etc. Materials (ship , navy , warship , aircraft , defense )
Junichiro shima Junichiro shima (Tokyo) -(1997) Tokyo, Japan.
Home page of Kobe University of Mercantile Marine Home page of Kobe University of Mercantile Marine (Hyogo) -(1996) Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Osaka Japan
Ocean Systems Engineering Laboratory, Kyushu University Ocean Systems Engineering Laboratory, Kyushu University (Fukuoka) -(1996) Introduced here are recent research in the arena of ocean engineering, ship and marine hydrodynamics. In particular, mega float to be used as a floating airport and the seakeeping of high-speed vessel are hot topics. Furthermore, we have many links to other related organizations, which will be extended in the future. (Ocean Engineering, Ship Hydrodynamics, Research Laboratory )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。