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Reference(similarity) / catch /
English Conversation Robot English Conversation Robot (Osaka) - Imagine the robot who can speak English!! You can have it and enjoy English convesation!! (english , english conversation , robot , lesson , pet , phrase, words , vocaburary, school , conversation )
English-Japanese Dictionary for IDIOMS,SLANG(phrase),PROVERBS English-Japanese Dictionary for IDIOMS,SLANG(phrase),PROVERBS (Saitama) - This dictionary can put English idioms, slang(phrase), and proverbs into Japanese. The translation in katakana is also attached. (idioms, phrase, slang , proverbs , English , Japanese , translater, dictionary )
niko's favorite phrase niko's favorite phrase (Okayama) -(2002) contents:Japanese horse racing (game , horse , quiz , favorite , phrase, racing , pog )
Movies' Words Movies' Words (Tokyo) -(2002) You can learn how they say in movies. (Movie , Drama , English , Conversation , words , phrase, colloquial, test , line )
Todays Catchphrase Maker Todays Catchphrase Maker (Tokyo) -(2002) Todays catchphrase Maker. (Catchphrase, Game , ezweb , jphone , game )
English For Travellers English For Travellers (Tokyo) -(2002) English for travellers (English , travel , traveller , phrase, hotel , reastaurant, shopping , america , japanese )
iijima iijima (Tokyo) -(2002) welcome to kids site (Kids )
Word's Worth Word's Worth (Kagawa) -(2002) Words can be more important.Because one of the biggest reasons is words are an instrument for thoughts. (word , worth , drama , discussion , life , anime , animation , words )
Phrase@net Phrase@net (Osaka) -(2001) yorosiku (yroo, ALFEE , BBS )
the ocean of phrase the ocean of phrase (Tokyo) -(2001) phrase (phrase, movie )
Guitar Battle !! Guitar Battle !! (Hyogo) -(2001) Come on ! with your guitar and MP3 (entertainer , guitar , music , hyogo , kobe , entry , conpose)
irasuto.com [idea] irasuto.com [idea] (Aichi) -(2001) irasuto.com [idea] (idea , plan , project , illustration , illust , talk , consultation , catchi, phrase, copy )
passatempo, Italian literature Japanese issue passatempo, Italian literature Japanese issue (Saitama) -(2001) Love Italy? Love literature? Introduction for Italian literature contemporary, authors and works. Waiting for your visit. (Italia , literature , contemporary , works , author , Italian )
PumpkinNet PumpkinNet (Tokyo) -(2000) Chat,BBS,GameCorner.. and Vollyball Infomation & Photographs free open communication Network. (ChatRoom , Game , Corner , Catchphrase, BBS , Communication , VollyBall)
studio.m studio.m (Osaka) -(2000) This page is my favorite page!! (aiko , live , street , studio , guitar , bbs , music , streetlive )
Sankorobi's Area Sankorobi's Area (Gunma) -(2000) Come on in My Homepage Sankotobi's Area. (Gag )
M ROOM404 M ROOM404 (Tokyo) -(2000) FREE loop DRUM DOWNLOAD mp3 (LOOp , ROCk , jazz , fusion , classic )
J@zz and all that jazz J@zz and all that jazz (Osaka) -(2000) J@zz and all that jazz jazz,haiku and com. murasaki busyou's homepage. (jazz , haiku , osaka , j@zz, book , busyou, CD , Record , Coltrane, live )
watashikotobasyu watashikotobasyu (Kyoto) -(2000) sprital words
Club-Fraise Club-Fraise (Shiga) -(2000) Club-Fraise (fraiseblanche, fraise , blanche , Whittard, cake )
today's Your catchphrase. today's Your catchphrase. (Tokyo) -(2000) Today's your catchphrase. (catchphrase)
e-magazine e-magazine (Saitama) -(2000) e-magazine (e-magazine, magazine , word , e-word, E-MAGA)
The Krypton The Krypton (Nagasaki) -(1999) Take it easy and listen to the music. This site have krypton's songs and many things. (music , phrase, song , BBS , corner , Link )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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