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English-Japanese Dictionary for IDIOMS,SLANG(phrase),PROVERBS English-Japanese Dictionary for IDIOMS,SLANG(phrase),PROVERBS (Saitama) - This dictionary can put English idioms, slang(phrase), and proverbs into Japanese. The translation in katakana is also attached. (idioms, phrase , slang, proverbs , English , Japanese , translater, dictionary )
Rapstar Marion's HipHopMusic&English&Slang Rapstar Marion's HipHopMusic&English&Slang (Saitama) - Underground HipHop Rapper MARION spits fire!! Listen to my shitty RAP & BUY the CD!! (hip-hop , rap , underground , marion , english , music , slang, listen , buy , mix )
Slang9 Slang9 (Tokyo) - animejapan (DVD , VCD , LD , VODEO, anime )
The Filthy Mouth The Filthy Mouth (Tokyo) - Watch our funny video clips and learn expressive English! (English , conversation , emotion , expression , video , movie , motion , picture , slang, comedy )
Call Her Khaluah Call Her Khaluah (Kanagawa) - Dictionary of Ebonics(English spoken by African-Americans) and Full-of-s--t diary. (kahlua, ebonics, hip , hop , rap , english , translation , khaluah, slang, black )
Noodle Slang Noodle Slang (Fukuoka) - Gorillaz fan site Gorillaz Discography and Biography Lotsa Japanese fan arts English section is readable (Gorillaz, 2-D, Murdoc, Russel, Noodle , Rock , hip , hop , Music , Jamie)
zensoku in osaka slang zensoku in osaka slang (Osaka) -(2002) a dialy for cough variant asthma in osaka slang. (asthma , cough )
Meet the English Meet the English (Aichi) -(2002) Archie's meet the English is a kindda site to study English. I hope you like this site!! If you take interest in the site, give me some comment or advice! Thank you for reading. (English , Archie, study , Australia , Gold , Coast , yuta , conversation , slang)
Let's study English at skysoft Let's study English at skysoft (Tokyo) -(2001) Introducing new release,such as english conversation,listening,writing... (pronunciation , conversation , listening , dictionary , grammar , idiom , vocabulary , writing , slang, buisiness)
Neo Traditionalism Neo Traditionalism (Shiga) -(2001) Cyber smoke (7716, mainBBS, writings , Picture , Image , Illustration , Camera , Web )
English Slang English Slang (Kagawa) -(2001) This page is for the people who want to learn American Slang and the people who want to learn Korean. (English , Slang, Korean , England , U.S. , America , mag2, mail , magazine , talk )
naturrein naturrein (Shizuoka) -(2000) Welcome to Naturrein! Introducing Sake breweries,recipes & favorite wines. (wine , food , slang, sake , brewery , winery , Japan , Espoa, Liqueur )
AMAZING THAILAND! AMAZING THAILAND! (Aichi) -(2000) thailand web page for thai freaks! (loso, tata, thailand , bangkok , grammy , MoreMusic, ThaiPops, ThaiSong, beau , nicole)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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