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Word(s): @={slang}

  • English-Japanese Dictionary for IDIOMS,SLANG(phrase),PROVERBS (Saitama) -
    This dictionary can put English idioms, slang(phrase), and proverbs into Japanese. The translation in katakana is also attached.
    (idioms, phrase, slang, proverbs, English, Japanese, translater, dictionary)

  • Rapstar Marion's HipHopMusic&English&Slang (Saitama) -
    Underground HipHop Rapper MARION spits fire!! Listen to my shitty RAP & BUY the CD!!
    (hip-hop, rap, underground, marion, english, music, slang, listen, buy, mix)

  • Slang9 (Tokyo) -
    (DVD, VCD, LD, VODEO, anime)

  • The Filthy Mouth (Tokyo) -
    Watch our funny video clips and learn expressive English!
    (English, conversation, emotion, expression, video, movie, motion, picture, slang, comedy)

  • Call Her Khaluah (Kanagawa) -
    Dictionary of Ebonics(English spoken by African-Americans) and Full-of-s--t diary.
    (kahlua, ebonics, hip, hop, rap, english, translation, khaluah, slang, black)

  • Noodle Slang (Fukuoka) -
    Gorillaz fan site Gorillaz Discography and Biography Lotsa Japanese fan arts English section is readable
    (Gorillaz, 2-D, Murdoc, Russel, Noodle, Rock, hip, hop, Music, Jamie)

  • zensoku in osaka slang (Osaka) -(2002)
    a dialy for cough variant asthma in osaka slang.
    (asthma, cough)

  • Meet the English (Aichi) -(2002)
    Archie's meet the English is a kindda site to study English. I hope you like this site!! If you take interest in the site, give me some comment or advice! Thank you for reading.
    (English, Archie, study, Australia, Gold, Coast, yuta, conversation, slang)

  • Let's study English at skysoft (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Introducing new release,such as english conversation,listening,writing...
    (pronunciation, conversation, listening, dictionary, grammar, idiom, vocabulary, writing, slang, buisiness)

  • Neo Traditionalism (Shiga) -(2001)
    Cyber smoke
    (7716, mainBBS, writings, Picture, Image, Illustration, Camera, Web)

  • English Slang (Kagawa) -(2001)
    This page is for the people who want to learn American Slang and the people who want to learn Korean.
    (English, Slang, Korean, England, U.S., America, mag2, mail, magazine, talk)

  • naturrein (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    Welcome to Naturrein! Introducing Sake breweries,recipes & favorite wines.
    (wine, food, slang, sake, brewery, winery, Japan, Espoa, Liqueur)

  • AMAZING THAILAND! (Aichi) -(2000)
    thailand web page for thai freaks!
    (loso, tata, thailand, bangkok, grammy, MoreMusic, ThaiPops, ThaiSong, beau, nicole)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan