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{play, playing} + {theatre, theatrical, theater}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={play, playing}
@2={theatre, theatrical, theater}


  • CASABLANCA (Tokyo) -
    Fan page about japanese great actor,Kunio Murai,musicals,and comics
    (murai, actor, play, musical, comic, manga, Berserk, Azuna, metasequoia)

  • (Tokyo) -
    This site is managed by Hideki Furuta, Japanese Judo Player, instructor, and at the same time, fan. There are two concepts for this site. First, This site supports a man who wants to practice judo as he is non- professional or old man or beginner. Next, This site show the proposal to make the circumstance of judo(rule, selection of national team, instruction of non-Japanese, and so on) better. I scheduled to show you some columns ,and introduction of some Dojo, some book about Judo. And Now I am in Dharamsala, India and teaching Judo for some Tibetan. On this site, I am writing a diary and document of dairy instruction. Please come and read it..
    (judo, koudoukan, blackbelt, kuroobi, HidekiFuruta, AkitaHighSchool, WasedaUniversity, ElectraOverdrive, TheaterPlay, seoinage)

  • tarorin (Tokyo) -
    The actor, Taro Horisaki present
    (music, movie, cinema, rock, artist, play, taro, horisaki, ringo, siina)

  • Kurume University Attachment High School - Dorama Club Official Website (Fukuoka) -
    Official Website of Dorama Club at Kurume Fusetsu High School.
    (Kurume, Fusetsu, High, School, Dorama, Actor, Play, Sound, Lighting)

  • kou5039 (Hyogo) -
    Tahara and Miyani`HomePage,include letters and columns about business,science,life,play and mystery. Nisinomiya,Hyougo,Japan
    (letter, column, Tahara, Miyanisi, business, science, life, play, mystery)

  • Shunbo (Kanagawa) -
    Seya's Home Page.
    (novel, announce, TRPG)

  • Theatre Owl (Tokyo) -
    Mis Kazuko Matsuoka's HomePage(Theatre Owl)
    (shakespeare, tenngekiheatre, theater, Owl, play)

  • Tora's room (Gunma) -
    (pet, cat, farm, cooking, dokudamilotion, miso, kodomogekijou, yamamoto, shugorou, play)

  • TatsumiWeb (Tokyo) -
    (play, sozai, madamegoldduo)

  • Survivor Punk(s) (Saitama) -
    Multi Live Performance Group, Survivor Punks's web site!
    (Survivor, Punks, SPS, Play, performance, Live)

  • Build a theater (Hyogo) -
    Enjoy play! I will build my theater!
    (play, build, theater, building, enjoy, performance, Hyougo, Himeji, people, director)

  • so-an (Tokyo) -
    This website is online magazine that is resouce to think about expression and culture. Now only japanese page.
    (magazine, art, music, film, movie, play, fashion, dance, culture, expression)

  • Ebimaru's Home Page (Ibaraki) -
    It is the stage information site of players and dancer performers to aid.
    (dance, play, consert, variety, Performance, ivent)

  • TOM Project,Japan (Tokyo) -
    TOM KIKAKU Home Page / GO.EN.KA
    (TOM, Project, Play, Therapy, Art, GO,EN,KA, Ivent)

  • DONNA-DONNA (Tokyo) -
    Official site
    (MIYANAOKO, play, SOTOBAKOMATI, Enterteinment, UesugiSyouzou, KONTA)

  • Easy Going! (Tokyo) -
    Hiro-Shi's Hobby
    (hobby, play, cinema, comic, novel, geme, diary, bbs, music, harbot)

  • Shincho Geki-in, Tokyo, Japan, BeijingOpera, classical Chinese opera (Tokyo) -
    ZhangChunxiang's HomePage[Shincho Geki-in] Born on July 18, 1960, as the third generation to the Beijing Opera actor family in Beijing. Graduated from Beijing Opera Institute and performed with Beijing Opera Company of Beijing for thirteen years, specializing in Sheng roles in plays such as San Cha Kou, Wu Song Da Dian, and Title. He is currently based in Tokyo, Japan since 1989, appearing in plays, TVs, films and musicals as well as choreographing, instructing action performance and teaching. He founded Shincyo Geki-in in 1996 introducing Beijing Opera to Japanese audiences and actors.
    (ZhangChunxiang, classical, Chinese, opera, LuSi, play, TrainingForActors, ChineseShadowBoxing, ChineseInstruction)

  • Easy Going! (Tokyo) -
    Hiro-Shi's Hobby
    (hobby, play, comics, movie, music, game, novels, cinema)

  • Jissen Women's University Department of English (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Jissen Women's University Department of English Home Page
    (Jissen, university, women's university, Hino, English, English, literature, linguistics, English linguistics, language, America, education, academic, higher education, study, research, department of English, reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehention, Morrison, Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Beatles, phonetics, syntax, play, communication, English literature, American literature, graduate school, master's course, studying abroad, Jissen Women's University, Oscar Wilde, English conversation, TOEFL, TOEIC)

  • HettyaLive (Tokyo) -(2002)
    This sight is Hetya's HomePage.You see how he copes with life abroad with Hettyara Spilit. This is not a Love story.
    (London, Ryuta, Seike, Hetya, Play, Actor)

  • art dream theater (Osaka) -(2002)
    Azami Murasaki is doing the illustration, comics & Animate cartoon & Pictures & Game of DREAMTHEATER and Seikima-II with UP.
    (DREAM, THEATER, johnpetrucci, mikeportnoy, myung, jordanrudess, ART, AzamiMurasaki, jameslabrie)

  • sola`s T room (Osaka) -(2002)
    (sola, hirai, trip, essey, movie, play, picture, thrill, others, tea)

  • We are fun of the hounangumi.Japan (Tokyo) -(2002)
    The playgoer Home Page.I like to the hounangumi.
    (play, attack, no.1, chika, shimura, syougou, kashida)

  • Subwaystars (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Subwaystars Homepage---Total Entertainment Project Team
    (subwaystars, keith, entertainment, play, movie, music, sound, web, theater, digital)

  • Tenko's HomePage. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Cat & Doll & Horror & Play Higasikurume,Toukyou,Japan.
    (Cat, Doll, Horror, Play, essey, amusing)

  • syakadani's house (Kyoto) -(2002)
    syakadani satoru's home page. there are novels and columnes. this home page is japanese only.
    (novels, playbook, play, drama, column, trpg, book, read, diary, japanese)

  • kyoraku-za (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Kyorakuza HomePage
    (play, theater, soloperformance, traditional, entertainer, theatercompany)

  • Volunteer's Link for Children, Japan (Kyoto) -(2002)
    Volunteer's Link for Children, Japan
    (Volunteer, Citizen, Education, Study, Link, Play, Kids, play park, BBS, toy library, children's teater, Event, free school, nature game, qualifications)

  • TOBITA Nobuo Database : TOBIDAS (Osaka) -(2001)
    Private fan page for Voice Actor TOBITA Nobuo. Sorry, this site is written in Japanese only.
    (TOBITA, Nobuo, voice, actor, Gundam, Camille, Angelique, database, fansite, play)

  • Working Mother Neyan's HP (Osaka) -(2001)
    Working Mother Neyan's HP
    (shopping, game, musical, cinema, concert, takarazuka, play, working, mother, child)

  • Scenarios for studens of junior highschool (Osaka) -(2001)
    Osaka, Japan
    (scenario, play, drama, education, theatricals, club, music)

  • go!go!korin ~from michigan~ (Hyogo) -(2001)
    Hallo! I'm korin. I'm a japanese curious girl. I'm studying English in America now.I have a hard time understanding American's conversation,so I study hard.It's a my experience about American life.
    (study, korin, english, play, mash, abroad)

  • JACK POT (Shiga) -(2001)
    Saica's HomePage JACK POT

  • Eichan's Home Page (Chiba) -(2001)
    Chiba, Chiba, Japan

  • Classics Up-Date (Saitama) -(2001)
    Theater company
    (play, drama, Classics, Up-Date, Arts, comedy, RADA, eriko, shibata, London)

  • 46F OFFICIAL WEBSITE (Tokyo) -(2001)

  • vaporstudio (Tokyo) -(2001)
    vaporstudio:we are launcing on a new workshop. First put coming soon!! <THE ARAKAWA river Absolute border>
    (vaporstudio, omni-engine, university, komaba, vapor, studio, play, theatre, disney, tokyo)

  • Welcome to Education and Culture Network (Chiba) -(2001)
    Welcome to Education and Culture Network, NPO.
    (NPO, course, education, PC, translation, concert, play, French, Italy, language)

  • Music Show Producting - Yamashita General Hospital (Saitama) -(2001)
    Please Join us! We're Japanese Group
    (music, ivent, live, concert, rave, hospital, nurse, doctor, group, hentai)

  • Showbiz a to z of Dr.Rabbit (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Dr.Rabbit will answer to all of your questions about showbusiness.
    (showbiz, showbusiness, movie, theater, play, music, drama, musical)

  • Keronpa's Home Page (Ibaraki) -(2001)
    (nonfiction, internet, television, drama, cinema, play, book, mental, family, friend)

  • tu-kai house (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (ItamiTakatoshi, actor, play, streatplay)

  • yotsumeya digital (Tokyo) -(2001)
    yotsumeya's HomePage.You can know about me.Japanese language only.
    (play, philosophy, essay, dialy, photo, newyork, KoreanJapanese, Koreancooking, books, keyholder)

  • Mahiru's Afternoon Theatre (Gunma) -(2001)
    Japanese[kyougen]&Voice actor eggs Home Page
    (Kyougen, Play, Voice, Actor)

  • Kabuki-za.Tokyo.Japan.Internet shop (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Kabuki-za Internet shop
    (kabuki, Japan, souvenir, tradition, play, ginza, shop)

  • Asako's page (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Asako talks about Theatre,Dance,Music and Herself. She especially loves Juichi Kobayashi, a Bejart dancer.
    (theatre, play, dance, ballet, music, Juichi, Kobayashi, Maurice, Bejart)

  • Sepia Color (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Sayoko's HomePage Sepia Color !! There are photo-gallery, poems and diary in my homepage. please look at my Sepia Color !!
    (photo, poems, VANTAN, Art, Carege, landscape, diary, drama, play, sepia)

  • puppet-show club KUWANOMI (Gunma) -(2000)
    Intoroduction of KUWNOMI,puppet-show club at Gunma University.
    (puppet, university, club, puppetry, doll, taiki, gunma, ikko, play, show)

  • Wahoo-net (Ishikawa) -(2000)
    This HomePage shows you many Japanese-style music, play, dance, art, crafts. You can enjoy a lot of old and new Japanese culture.
    (music, art, play, craft, life, culture, Kanazawa, Tokyo, entertainment, Japan)

  • @orappa club (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    this HP is mainaly information of wind music in sagamihara-city.and entertament news.
    (sagamihara, windensemble, music)

  • homepage valdubieda (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This page shows Jiro Asukayama's art(literature,music,play,draws),philosophy(creative,theories),and travel diaries
    (art, literature, music, rock'n, roll, play, draw, philosophy, science, travel)

  • asobo (Tokyo) -(2000)
    nakamura's home page
    (vocal, lesson, live, music, musical, jazz, piano, pops, singer)

  • Nakama Highschool Doramatic club's Home Page! (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    (highscool, drama, play)

  • visual unit UK-WORKS wants your action! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (movies, cinema, motionpicture, actress, play, dorama, cast)

  • tokyo shakunetsu engine's homepage (Saitama) -(2000)
    (cast, staff, theatre, produce, play)

  • MEIKEN@ (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    ITO MEIKEN'S Home Page

  • TheaterGuide Online (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Offical Web Site of the Theatrical Entertainment Magazine
    (TheaterGuide, PLAYBILL, Play)

  • Ginza-show-theater and jelshall HomePage (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (Hall, Theater, Ginza, Play, Japan)

  • can you hear me? -(2000)
    there is something about NYC and Japan.
    (new, york, theatre, novel, fashion, shop, musical, broadway, eastvillege, play)

  • ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZIN (Saitama) -(2000)

  • KSEC ACT side:B (Aichi) -(2000)
    KSEC ACT's HomePage Dramatic company
    (Art, Spanish, Underground, Play, Acting, Actor, Actoress)

    (CultureAndArtDivision, kyoto, culture, art, play, music, museum, cinema, koten)

  • Akihide's HOME (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Akihide's HOME
    (play, actor, art, artist, yokohama, air)

  • eplus (Tokyo) -(2000)
    new ticket & entertainment service by sony + ticket saison.
    (ticket, mail, magazine, concert, music, sports, play, live, classic, event)

  • Miki's HomePage (Aichi) -(2000)
    Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
    (WorkShop, Lesson, VoiceTraning, Play, HomePage, Make, AllRound)

  • Habikino-Fujiidera Parents' and Children's Theater (Osaka) -(2000)
    Parents and children watch live plays to bring up children' s rich sensitivity and creativeness, to study each other. And we make an interesting plan or activity.
    (Plays, Camp)

  • MusicShift (Fukui) -(1999)
    (StringBender, guitar, PaperPlay, lumber)

  • Welcome! Internet Theater!! (Tokyo) -(1999)
    a play,poem,essay by TOKYO FANTASTIC MEMORY and Mafumi Ezaki movie,a play,tv drama,music,art
    (a play, sinsengumi, a drama, poem, essay, a historical play)

  • SATOSHI KAGARI (Tokyo) -(1999)

  • My life in Okinoerabu & Tokunoshima island (Kagoshima) -(1999)
    My life in Okinoerabu & Tokunoshima island
    (Okinoerabu, Tokunoshima, Amami, island, children, theater, veterinarian, livestock, play)

  • Ogimachi Museum Square (Osaka) -(1998)
    Art Space in Osaka. play,cinema,goods,restaurant,gallry,information,etc.
    (theater, play, cinema, gallery, restaurant, artspace, ogimachi, osaka)

  • BUT PERFECT WORLD (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Takurou Fukuda's Home Page
    (ButPerfectWorld, diary, movie, play, g-shock)

  • Theatrical Actors' Gym Bone of Horse (Tokyo) -(1998)
    This page is written in Japanese. But if you go to,you will be able to translate Japanese to English. It's written about Theatrical Actors' Gym Bone of Horse. At least, you can enjoy Principal ACT's original MIDI sounds there.
    (Theatrical, Actors', Gym, Bone, of, Horse, Japan, Tokyo, ACT, Play)

  • Theatromania Theatre (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    Japanese only. Masago's web site for all theatromania in Tokyo, Japan. We provide BBS for play schedule, play review, actor.actreess want ad, TV review, and so on.
    (play, act, wantAD, TV, review, ticket, BBS, chat)

  • Dramatist Mitsuyuki Nakada's Text Theater (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    Mitsuyuki Nakada's HomePage
    (drama, play, dramatist, Mitsuyuki, Nakada, TextTheater)

  • Page of NASU and MOAI (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Page of NASU and MOAI
    (movie, play, video, daily, life, ballet)

  • Syonen Denpo (Chiba) -(1997)
    Sorry,this page is Japanese only. But,if you have interest in Japanese play,please coming my page!
    (Japan, play, syonen oujakan)

  • Move and Music Informations (Tokyo) -(1996)
    Minato, Tokyo, Japan.
    (movie, music, theatrical play, ticket)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan