(Tokyo) - SOLA_mimi is an entertainment web site with original novel, poem, illustration, recepi etc. We also organise so-called Counselling Room. (novel, counselling, poem, fantasy, recepi, book, diary, literature, art, island)
(Tokyo) -(2001) This is WAKABA-GENKIDO!Please Check! (aojiru, oomugiwakaba, wakabagenkido, health, recepi)
-(2001) I love creamteas, so I've been to lots of tearooms in England to look for the best creamtea in the world. My best creamtea is.... You can also find how to make good scones and clotted cream. (creamteas, scones, clottedcream, tea, tearoom, England, Devon, Cornwall, recepi, sweets)