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Reference(similarity) / social /
Weekly KAKEHASHI (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese Trotskist organization.We support The 4th InterNational. (trotsky, trotskist, trotskism, fourth , 4th , internationalism, socialism, world , revolution , communism )
redmole party (Tokyo) -(2001) HomePage of RedMole party.invitation to socialism and trotskism. (fourth , international , trotsky, trotskism, socialism, redmole, communism , revolution , marxism, lenin )
JCP-Watch! (Tokyo) -(2001) Discussion of Japan Communist Party (Communist , Communism , Party , Marx , Lenin )
I don't clrar JapanCommunistParty. (Osaka) -(2000) Minoo,Osaka,Japan (communism , CommunistParty , JapanCommunistParty, government , socialism, Marx )
Mitsuo Arita (Kyoto) -(2000) Arita Mitsuo's Page (arita , mitsuo )
Workers' Bulletin (Osaka) -(2000) HomePage of the Workers' Bulletin (workers , capitalism , socialism, Lenin , unemployment , movement , grobalization, Marx , KMU, restructuring )
izm & personal history (Tokyo) -(1998) izm & personal history (izm, &, personal , history )
INTERNATIONALISM KOKUSAISYUGI (Aichi) -(1998) This Web site want to promote solidarity with, or exchange revolutionary ideas with, leftist organaizations, workers and toiling masses all over the world in order to acheve emanicipation of themselves, overcoming world capitalist system with contradictions and corruptin. (Internationalism, Socialism, Socialist, Communism , Communist , Revolution , Workers , Proletarian, Proletariat, Marx )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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