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Word(s): @={monterey}

/ mont /

  • -
    A Japenese/English interpreter/translator living in America will provide very useful information about America to those Japaense who are dreaming of coming to the US.
    (UCLA, Monterey, MIIS, California, Losangeles, Japenese, Interpreter, translation, linguistics, French)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Competetive exam for elementary school, Rotary exchange student to the U.S., working as an entry level office lady in Marunouchi(Tokyo, Japan), becoming research analyst, marriage, unexpected and unwanted pregnancy, maternity blues, post-pastrum depression... the story of a 31-year-old Japanese working woman in Tokyo with the U.S. graduate degree. It might be translated into English some time, but ultimately it is only in Japanese. Sorry.
    (rotary, Monterey, California, Marriage, unwanted, unexpected, pregnancy, depression, M.A.)

  • -(2001)
    One of the most accurate and large amount of San Francisco Travel & Living Information in Japanese
    (SanFrancisco, California, Yosemite, Monterey, Wine, GreenCard)

  • -(2001)
    (Napa, Valley, Monterey)

  • -(2001)
    San Francisco Travel information available only in Japanese
    (Wine, California, Yosemite, Monterey)

  • -(2001)
    Information site from Monterey California in Japanese
    (Monterey, HomeStay, Carmel, PebbleBeach, West, Travel, Coarst, Winery, Golf, Tour)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    With its tiled floors and classical interior decor, Hotel Monterey Sanno has a distinct southern European feel to it.
    (hotel, online, reservation, lodge, inn, plan, special, offer, cheap, tokyo)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    A stroll along the willow trees once ordained the famous "willows of Ginza", will bring you to Hotel Monterey Ginza. The exterior of this newly opened hotel is reminiscent of the romantic architecture of the Taisho era. The interior has a certain air alluding to the days of old Europe.
    (hotel, online, reservation, lodge, inn, plan, special, offer, cheap, Sea)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    "La Soeur" means "sisters" in French. The exterior of Hotel Monterey La Soeur Ginza was constructed in the image of a Parisian apartment. Its sister hotel, Hotel Monterey Ginza is a couple of blocks away. A fragrance of European esprit fills the interior of both of these elegant hotels.
    (hotel, online, reservation, lodge, inn, plan, special, offer, cheap, ginza)

  • -(2000)
    welcome to Visit USA Monterey website
    (monterey, golf, tour, and, home, stay, programs, for, Japanese, students)

  • -(1996)
    Offering the best in active vacations- bicycle, walking and hiking tours in Europe, specialists for France, Switzerland and Italy since 1981
    (travel, walking, Europe)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/04/15.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan