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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{administration, management, manage, administrative, administer, admin} + {project, planning, plan} + {system}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={administration, management, manage, administrative, administer, admin}
@2={project, planning, plan}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

  • NPO Toyama ISO Support Center (Toyama) -
    NPO Toyama ISO-support Center's Home Paga
    (NPO, ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, management, Toyama)

  • System Planning Laboratory (Tokyo) -
    System Planning Laboratory
    (independent, open, support, profit, loss, simulation, software, drink, meal, hotel)

  • C-cube System Service Corporation (Aichi) -
    ASP application,internet VPN,system integration,etc...
    (ASP, solution, package, groupware, erp, si, system, network, medical, financial)

  • Z Internet Rhythm management consulting (Hokkaido) -
    Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant using Internet
    (Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant, Internet, consulting, Small and Medium Enterprise, establish, business administration, financial account, economics, operation management, new enterprise, information technology system, policy, counsel, law, ISO, cash flow, start, start, financial statements, internet business)

  • ASPIRE (Fukushima) -

  • Goodwill Managemennt System Inc.Osaka.Japan (Osaka) -
    Goodwill Management System Inc. HomePage Venture&BusinessConsulting.
    (Consulting, BusinesDesign, BusinesStrategy, ManagementSolution, MarketingPlanning, MarketingResearch, Brand, Venture, RiskManagement)

  • Sasazuka, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. (Tokyo) -
    Data Service Inc. HomePage
    (SystemPlanning, SoftWareDevelopment, FacilityManagement, Consulting, DataService, ENTREX)

  • A System engineer living in YOKOHAMA (Kanagawa) -
    A System engineer living in YOKOHAMA
    (YOKOHAMA, Management, System, engineer, Consultant, Project, Professional)

  • S.I.Planning Co.,Ltd. (Osaka) -
    The total coordinator concerning information processing from an intranet systems configuration to network shopping.
    (SIPlanning, IntranetSystems, Computer, PackageSoft, Software, ServiceAreaSystem, FoodShopSystem, SalesManagement, InformationTechnology, Supply)

  • ibnet (Aichi) -
    Homepage work, a plan, Flash work, a contents management system (CMS), etc. Kita-ku, Nagoya-shi.
    (Contents, management, system, Customer, Homepage, plan, work, consulting, Flash)

  • AISS Co.,Ltd Tennouji,Osaka,Japan (Osaka) -
    AISS Co.,Ltd's HomePage CEO:Akira kamanaka
    (Consultant, AkiraKamanaka, Senryu, Haiku, AISS, Co.,Ltd, Aiaigasa)

  • Medical practitioner support of a planning center (Tokyo) -
    Medical practitioner support of a planning center
    (Planning, Medical, Practitioner, Support, Consulting, Doctor, Clinic, Apparatus)

  • downroad service (Tokyo) -
    stratefy humanresource casestady
    (stratefy, humanresource, casestady)

  • Sunrise System (Ibaraki) -
    Sunrise System's Home Page
    (ISO, ISO9000, ISMS, CMM, HP, QC, BPR, CRM, Web)

  • Carls Richmond (Tokyo) -
    CRC Home Page. You improve and a business process makes it successful. This is our work.

  • Artisan Crew Engineering, Inc. Custom System Development and Enterprise Software Solutions -(2002)
    ERP Core Project Management System Using the skills and know-how we gained from our extensive experience in creating enterprise software solutions for different business sectors, we created a core code that we call Project Management ERP Core System (ProManageACE). ProManageACE is multilingual multi-currency ready, and keeps your records exactingly enough that with a click of a button you can see the exact state of your financial / inventory / sales affairs down to the penny. Accurate enough to be used as-is for auditing purposes, this core code can become a system for your business in much less time than regular system development takes (1 to 3 months rather than 6 months to a year). Demonstrations available, please call for details.
    (system engineering, enterprise software, sales systems, custom software, Project Management, made to order, inventory management, California, multilingual, multi currency, Los Angeles, Torrance)

  • Napcom Internet planning (Hyogo) -(2002)
    It is the corporation of the Internet service business. Our business guide is the plan and the creating of the home page, sales, a system engineer ring in the Internet, online shopping in the Internet, the publication of the e-mail magazine and so on.
    (Napcom, Internet, personal, computer, home, page, creating, system, engineer, merchandising)

  • ISO Consultant , maisystem in Kagoshima (Kagoshima) -(2002)
    Mai System Planning Co., Ltd.
    (quality, environment, safety, health, OHSAS, 18000, 14000, consultant, management, kagoshima)

  • Tokyo transportation cooperative. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Tokyo transportation cooperative.This site is expressed in only Japanese.
    (Accommodation, Addition, Advertisement, Adviser, Agency, Air-conditioning, Area, Arrangements, Association, Base, Building, Business, Cancellation, Card, Center, Charge, Charter, Collaboration, Collection, Company, Contract, Corporation, Coupon, Defense, Delivery, Discount, Dispatch, Distance, Efficiency, Elevator, End of the year, Enterprise, Equipment, Facilities, Finance, fixed rented house, Fuel, Fund, Ground, Guarantee money, helpful, High speed, Incorporated company, Individual, Instancy, Institution, Insurance, Interchange, Job offer, Kanda, KIT, Koba, Koshigaya, Koto-ku, Land, Load, Loan, Lot, Low price, Management, Materials, Metropolitan area, Momentary, Movement, Moving in, Mutual help, Network, Obstructive, Office, rent, Oil supply, On foot, Operation, Organization, Outline, Packing, Parcel delivery service, Parking lot, Part, Partner, Passing, Period, Physical distribution, Plus, Preparation, Processing, Public corporation, Rate, Recommendation, Refund, Road, Safe, Sale, Shiohama, Same trade kind, Separate delivery, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Society, Soul, Space, Special, Spot, SRC, Stability, Station, storage, Structure, Subsidiary, Supply, System, Tax, Tenant, ticket, Time, Tokyo, Tozai Line, Traffic, Transportation, Underground, Vacant room, Vehicles, Warehouse, Water front, Whole country)

  • ART'S FACE to FACE (Yamaguchi) -(2002)

  • serzice (Oita) -(2002)

  • Artisan Crew Engineering, Inc. Multilingual Multi-Currency ERP Core System -(2002)
    ProManageACE is the core of an advanced enterprise resource planning suite of software. In addition to the full line of functions you would expect to find in better sales & distribution systems **including acknowledgments, purchase orders, sales, incoming/products, inventory check, accounts receivable and accounts payable**, this powerful system includes useful extras such as estimates, offers, incoming and shipping schedules. With ProManageACE, you can supervise each project separately by project code and connect acknowledgments, purchase orders, sales, and incoming, etc. to not only the main project's transactions, but to project sub-projects as well in a unique two-tiered project management system. ProManageACE is multilingual compatible and offers you the choice of conducting transactions and managing projects in an internationalized multi-currency format. To prevent troublesome data inconsistencies, this system automatically prevents regional changes that aren't reflected throughout the entire database through several proven methods making your data accurate and consistent. Not only are your figures an accurate representation of the true state of your business, but through this careful and reliable management of your entire sales and distribution processes you are able to monitor the true cost of your inventory. We reevaluate your business using a special analytical tool that we've invented to provide you with an even more accurate and thoroughly customized system for your business, and the data gathered through this process is incorporated directly into the system design.
    (project sales management system, project, sales system, accounts receivable, accounts payable, system development, company, system, custom software, sales management, import export industry, customizable, manufacturing industry, artisan crew, multi-currency, multi currency, multi-lingual, multilingual, artisan crew, California, los angeles, Redondo Beach)

  • FELLOW-SHIP (Osaka) -(2002)
    imode,J-sky,ezweb and PC web site developper.
    (FELLOW-SHIP, IT, SOHO, PC, imode, J-Sky, EZweb, WEB, Excel, Windows)

  • ORS (Aichi) -(2002)
    ORS HomePage

  • Help , It cooperates in your work from japan. (Osaka) -(2002)
    To the direction of a business proprietor to sell goods to Instead, I do business.
    (goods, trade, wholesale, business, work, partner, sell, system, market)

  • Fukuoka S.P.C. Co,Ltd. (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Fukuoka S.P.C. responds to the corporate activity on a one rank as a consulting partner of your company.
    (internet, web, design, sales, promotion, rental, server, management, area, marketing)

  • Unisys e-@ction ERP Solution (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Unisys e-@ction ERP Solution
    (ERP, OracleE-BusinessSuiteR11i, Faset, OpenPSS, IFSapplications, SCM, DWH, CRM, Pure-Java)

  • sbn (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Sorry,Japanese only. Sapporo. Hokkaido. Japan.

  • Information Security BS7799 ISMS (Chiba) -(2001)
    We are your consaltans for Infomation Sesurity System.
    (ISMS, BS7799, ISO17799, ISO15408)

  • fukui synthefic information study center (Fukui) -(2001)
    Fukui Synthetic Information Study Center Home Page
    (synthetic, information, study, center, business, construction, guidance, frnance, accrunt, fund)

  • Sumitomo Electric Logistics Total Solutions SALS (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Sumitomo Electric's Commercial Vehicle Operation (CVO) solutions; Web based system 'LEIOS' has three functions including Delivery Planning, Fleet Management and Co-delivery. Our product line-up has a stand alone PC software also for Delivery Planning and Fleet Management respectively.
    (CVO, ITS, Transportation, Intelligent, System, Delivery, Plan, Fleet, Management, Transport)

  • Advanced Stream (Aichi) -(2001)
    It is the company guidance page that the project, development (Development of trust is contained.), sales, data preparation of the geography information system GIS is done.
    (MapInfo, GIS, SIS, Advanced, Stream, MapBasic, UNIX, JAVA, LINUX, delphi)

  • Project management system Super-SCALE -(2001)
    We introduce the project management system to all software project managers. Total Management System.
    (software, 101, 1001, aiueo, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system, Super-SCALE, Merchandising system, Sper-Pro-Support, merchandise system, Material purchasing control, Material package, Purchasing management system, System, paper-less, Electronic filing, Accounting system, Automatic transmission, File transfer, Transmission and reception, application integration, Data exchange, ACOS, Data exchange, Server, System, Electronic form system, Account-book, Form system, Electronic forms)

  • BizFinder Japan, Trade Directory of Japanese Trading Companies -(2001)
    Directory of trading companies, exporters, and importers in Japan can be viewed in both English and Japanese without a Japanese-capable browser. The registered information will be partly translated automatically into Japanese.
    (iroha, aiueo, aiu, 101, 03, 403, 007, 0070, 009, 1001, trading companies, exporters, importers, in Japan, Japanese, Japanese English translation, English Japanese translation, Japanese localization, Japanese products, Japanese industry, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system)

  • Patent management system | NEC Informatec Systems -(2001)
    NEC Informatec Systems offers the total management system to control entire life cycle of patents from search / application / claim / publications / application for review to pension and support.
    (software, 101, 1001, aiueo, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system, Super-SCALE, Merchandising system, Sper-Pro-Support, merchandise system, Material purchasing control, Purchasing management system, System, Automatic transmission, File transfer, Transmission and reception, Data transmission, Data exchange, Server, System, Electronic form system, Account-book, Form system, Electronic forms)

  • BizFinder Japan, Trade Directory of Japanese Trading Companies -(2001)
    Directory of trading companies, exporters, and importers in Japan can be viewed in both English and Japanese without a Japanese-capable browser. The registered information will be partly translated automatically into Japanese.
    (aiueo, aiu, 101, 1001, trading companies, exporters, importers, in Japan, Japanese, Japanese English translation, English Japanese translation, Japanese localization, Japanese products, Japanese industry, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system)

  • Prod & Systems Co.Ltd. (Fukuoka) -(2001)
    Multi Consulting Company
    (shoppingcenter, design, management, planning, marketing, project, SC)

  • Purchasing management system Super-PROSUPPORT -(2001)
    NEC Informatec Systems offers the total management system to control entire purchasing activities from estimate request/order placing to checking of receiving merchandise.
    (software, 101, 1001, aiueo, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system, Super-SCALE, Merchandising system, Sper-Pro-Support, merchandise system, Material purchasing control, Purchasing management system, System, Automatic transmission, File transfer, Transmission and reception, Data transmission, Data exchange, Server, System, Electronic form system, Account-book, Form system, Electronic forms)

  • Automatic data collection/transmission middleware NEC Informatec Systems -(2001)
    NEC Informatec Systems offers the Automatic data collection/transmission middleware.
    (101, 1001, aiueo, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system, Super-SCALE, Merchandising system, Sper-Pro-Support, merchandise system, Material purchasing control, Purchasing management system, System, Automatic transmission, File transfer, Transmission and reception, Data transmission, Data exchange, Server, System, Electronic form system, Account-book, Form system, Electronic forms)

  • NEC Electronic form system -(2001)
    NEC Informatec Systems offers Electronic form system.
    (101, 1001, aiueo, Project management system, Project total management system, Progress control system, Schedule control, Work management system, Development management system, Process control system, Progress rate, Super-SCALE, Patent package, Patent, International patent application, Industrial design control system, Patent system, Patent search system, Super-SCALE, Merchandising system, Sper-Pro-Support, merchandise system, Material purchasing control, Purchasing management system, System, Automatic transmission, File transfer, Transmission and reception, Data transmission, Data exchange, Server, System, Electronic form system, Account-book, Form system, Electronic forms)

  • J&P TRAINING CENTER (Osaka) -(2001)
    PersonalComputer school 'J&P TRAINING CENTER'
    (PersonalComputer, school)

  • Kiyoshi Kobayashi Accountant'sOffice (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Accountant'sOffice IncorporationProcedures Going-publicSupport SalaryCalculation AccountingOutsourcing inheritanceTax ManagementPlanDecision yokohama
    (Accountant'sOffice, IncorporationProcedures, Going-publicSupport, SalaryCalculation, AccountingOutsourcing, inheritanceTax, ManagementPlanDecision, yokohama)

  • Foresight (Tokyo) -(2001)
    We will provide you the service in the field of Information Technology.

  • lifeline (Okayama) -(2001)
    mapping GISsystem
    (mapping, EINSBIRD)

  • AT&C,Co.,LTD. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    AT&C,Co.,LTD.,orrers independent and neutral consulting services and information systems.We continue to support our clients from the planning stage of system-concepts to making definite proposals,development and operation.Additionally,as an out-sourcing operation,We are prepared to handle collectively the information system of various industries.
    (Logistics, Consulting, Management, Out-sourcing, Planning, Development)

  • Artemis International Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Project management system, Scheduling, Planning, Production control
    (Project, management, system,, Scheduling,, Planning)

  • BiOS (Tokyo) -(2001)
    BiOS is your infrastructure solutions partner, specializing in providing multilingual technical consulting, integration, and support services all along the IT spectrum.
    (BiOS, infrastructure, outsourcing, internet, solutions, LINC, Java, ASP, Japan, Tokyo)

  • BANGBOO WORKS (Hyogo) -(2000)
    BANGBOO WORKS is unbelievable!
    (web, site, design, produce, soho, creator, commerce, planning, system, contents)

  • Welcome to Sowa Business Planning, Co.!! (Osaka) -(2000)
    Sowa Business Planning, Co. has been a friendly helping hand for many small business organizations in the Kei-han-shin area (Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto) when they need database building, the Net connection, and E-business plans.
    (Sowa, business, small, IT, homepage, web, system, database, Osaka)

  • ono accounting office (Nara) -(2000)

  • SOKEN MANAGEMENT, business consulting firm (Osaka) -(2000)
    We provide the best business solution for you.
    (venture, ISO, business-plan, consulting, firm)

  • Prod&Systems.Ltd.Co (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    Prod&Systems HomePage
    (consultant, development, management, shoppingcenter, sc, shop, design, marketing, planning, kyushu)

  • kfp (Aichi) -(2000) Home Page
    (outsourcing, CAD)

  • eSolia Inc. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    eSolia Inc. is a Japan-based systems integrator. Our IT experts analyze, design, test, implement and maintain your Japan systems, helping you meet your business commitments.
    (esolia, bilingual, japan, systems, CRM, SFA, Pivotal)

  • M-world (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    In mworld, we have introduced our products (Project Manager, M1, Business Scheduler, R1, Contact Manager, X1) and also the solutions our group offers. We hope we will be able to make this site informative and interesting, and welcome your comments and suggestions.
    (M1, R1, ProjectManager, ContactManager, BusinessScheduler, Java)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan