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{America, American} + {life} + {study, learn}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={America, American}
@3={study, learn}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

  • -
    Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor.
    (Canada, University, Ontario, British, Columbia, Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba, America, North)

  • -
    Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor.
    (America, Study, Abroad, USA, Canada, England, Britain, Australia, Kansai, Gaidai)

  • -
    Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor.
    (English, British, American, Dictionary, Japanese, Expression, Polite, Canada, University, Study)

  • -
    Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor.
    (Study, Abroad, Preparation, Canada, America, USA, TOEFL, English, University, North)

  • -
    Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor.
    (Canada, Study, Abroad, Second, Bachelor, Kansai, Gaidai, Digital, Camera, Photos)

  • -
    Teruki's Home Page. The life in foreign countries.
    (Study, Abroad, diary, graduate, school, development, international)

  • -
    Sorry this site is Japanese only.
    (oversea, Japanese, Taiwan, student, TOEFL, LA, Pasadena, California, Cooking, Language)

  • -
    Sorry this site is Japanese only.
    (oversea, student, California, Pasadena, LA, cooking, travel, dog, Language, Japanese)

  • -
    It's ordinary life in New York.
    (NewYork, America, studyingabroad, musical, opera, information, film, movie, sightseeing, travel)

  • -
    ab-eye is Kim's Home Page,introduce California's life style for women.She can tell you live information about South California throuth this Home Page.
    (abroad, California, U.S., life, style, Keum-Young, Choi, Masue, Ohtani)

  • -
    there are many funny contents which are about university life in the United States
    (UTA, abroad, study, professor, america, university, life, funny, entertainment, diary)

  • -
    BT Consulting: Intercultural Consultancy. LA's Center for Business, Language, and Education
    (Los, Angeles, LA, Business, Language, Japan, Interpretation, CA, Consultation)

  • -
    (houston, usa, majordebut, travel, trip)

  • -
    This girl from Japan talks about her college life in America.
    (life, college, student, Japanese, feminist)

  • -(2002)
    HI.This is Takeshi!
    (U.S.A., L.A., fastfood, live, Takeshi, LosAngeles, CA, word, national, U.K.)

  • -(2002)
    A Japenese/English interpreter/translator living in America will provide very useful information about America to those Japaense who are dreaming of coming to the US.
    (UCLA, Monterey, MIIS, California, Losangeles, Japenese, Interpreter, translation, linguistics, French)

  • -(2002)
    This is made by Ysk who is an international student from Japan to the U.S. It has not only diary...just check it out!
    (cool, america, USA, inetrnational, photo, pics, dairy, mimisuma, yskism)

  • (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    It is the page which the Japanese housewife munimuni manages. The main contents of this site are an account of a U.S. life, and an account of the Iraq life. Although my English is not perfect, since he understands somehow, please access.
    (Japanese, abroad, study, English, America, U.S.A, Arkansas, Iraq, school, Jonesboro)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    English & Japanese Monthly Magazine Hiragana Times Web Version
    (Study,, English,, Living,, Australia,, America, Magazine, Japan, Japanese, Language, Hiragana)

  • -(2002)
    The theme of this site is Music Therapy. The author is working as a music therapist in the U.S.A. and studing at Shenandoah University Music Therapy Master Program. You will find basic knowledge and concepts of music therapy, information about Shenandoah University Music Therapy Program, and more!
    (Music, Therapy, American, Life, Studying, Abroad, Clinical, Experience, Children, with)

  • -(2002)
    (America, English, life, Michigan, Lansing)

  • -(2002)
    This home page introduces Life in Dallas, Organ Transplantation, Clinical Fellowship in Texas and USMLE. These are based on a Japanese fellow life in Dallas.
    (Dallas, Clinical, Fellow, Transplant, USMLE, ECFMG, USA, Texas, Medicine, America)

  • -(2002)
    It's Marimi's home page! This home page is about my life in Wisconsin,America. Even you don't enjoy my journal in Japanese,you can see some photos of me! Let's go!
    (Journal, Diary, Photos, chat, culture, Quize, University, America, Abroad, Life-style)

  • -(2002)
    Provide the American newest news and information including business, travel, study, and life style from Los Angeles.
    (US, America, LA, Travel, Business, Society, Life, Style, Los, Angeles)

  • -(2002)
    New Happiness: Intercultural Consultancy, LA's Center for Business, Language, and Education
    (LA, Los, Angeles, Japan, business, travel, US, interpretation, Japanese, negotiation)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Search Engine CAPTER-NAVI for cosmopolitan life, by Japanese, roma-ji or English.
    (English, America, search, Engine, foreign, Japan, admit, culture, relation, registration)

  • -(2002)
    You'll see something fun here! Everybody is welcomed!
    (USA, FSC, Fairmont, WV, West, Virginia, Japanese, Taka, Yohtonjo, International)

  • -(2002)
    Introduce Athletic Training and American college life.
    (Athletic, Traner, Medical, Dictionary, American, college, life, Rock, climbing, Oregon)

  • -(2001)
    This web site is talking about studying abroad, music therapy, and campus life.
    (Music, Therapy, Studuabroad, America, campuslife)

  • -(2001)
    Japanese international student in Orange County, CA! Come visit and fun!
    (VideoLand, japanese, international, student, chat, Orange, county, coast, college, california)

  • (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    This webpage is about study in the U.S., poems, and esseys. I am gathering your poems and esseys! You might find my side stories in the U.S. Please come and visit my webpage! English is welcome! If you write in English, I will appreciate it.
    (America, study, college, university, poems, esseys, life, English, opinions, traveling)

  • (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Information of Ithaca NY USA for Japanese
    (Ithaca, Cornell, IthacaCollege, Information, Life, Abroad, USA, America, NewYork, Mailinglist)

  • -(2001)
    A Community site for all RyugakuSei Life
    (japanese, study, overseas, alumni, japan, job, community, careerforum, bilingual, usa)

  • -(2001)
    The site shows you how to live in the United States with convenience.
    (America, cooking, Japan, culture, life, hints, United, States, USA, Japanese)

  • -(2001)
    Moto's Homepage
    (Lifelong, education, Live, in, USA, America, English, VISA, Green, card)

  • (Tokyo) -(2000)
    You can stay with American familily during study English in Sacramento.
    (Homestay, English, Sacramento, Sightseeing, Cheap, Experience)

  • (Mie) -(2000)
    FUKI's Homepage!! I'm a college student in CA in the USA. Diary is written everyday, and you can see the pictures too! ENJOY!!
    (Aamerica, California, Pictures, Diary, Essay, College, Student)

  • -(1999)
    A Japanese housewife with 2 sons in South Carolina tells her real life that happens when she's not expecting. It includes her own illustration and cartoons. She answers questions concerning studying abroad. Message board is also avairable.
    (America, South Carolina, studying abroad, English, child care, studying English, housewife, illustration, message board, English)

  • -(1998)
    Super directory of web sites for the oversea Japanese & students studying abroad! Besides seek a penpal living abroad on BBS it offers !
    (japan, japanese, penpal, personals, friendship, e-mail, mate, communication, CrossCulture, international)

  • -(1998)
    This page is trying to answer your what's American Studies? and what's American Country in Japan? questions. I've also put together some of my favorite Mattisse and O'keeffe paintings for you to see. And be sure to say hello to my baby dog Goldie!
    (American, Studies, Country, craft, Japanese, student, Amish, Golden, retrievers, Maryland)

  • (Hiroshima) -(1998)
    shucompany's HomePage about Lottery greencard for Japanese living in foreign country.
    (GreenCard, lottery, chance, life, business, learn, success)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan