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{art, artistics, artistic} + {design, designing} + {WWW, web, W3}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
archipro architects' web archipro architects' web (Tokyo) - Archipro architects is a Tokyo-based architecture and urban design studio led by Hideki Yoshimatsu and associates. We create the simple high quality design toward house,housing,public architecture,urban design,landscape design, and so on. (archipro, architect , tokyo , urban , design , HidekiYoshimatsu, KyokoYamaga, MichioMaeda, landscape , art )
++ MKM OFFICIAL WEB ++ ++ MKM OFFICIAL WEB ++ (Tokyo) - ++ MKM OFFICIAL WEB ++ (MKM, MAU, dogggystyle, music , live , club , kobose, GQ06, band , official )
Ikkou Itabashi Web Site Ikkou Itabashi Web Site (Saitama) - Landscape Designner Ikkou Itabashi Web Site (EnvironmentDesign, PublicArt, ArtWall, Glassmosaic, ParkPlan, PlayEquipmentDesign, KinderGarden, Landscape , AmusementPark )
Mr.K's Life Mr.K's Life (Tokyo) - Mr.K's Life (Flash , Photoshop , Painter )
0-KING 0-KING (Tokyo) - Character-Design ART-Direction Illustration WEB-Design leave it to me!!! (WEBDesign , ARTDirection, Illustration , CharacterDesign , art , Illustrator , pro , photo )
WATER HIP WORLD WATER HIP WORLD (Saitama) - This is creator's homepage. (image , design , photo , designer , illust , illustrator , homepage, photoshop , create , art )
HOTLINE, Kyoto, Japan HOTLINE, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto) - MONTHLY HOTLINE (HOTLINE, MONTHLY , design , designer , advertising , web )
STOMP ON THE BEACH!!!! STOMP ON THE BEACH!!!! (Tokyo) - Jet Leader's subculture web. '60s rock'n'roll, design, fashion, surfin' & movies. (WEB , DESIGN , ART , ROCK , MUSIC , SIXTIES , FASHION , SURFIN' , RECORD , BEATLES )
rinamika art com rinamika art com (Kyoto) - illustration&G.design (illustration&G.design)
works@web works@web (Saitama) - This page is Toshiki Yabushita Art World. (Toshiki , Yabushita, art , web , design )
ura mani mani ura mani mani (Chiba) - Welcome to ura mani mani! (uramanimani, accessory , illustration , picture , paint , recipe , photoshop , illustrater, art , cafe )
Rental 3D-illustration (2,500 / year) Rental 3D-illustration (2,500\ / year) (Aichi) - Rental 3D-illustration (3,500\ / year) (illustration , rental , Photo , website , image , images , homepage, art , 3Dillustration, design )
[dig] self-educated style web [dig] self-educated style web (Osaka) - Welcome to our website [dig] resources of hipsters in Japan and Asian countries, organized by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corp). We aim to [dig] out the talented individuals of the day, and introduce their unique ways of thinking and those of living. (Japanese , Asian , design , features , culture , lifestyle , Kansai , tourist , dig , Art )
HiMonoWeb HiMonoWeb (Tokyo) - Young architects Hi-Mono's Homepage (himono, architect , ito , shimazaki , house , idea , design , plan , architecture , art )
simple mail's website simple mail's website (Kanagawa) - simple mail's HomePage (homepage, simple , mail , web , site , cool , art , hit )
INNOCE CO.,LTD INNOCE CO.,LTD (Tokyo) - INNOCE-Services include Web Site Design,Building,and Renovation,plus Bookediting and Planning. (edit , design , innternet, planning , innoce, web , publish , designer , editor , book )
luckandpluck luckandpluck (Miyagi) - luckandpluck website this site is all artist's site come in and check!!! (website , art , design )
Scraps Company Scraps Company (Kyoto) - Website GALLERY (sample , site , arawone, rawone, HTML , gallery , chat , diary , photo , library )
EQuipment on the web!! EQuipment on the web!! (Tokyo) - We do enjoy MUSIC and Art!! please visit our website !! (label , rock , pank , garage , fraffiti, BEL2, equipment , record , art , design )
CONTINENTAL OP's PERSONAL WEB SITE CONTINENTAL OP's PERSONAL WEB SITE (Saitama) -(2002) wide range critique on various subjects such as politics, economics, modern arts and sports (weblog , critique , art , economic , politic , management , design , industrial , motorspots, PR )
web_code / code_japan website web_code / code_japan website -(2002) (web_code, code_japan , art , architect , architecture )
Home Page Company Capital Media Planning Home Page Company Capital Media Planning (Wakayama) -(2002) Home Page Company is Capital Media Planning (home, page, web , capital , media , planning , net , art , design )
mamagoto@cafe mamagoto@cafe (Tokyo) -(2002) a designer in Tokyo Japan. (design , Tshirts , web , keion, sociology , art , funk , blues , progrumming, javascript )
BrokenDish BrokenDish (Tokyo) -(2002) Hideki's HomePage (handmade , Gallery , Art , overground, Design , hidekin, roughgoing, flash , BKD, Creator )
absolute coulibaly absolute coulibaly (Tokyo) -(2002) illustrator yumiko coulibaly's webgallery (illustrator , webgallery, webdesign , art , artist , blackmusic , advertizing, illustration )
MBDL Website MBDL Website (Kanagawa) -(2002) Free Web Material Website by Mike Ueda (Painting Artist) (material, website , java , script , web , free , artwork , art , ad , design )
Design Office-s2 Design Office-s2 (Tokyo) -(2002) Design Office-S2 HomePage (DTP , advertise , Web , Art , Asakusa , Kuramae, layout , DesignOffice , publicity , SekiguchiHidehiko)
ART NEXT ART NEXT (Nara) -(2001) Web produce & Printing Design (ART , NEXT , Design , HomePage, Web , Print , Photo , JavaScript , QT-VR, DTP )
PLAY AROUND PLAY AROUND (Kyoto) -(2001) armstrong's listening Presents Website Like A Freepaper! (design , mp3 , music , flash , tshirts , art , web )
JUN ITO DESIGN WEB [Flyers] JUN ITO DESIGN WEB [Flyers] (Tokyo) -(2001) Bag designer & Artist,JUN ITO's Website.Casualbags made to Order.Art Gallery,Baseball books collection,Charge association. (bag , order , design , art , picture , baseball , book , charge , diary , fashion )
ISHIDA Art Vila ISHIDA Art Vila (Kanagawa) -(2001) The Actor Nobuyuki Ishida starts this site. You may remember TV program Millerman. He was a main cast. He also introduces his artist friends and his company. (Nobuyuki , Ishida , Millerman, actor , play , design , Web-Design , Translation , Workshop , art )
www.T-Tee.com www.T-Tee.com (Tokyo) -(2001) Various Creator T-Tee's site where there are my illustrations, and web-design, and etc. (T-Tee, illustration , illustrator , web , design , designer , art , artist , comic , cartoon )
illustration studio jinjin illustration studio jinjin (Osaka) -(2001) jinjin's illustration studio!! (illustrater, illustration , art , artist , webdesign , animation , manimimanimyat, jinjin , artshop , computer )
tee.em.art anthology tee.em.art anthology (Kyoto) -(2001) It is the tee.em.art which has heard DTP and Web work in Kyoto. The beautiful typesetting is kept in mind. (DTP , WEB , PRINT , SITE , KYOTO , DESIGN , COLUMN , ESSAY , TYPOGRAPHY , TYPESETTING )
prism prism (Tokyo) -(2001) Prism is a non-genre creator's web magazine, which aim to stimulate creative viewpoints.In every issue, creators will put their imagination and creativity toward a certain creative focus point. A theme will be setup in every issue. The theme will be developed around the aggregate in the every day life which everyone is familiar with and the aggregate in society, etc. Around the aggregate, elements will be created with the creator's viewpoint. Furthermore, each of that creators work concentrates as an element of a new aggregate in Prism. (prism , Japan , creater, magazine , creative , photo , design , art , illust , viewpoint )
Loyal Kougei WebSite Loyal Kougei WebSite (Tokyo) -(2001) Loyal Kougei Website (display , shop , rental , Lease , Exhibition , Utensil , Sales , Fashion , Project , Design )
Future Design - Tohoku University of Art & Design Future Design - Tohoku University of Art & Design (Yamagata) -(2001) Future Design: e-Business, Web Design, Future Planning, Game, Amusement Image. (Web , VFX)
clip clip (Kanagawa) -(2001) murai reina's HomePage. yokohama,kanagawa,japan (design , webdesign , web , art , illustration , illust , ReinaMurai, manga , artisut)
@A-Site Design @A-Site Design (Tokyo) -(2000) webdesign. (@A-siteDesign, webart, webdesign )
Web Index HomePage Web Index HomePage (Osaka) -(2000) osaka japan. (HomePage, Make , Company , Art , Illustrated , Design )
SkyBlueOcean Web. SkyBlueOcean Web. (Kanagawa) -(2000) SIMPLE & COMPACT webarts!!! ALL Free !! (java , free , GIF , art , design , simple , compact )
AT-Factory AT-Factory (Kanagawa) -(2000) POP & COOL Design (Design , T-shirts , Factory , AT , Web , Designer , Flash , Art , Illustration , Music )
SAME FEELING SAME FEELING (Kanagawa) -(2000) SINGO&MAI HomePage (Photo , Dessin , Dessinateur, webDessinateur, Photograph )
tak on the web tak on the web (Yamagata) -(2000) design,art,homepagefactory (design , art , HomepageFactory)
Sekaido Webpage. Sekaido Webpage. (Tokyo) -(1999) Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
mitsuru works on web mitsuru works on web (Tokyo) -(1999) "mitsuru works on web"is promotion site of "mitsuru works". "mitsuru works" is making design, photo, and independent movie. (present , web design , design , art , movie , sano mikage, arimoto megumi, sato yoko, BluemOfYouth)
icals web site icals web site (Aichi) -(1998) icals web site design&architecture (architecture , design , housing , space , interior , product , landscape , barrier-free , icals, daily )
DoaDoa DoaDoa (Tokyo) -(1998) llustrator / Art Gallery, POST CARD, Animation, Web Design, Books Design, Travel / SOFT : Painter, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash,etc. (Illustration , Art , Gallery , Animation , Web , Design , Painter , Photoshop )
miocompose miocompose (Tokyo) -(1998) This SITE have contents Design, Photography and download free WEB material. I require Netscape 3.0 later with Shockwave Flash plug-in. (Design , Art , photo , book , subculture , miocompose, recipe , web , download , Flash )
IMG SRC IMG SRC (Tokyo) -(1998) img src website.we are web design company,tokyo japan. (imgsrc, webart, webdesign , design )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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