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{board, plate, boarding} + {high, upper, up, higher}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
Reference(frequency) {game}
{network, internetworking, networking, net, internet}
{photograph, photography, photographical, photographic, photo}
@+{access, accessible, accessibility} ...(89)
@+{ad, publicity, propaganda, billboard, advertisement, advertise, advert} ...(59)
@+{bulletin} ...(449)
@+{chat, chitchat, chatter} ...(149)
@+{diary} ...(78)
@+{free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom} ...(76)
@+{friend, pal, intimacy, chum, buddy} ...(72)
@+{girl, woman, Musume, lady, daughter} ...(62)
@+{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} ...(66)
@+{junior} ...(102)
@+{link, URLs, URL} ...(85)
@+{mail, mailing} ...(79)
@+{meet, encounter} ...(53)
@+{school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia} ...(263)
@+{senior} ...(188)
@+{service} ...(227)
@+{student} ...(178)
onlyone onlyone (Saitama) - onlyone home page (onlyone , CAR , DEALER , TOYOTA , HONDA , NISSAN )
AreYou Genki ! AreYou Genki ! (Tokyo) - Hi Folks! Will you join us! I'm 38year old man. (e-zup, 4wheeldrive, snowboard , caraudio, outdoor , MOUNTAINBIKE , diy )
at repair at repair (Hyogo) - welcome (car )
Snowfactory Snowfactory (Fukushima) - Snowfactory HomePage (Tuneup , Ski , Snowbord, Snowfactory)
Asano's HomePage Asano's HomePage (Osaka) - chuoku,osaka,japan (jewellery, reform , repair , ordermade , diamond , dogtag, strap , sculpture , zippo , pet )
total car shop 2nd-stage total car shop 2nd-stage (Tottori) - total car shop (car )
kickboard beachcycle kickboard beachcycle (Shizuoka) - kickboard beachcycle (kickboard , BEACHcycle, snowboard , surfboard , skateboard , scooter , BLUEARTDRIVE, 73 , sheepskin, surfing )
National Veneer Co., Ltd. National Veneer Co., Ltd. (Aichi) - We are one of the veneer companies in Japan. We started business since 1963. We import sliced veneers from over the world. We mainly produce parts of stairs. In addition, we import wooden toys and sledges from Germany and Norway. Our main concept for these toys are Play with Parents. (natural , wood , veneer , riser, stairs , wooden , toys , sledge , national )
VERAZ MACHINE CORPORATION / Sheet metal machine and High grade used machine VERAZ MACHINE CORPORATION / Sheet metal machine and High grade used machine (Kanagawa) - We at VeraZ Machine Corporation,specializing in Sheet Metal Machines backed by abundant experience and know-how,will carefully select and provide you a high-grade machine for your satisfaction. Through the machine we involve we always think and act to help you with all our might. We are machine tool dealer handling all types of the machine tools, with an especially strong background in Sheet Metal Machines. We provide high grade machine tools at reasonable price. *The sheet metal machine manufactured with AMADA is handled mainly. (amada, used , sheet metal , machine , turret punch, laser , brake , bender, export , veraz)
HI-P TECH HI-P TECH (Saitama) - High Performance Technology HI-P tec (AC/DC, PG)
Heaven's Beach Heaven's Beach (Saitama) - LongBorder's HomePage (LongBord, Surfin )
Let fix the instability of Win98 Let fix the instability of Win98 (Kanagawa) - Let's prove by MOVIE that you can fix the instability of Win98. (Win98, freeze , instability , multi-task, blue-screen, system-error, WinXP, Win2000, WinMe, stability )
uhoo, you may fix the instability of Windows98 uhoo, you may fix the instability of Windows98 (Kanagawa) - I proved by MOVIE that you can fix the instability of Windows98. (Win98, freeze , system-error, instability , stability , mother-board , multi-task, blue_screen, Win2000, WinXP)
Pattern design It leaves here. Pattern design It leaves here. (Iwate) - The 1st class printed wired board manufacture design work consultant engineer Qualification acquisition person (Printed , wired , board , CAD )
koei koei (Saga) - koei
you may fix the instability of Windows98 you may fix the instability of Windows98 (Kanagawa) - Win98 will be Powerfully. Multitask-capacity will be forceful. Win98 will recognize mother-board afresh. (Win98, freeze , system-error, instability , stability , mother-board , multi-task, blue_screen)
you can fix the instability of Windows98 you can fix the instability of Windows98 (Kanagawa) - Let's prove by MOVIE that you can fix the instability of Windows98. (Win98, freeze , system-error, instability , stability , mother-board , multi-task, blue-screen)
you can fix the instability of Windows98 you can fix the instability of Windows98 (Kanagawa) - Let's prove by MOVIE that you can fix the instability of Windows98. (Win98, freeze , system-error, instability , stability , mother-board , multi-task, blue-screen)
you can fix the instability of Windows98 you can fix the instability of Windows98 (Kanagawa) - Let's prove by MOVIE that you can fix the instability of Windows98 (Win98, freeze , system-error, instability , stability , mother-board , multi-task, blue-screen)
Welcome to HIOKI's homepage Welcome to HIOKI's homepage (Hokkaido) - Welcome to HIOKI's homepage (obihiro , tocachi, fc0)
kazusa car homepage kazusa car homepage (Nagasaki) -(2002) kazusa. nagasaki. japan. (mechanic , dress , up , paint , wrecker , crane )
Memory board Memory board (Tokyo) -(2002) Memory board for VME,PCI,CompactPCI (Chrislin, VME , PCI , Flash , CompactPCI, 4G, VFLASH, VSB, memory , PLX)
System Bus Operation, Soliton Systems K.K. System Bus Operation, Soliton Systems K.K. (Tokyo) -(2002) Products showcase for embedded system development. (VME , PCI , Ethernet, CPU , Bus , SBS , Adaptor , Fibre , Expansion , Embedded )
ichiko-auto ichiko-auto (Saitama) -(2002) It is the service station in Oji,Kita-ku. Various services,such as maintenance,sheet metal and paint,used car sale,and a rental car,are performed. (tokyo , kita-ku, oji , Automobile inspection , Sheet metal , Paint , Maintenance , Used car , Dressing up, Reconstruction )
masudajidousha masudajidousha (Saitama) -(2002) An automobile inspection, maintenance, sheet metal, paint, and used car sale. Automobile whole service. (kantou , saitama , okegawa , Automobile inspection , Sheet metal , Maintenance , Paint , Repair , EARO part, Dressing up)
HAYASEAUTO HAYASEAUTO (Aichi) -(2002) car dressup (car )
ayaya-station ayaya-station (Aichi) -(2002) matuura aya (matuura, aya , ayaya , movie , picture , concert , news )
AUTO BODY ASSORT AUTO BODY ASSORT (Nagano) -(2002) autobodyassort (autobodyassort)
Marutomi Home Page Marutomi Home Page (Nagano) -(2002) nagano,nagano.japan (car , fix , painting )
Kite@Biwako Kite@Biwako (Hyogo) -(2002) This is Kite Boarding & Kite Surfing web sight @ Biwako lake Japan. (kite , kiteboarding, kitesurfing, biwako , upkite, nest )
KSK International Wood Products KSK International Wood Products (Saitama) -(2002) KSK International Wood Products (KSK , International , Wood , Products )
autowave kasaiautorand autowave kasaiautorand (Tokyo) -(2002) usedcar (USEDCAR , AUTOWAVE, toyota , NISSAN , HONDA , SUBARU , MAZDA , MITSUBISHI )
car-bokujyo.com car-bokujyo.com (Kanagawa) -(2002) This page is a car shop page. (car , overhaul , roadtown)
yutaka.CO,LTD yutaka.CO,LTD (Chiba) -(2002) usedcar sales,dlessUP,etc. (yutaka , usedcar , bus , tabi, ryokou, sekiyado , tiba , jidoushashuuri)
Accelerator board for great speed up molecular dynamics (MD) simulations Accelerator board for great speed up molecular dynamics (MD) simulations -(2002) Fuji Xerox developed a high-speed, precision accelerator board, MD Engine II, to carry out computer simulations based on molecular dynamics. MD Engine II includes a maximum of 19 boards that are connected to achieve 76 gigaflops, the same processing power of a supercomputer. In order to do an MD simulation, it is necessary to calculate non-bonded interactions, such as Coulombic force or van der Waals (v.d.W) force.In most MD simulation cases, over 90% of simulation time is spent to calculate these interactions. Especially, when coulombic interaction works, over 99% of calculation time is spent for it. This is the main cause to which it takes a long time for the MD simulations. A cheap method cut-off of the long-range interaction is often adopted. However, another problem with low reliability of the simulation result is often caused in this method. MD Engine II enables high-speed computations of non-bonded interactions, thus significantly reduces the computing time for many MD simulation applications. (MD , MD Engine, accelerator , parallel calculation, molecular dynamics, simulation , protein , pc cluster)
Makoto Body Shop Co. Makoto Body Shop Co. (Kanagawa) -(2002) Makoto Body Shop's HomePage. Car Dressup and Selling Used Cars (car , used , kanagawa , yokohama , kozukue, kodukue, dressup , dress-up , kouhoku , bankin)
yoshiaki's page yoshiaki's page (Shizuoka) -(2002) yoshiaki's page (fileserver, UPBBS, YOSHIAKI )
X-GAMES X-GAMES (Okayama) -(2002) SURF SNOW Home Page
SEED The origin of SKI SEED The origin of SKI (Aichi) -(2002) This is the wonderful pro shop for progress of your skiing technique. We will tune your boots& ski up, these equipment will offer confertable and satisfying feeling for you. (ski , boots , waxing, tune , tune-up , wear )
Takahashikenzai Online Shopping Takahashikenzai Online Shopping (Ibaraki) -(2002) POST,NAMEPLATE,INTERIORLIGHT,LANDSCAPE,CONSTRACTION (Takahashikenzai, Nameplate , Post , Light , HouseReform , Exterior , ConcreteBlock, Color , Block , Landscape )
UMEYA UMEYA (Hyogo) -(2002) ski,vacation (ski )
YAMATO HomePage YAMATO HomePage (Saitama) -(2001) YAMATO HomePage (spin , wave , grain , wood , manufacture , grinding , aluminium , board )
NORTH Corporation Web Site NORTH Corporation Web Site (Tokyo) -(2001) NORTH Corporation is developing development and sale of Tape-Interposer for CSP or BGA, and development and sale of the technology about a printed wired board. (NORTH , PWB , Interposer, Build-up, Stacked, Package , NMTI, NMBI, CSP , BGA )
pension green angel pension green angel (Nagano) -(2001) pension green angel (pension , ski , spa , family , snowboard , dog )
model bord page model bord page (Kanagawa) -(2001) model (UP , model )
welcome to headquarter welcome to headquarter (Kanagawa) -(2001) Welcome to Head Quarter!
doublux doublux (Osaka) -(2001) ecogoods doublux! (sunlight , co:ltd.)
Ur-clean's Home Page Ur-clean's Home Page (Iwate) -(2001) Morioka,Iwate,Japan (ur-clean, skidless, formaldehyde , sickhouse , remove-smell-of-pet, alkaliionwater, ecologygoods)
SPORTS SHOP T-LABORATORY SPORTS SHOP T-LABORATORY (Miyagi) -(2001) sports shop T-LABORATORY (skishop, sunowboardshop, senndai)
WAKITABODY CORPORATION WAKITABODY CORPORATION (Aichi) -(2001) WAKITABODY CORPORATION Nagoya Japan (Aichi , Nagoya , Moriyama , Car , body , Repair , Aero , parts , Customcar )
kawai-car kawai-car (Aichi) -(2001) kawai-car (kawai-car)
e-xkate e-xkate (Kanagawa) -(2001) power boards.electric extreme skate. (e-xkate, xkate, power , boards , electric , extreme , skate )
Windsurfing HomePage Windsurfing HomePage (Gunma) -(2001) Japan (windsurfin, bmx , inline , mtb , wind , mstyle, kayak , cycle , marine , outdoor )
ski boots eskimore ski boots eskimore (Tokyo) -(2001) tune up your skiboots, making innsole,making foming innerboots (skiboots, foaming , tuneup , ski , sidas, comform'able)
U-IKC U-IKC (Saitama) -(2001) Koshigaya, Saitama, Japan
FOR YOU Corp. FOR YOU Corp. (Tokyo) -(2000) FORYOUCorp,InternationalTelecommunicationDSIcall0071HomePage (FORYOU, Corp. , Call-007plus, UV&IRCutCoating, AtShieldClear,Color, Reflexplate)
PensionGreenTerrace's HomePage PensionGreenTerrace's HomePage (Iwate) -(2000) Hactimantai,Iwate,Japan (Hachimantai , Pension , HotSpring , Ski , SnowBoard , NationalPark )
UENOTRADING UENOTRADING (Shizuoka) -(2000) Welcome to our snowboard factoryshop. (SNOWBOARD , TUNEUP , WAKEBOARD , SKATEBOARD )
sharinkan sharinkan (Kumamoto) -(2000) MTB,FS,DH...Here are a lot of cycles all over the world. (FOX , BMX , MTB , FS, DH, XC, ROAD , BESPA, CHAO , YAMAHA )
Churitsu Electric Corporation Churitsu Electric Corporation (Aichi) -(2000) I-LINE SQD (I-LINE,SQD, I-LINE, SQD)
natsu'sHomePage natsu'sHomePage (Tokyo) -(2000) Tokyo,Japan (extantion, makeup , music , moterbike, milk , skateboard )
Ski-MaintenanceShop Takase Ski-MaintenanceShop Takase (Akita) -(2000) Takase-Sports HomePage (ski , board , snowboard , tune-up , tune , akita , odate , takase , sports , carving )
JIKOUSHIKI Number Plate JIKOUSHIKI Number Plate (Kanagawa) -(1999) Illumination Number Plate (illumination , number , plate , car , automobile )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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