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{character} + {comic, Manga, cartoon, caricature} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
inemuri-room inemuri-room (Chiba) - illustration (illustration , character , dog )
Painting studio,Kanagawa,Japan Painting studio,Kanagawa,Japan (Kanagawa) - Colorful work introduction of a pop system comical-from art system pictures illustration, comics and an illustration essay, a column, etc. (illustration , illustrator , Column , Character , web , material, cartoon , Whale , Animation , Plan )
hana*hana hana*hana (Tokyo) - Amano's Illustration HomePage (illustration , original , novels , comic , mystery , WJ)
Nagara.net Nagara.net (Osaka) - CG designer's site, based in Japan. Illustrations, storyboards for Japanese TV commercials and a comic strip, made with PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR and PAINTER CLASSIC. And also making a storyboard for CG beginners. (photoshop , Illustration , Painter , Macintosh , 2D , character , comic , design )
sachikyokouho sachikyokouho (Chiba) - illust saite (illust , WJ)
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
MADE IN POP MADE IN POP (Tokyo) - MADE IN POP is the creative unit which expresses a tale and a character skillfully by animation, a picture-book, comics, etc. (KAI'N, SEICHI, AMUSEMENT , PARK , Flash , Animation , Charactor, Illustration , catoon, CITRUS )
character short animation web site character short animation web site (Tokyo) - OUT-WEIGH Co. (character , animation , illustration , CG , comick, clay , entertainment , artist , illustrator , licenser)
Painting studio ' Atelier ROJUE ' Home Page Painting studio ' Atelier ROJUE ' Home Page (Kyoto) - To who want to learn dessin drawing painting croquis illustration... Come On!! Our Atelier ROJUE. (painting , drawing , studio , sketching , art-model, model , illustration , CG )
YangYi's Labo YangYi's Labo (Tokyo) - text art (textart, anime , manga , illust , art , YangYi, link , board , e , game )
Miefi0677 Miefi0677 (Saitama) -(2002) You will see Miefi's diary. She is in your heart. (diary , portrait , character , illustration , novel , comic , manga , story , otaku , girl )
Jamie Baker Folio Jamie Baker Folio -(2002) Artwork done for animation illustration and comics. Includes storyboards, character designs and animation samples from Commercials, TV series and Feature films. (animation , manga , illustration , CG , storyboard, character-design )
oosakaben no hirokun oosakaben no hirokun (Osaka) -(2002) manga (manga )
ROMPERZ ROMPERZ (Saitama) -(2002) Japanese Flash Site (Flash , 3DCG , animation , Romper)
SHOZI.COM SHOZI.COM (Hiroshima) -(2002) The HomePage of SHOZI DESIGN OFFICE, Inc. (illustration , CG , advertise , design , hirosima , animation , character , comics , Mac )
Character Development Factory [Phi] Character Development Factory [Phi] (Tokyo) -(2002) Character Development Factory [Phi]. (Products , merchandising , contents , Flash , Movie , licensee, Character , 3DCG , Illustration , Comics )
hakuhukan hakuhukan (Tokyo) -(2002) Hiropoo's HomePage It'sMANGA! (MANGA , illustration , original )
Tenryu's Illust Gallery Tenryu's Illust Gallery (Tokyo) -(2002) Tenryu's Illust Gallery.Anima and Game character CG.TenryuGadho's HomePage. (Animacharacter, Gamecharacter , Illust )
i-work i-work (Aichi) -(2002) i-work is showing 3DCG illustlation images that is mainly photoreal comics image. (illustlation, design , comics , images , photo , arts , graphic , gallery )
MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustration work company. (illustration , cartoon , design , graphic , picture , symbol , comic , animation , character , animal )
studio AGA studio AGA (Saitama) -(2002) Music, Illustrations, ...and more! (studio , DTM , DTP , comic , MIDI , .mid , YAMAHA , XG, GM, SMF )
GreenCamel CharactersSite GreenCamel CharactersSite (Tokyo) -(2001) Characters WebSite in Japan. (character , illustration , comic , license )
cubic~2 cubic~2 (Aichi) -(2001) The introduction site of somewhat fearful and dear characters "DEATH ANGELS". Character goods etc. are made. (death , angels , cartoon , character , goods , character goods , wataya, Illustration )
Masayuki Katayama gallery Masayuki Katayama gallery (Tokyo) -(2001) This sate is Masayuki Katayama's Home Page!! (illustrator )
bambi design bambi design (Tokyo) -(2001) bambi design's HomePage illustration and comic Comic bambina (design , illustration , game , flash , comic , animation , horror , character , gallery , work )
T-Tea on tha Web!!! T-Tea on tha Web!!! (Tokyo) -(2001) The illustration works of T-Tea have heart of ROCK. (illustration , illustrator , design , ROCK , charactor, Americancomic, comic , cool , dope , HIOHOP)
UnknownZone UnknownZone (Hyogo) -(2001) Welcome AsakaMukai's illustHomePage!! (illust , Harry , Potter , comic , fantagy, girl , novel , character , desain)
clumsy planet clumsy planet (Tokyo) -(2001) clumsy's home page (illustration , comic , character , Illustrator , art , animation , planet )
ASSH-P- ASSH-P- (Tokyo) -(2001) Sayaka's Home Page! (picture , illustration , circle , anime , novel )
N-note N-note (Chiba) -(2000) Fumi's Illustration Gallery, exhibit of cartoons,Illustrations,and other designs. This page is written in japanese. Please take a look! (illustration , cartoon , design , N-note, Fumihe, japanese )
4649melon.com 4649melon.com (Osaka) -(2000) 4649melon.com pressents cartoon and royalty free data in our web site.We are looking forward your request.We are going to increase our site data more and more.So,please visit our site repeatedly! (melon , creater, data , cartoon , free , Osaka , design , illustration , print , character )
umechan's room umechan's room (Tokyo) -(2000) this site is about my origianal story, my drawings, my original characters, my dogs, my chipmunk, and my diary! (comics , original , story , game , anime , pets , dog , japan , CG , character )
BUTAKIMUTINO PAGE BUTAKIMUTINO PAGE (Kanagawa) -(2000) yorosiku!! (pritty, butakimuchi, comic , illustration )
Illustration Room Illustration Room (Chiba) -(2000) Koiyoshi`s HomePage (adobe , Illustrator , Illustration , Hobby , Design , CARTOON )
Absolute Blue Absolute Blue (Tokyo) -(2000) Excellent 3DCG charactor,2DCG,FLASH site. (3D , Lightwave, character , illustration , FLASH , design , manga , animetion, japanimetion, autolink )
The Air Castle The Air Castle (Fukushima) -(2000) This webpage is created by Sesela. The main of this page is some original and anime caracter CG. (illustrate , original , anime , game , character , fantasy )
NARUKARI WORLD NARUKARI WORLD (Nagano) -(2000) Art&craft narukari koubou's page.verry innteresting woodcraft. (wood , woodcraft , illustration , art , character , craft )
comicomi.net comicomi.net (Osaka) -(2000) The ultimate site for every Manga,Anime,Otaku's Doujinshi and Comic or Computer Game Fantasies. (Manga , Doujinshi, Comic , Japanimation , Otaku , ComputerGame , Hentai)
PiezoComic PiezoComic (Chiba) -(2000) Japanese cartoon company (cartoon , illustration , JapaneseBusiness )
Monocrome Memories Monocrome Memories (Shiga) -(1999) Monocrome illustrations (illustrations , comic , manga )
T's Island T's Island (Aichi) -(1998) Takuji Yamada's HomePage (illustration , comic , toon, T's , island , illustrator )
character design & illustration character design & illustration (Kanagawa) -(1997) CharacterDesign,Illustration,SymbolMark&ComicCartoon. Please Show This. (character design , illustration , symbol mark, comic , cartoon )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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