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{character} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@2={illustration, illustrate, illust}


  • Negipan (Tokyo) -
    It is a Pop'n Music center illustration site.
    (Pop'nMusic, illustration, Deuil, Yuli, Ash, Smile)

  • MAD BARBARIANS (Osaka) -
    MAD BARBARIANS SITE A collaboration between illustrator, Katsuya Saito, and graphic designer, Masumi Ito. Using concepts such as Mad,Pop,Rock,Cute, and Absurd as their inspiration, they are devoting their energies day and night to their work. Their Aim- World Domination through MAD Characters.
    (MAD, BARBARIANS, illust, katsuya, cute, rock, figure, character, Tshits, pop)

  • yzm (Tokyo) -
    (illust, cinema, yzm,

  • icons 1024+ (Miyagi) -
    icon illust japan
    (icon, illust, smallicon, japan)

  • sakura-rousoku (Osaka) -
    It is from ordinary ROSOKU to creation ROSOKU of a special order. There are also ROSOKU and the foppish candle for the outdoors and it is.
    (rousoku, candle, sakura, mark, ROSOKU, Kono, factory, containing, character, illustrated)

  • Palace neko-niwa (Osaka) -
    neko-niwa The Palace Server
    (Chat, Avatar, Character, Illustration, Space, Communication, Virtual, Free, Palace, Japanese)

  • barachiyo(Japan) (Ishikawa) -
    There are cute and nostalgic a material and an illustration a lot. It is a marchen atmosphere even if it takes. A janitor is the reader of a Shonen JUMP and also has the fan illustration and material of NARUTO & ONE PIECE.
    (icon, wallpaper, material, illustration, charactor, lolita, zoro, pop, marchen, site)

  • tomtit seek --Japanese site-- (Hyogo) -
    ILLUST & Desk-top icon , screen saver etc. (free download) -- Japanese --
    (illust, Desktop, icon, screen, saver, free, download, DL, girlfriends)

  • SilverMoon BookShelf (Osaka) -
    L-Kasuga's HomePage

  • Free Material Search Engine (Tokyo) -
    It is the searching engine of the sight which offers the free material for the web of the home page. Category it has done to divide the many free material sight finely. The method which has the free material sight the propriety register
    (GIF, Free, Material, Home Page, Anime, 3D, Font, Line, MIDI, Thema, Banner, Link, Search Engine, submit)

  • hidariya (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    pop artgallery

  • micronia (Tokyo) -(2002)
    aki yoshida
    (micronia, flash, 3D, a-kiz2, inter, face, aki, yoshida, pretty, enjoy)

  • WORKS SITE (Osaka) -(2002)
    WORKS's HomePage hand-drown illstration,3DCG,Animation, streamworks.
    (illustration, Character, animation, homepage, CD-ROM, 3dimendion, streaming, Hand-drawn)

  • ORBITAL LADY OFFICIAL WEB (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    orbital lady official web
    (takashima, hoshino, orbital, lady, mechanic, character, illustration, shueisha, novels, dash)

  • hirokojinet (Tokyo) -(2002)

  • Furuya Kousakutsu (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (Illustration, Character)

  • masqverade (Tokyo) -(2002)

  • Canon New-Year's-card creation help site (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    The free download material of the illustration and fude-character for New Year's cards is a full load at this website. There is also a link to convenient free address book software etc.
    (new, year, card, illustration, calendar, address, zodiac, horary, fude, canon)

  • a plug receptacle (Nara) -(2001)
    I love rabbit! PUFFY! illust!
    (rabbit, illust, momo-c, puffy, amo, diary, love, toy)

  • Shira Coop Gallery (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Illustrator,CharacterDesigner, Kazuma Shirasaki's HomePage Masterpiece:Mikan-Seijin
    (Shira, Coop, Gallery, mikan-seijin, Kazuma, Shirasaki, illustration, character)

  • kaeruseijinReturns (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    (frog, FLASH)

  • maple_sugar (Osaka) -(2001)
    (finalfantasy, illustrations, novels, submit, eko, game, invite, character, postpet, FFfansite)

  • Psychedelic Planets (Aomori) -(2001)
    This homepage is managed by Yukiya Kazama. You can chip in a story I write! There are my diary and my monologue, and so on. Please come here!
    (psychedelic, planets, novel, serial, fantasy, diary, monologue, student, character, illustration)

  • (Osaka) -(2001)
    k_saga's illustrations website.

  • The Moonlight revolution (Hyogo) -(2001)
    This is SWORD WORLD TRPG CHARACTER CHAT in Japan. You play your character in SWORD WORLD'fantacy world BUT! ...Sorry,this page is Japanese only.
    (CHARACTER, CHAT, TRPG, SWORD, WORLD, Fantacy, Illust, animation, magic)

  • T Flower (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    (TkayamaTkasi, illustration, flower, landscape, plant, insect, animal, character, pop)

  • aooni (Osaka) -(2000)
    (manzai, oni)

  • illustration (Osaka) -(2000)
    (illustration, GameBooks)

  • A Japanese ilastlator's homepage.but Japanese only. (Saitama) -(2000)
    A Japanese ilastlator's homepage. I took many caractors used by CM.and BBS used everyknown faces.This page is Japanese only,but perhaps you would be able to enjoy this page.
    (BBS, caractor, CM, ilust, tourikan, japanese, history)

  • kumaya homepage (Aomori) -(1999)
    kumaya's page
    (book, japan, aomori)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan