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{character} + {graphic, graphics, graphical} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Darkness Meeting Darkness Meeting (Tochigi) - D-meet(Darkness meeting) (darknessmeeting, midi , CG , picture , game , D-meet, SPJ)
moongallery moongallery (Niigata) - SaitoDesign`s HomePage (illustration , rogomark, charactor, advertisement , saitodesign, niigatacity , creater)
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
PiCT PiCT (Hiroshima) - Pict CO.,LTD. (Pict , Web , Graphic , Illustration , Hiroshima , Homepage, Character , Philip , Photoshop , Computer )
CI VI MARK CI VI MARK (Tokyo) - Simbol mark Design. by OAK's Home. (simbolmark, logotype, design , graphic , caractor, web , homepage, illustration , pict )
magoshi designing magoshi designing (Chiba) - MagoshiDesigning's HomePage (graphicdesign , advertisement , printing , consulting , marketing , salespromotion , illustration , character , photography , public )
BumBunArts BumBunArts (Okayama) - The original work and profile of Noriyuki Kishi (graphic , design , illust , art , Flash , program , web , bumbun, character , Kishi )
character short animation web site character short animation web site (Tokyo) - OUT-WEIGH Co. (character , animation , illustration , CG , comick, clay , entertainment , artist , illustrator , licenser)
STAGGERING LIFE STAGGERING LIFE (Kanagawa) - Satru Ohya's HomePage (Satoru , Ohya , Illustration , Aurora , YellowKnife, Cicada, Strata3D, Character , Robotch, Lights )
Painting studio ' Atelier ROJUE ' Home Page Painting studio ' Atelier ROJUE ' Home Page (Kyoto) - To who want to learn dessin drawing painting croquis illustration... Come On!! Our Atelier ROJUE. (painting , drawing , studio , sketching , art-model, model , illustration , CG )
FACTORY34 FACTORY34 (Tokyo) - T-shirt and illusrations. (T-shirt , illustrator , design , character , card , 3DCG , work , logotype, cut , cray )
3DCG&MOVIE/IDEACREATS.CO.,LTD./Tokyo,Japan 3DCG&MOVIE/IDEACREATS.CO.,LTD./Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) - idea-creats's HomePage (3DComputerGraphic, 3DMOVIE, 3DSimulations, Illustrations , BoothDesign, PackageDesign , CharacterDesign , GraphicDesign )
NU's DIGITAL STREET GALLERY NU's DIGITAL STREET GALLERY (Tokyo) - This homepage exhibits the work of the computer graphics dealing with a hero, a heroic woman, and a spacecraft etc. created by NU. (CG , Shade , 3D , Gallery , Computer , graphics , Creator , Animation , Illustration )
Studio Maya Studio Maya (Tokyo) - Poser Hair,Poser character (Hair , Poser , Digital , Beauty , Character , Illustration , Free , MayaX, 3DCG , CG )
NU's DIGITAL STREET GALLERY NU's DIGITAL STREET GALLERY (Tokyo) - This homepage exhibits 3D graphics and animations created by NU. (CG , Shade , 3D , Gallery , Creator )
Japan Illustrator rica2784's Japan Illustrator rica2784's (Tokyo) - Illustrator/rica2784's/HomePage (Illustrator , 2784)
Japan Illustrator rica2784's Japan Illustrator rica2784's (Tokyo) - Illustrator/rica2784's/HomePage (Illustrator , 2784)
artos'toshiya artos'toshiya (Tokyo) - artos'toshiya. GraphicArtist,CG,Graphic,Web,Drawing,Painting.. (artos, art , 2dcg , 3dcg , illustration , design , graphic , drawing , toshiya , painting )
1stPHACE 1stPHACE (Tokyo) - 3DCG, a character design, motion, movie. Presentation of a work.Order received. (3DCG , characterdesign , motion , movie , illustration , virtualidle, satoshi , game , TVcommercial, computergraphic )
RADIONOID STUDIO RADIONOID STUDIO (Tokyo) - RADIONOID STUDIO is creator's unit to work Computer Graphics, WEB designing, and Character illustrations. (radionoid, web , design , 3D , graphic , flash , shockwave , studio , CG , VJ)
Free picture free wallpaper free screen saver Free picture free wallpaper free screen saver (Hyogo) -(2002) Being free, the picture, large number it introduces the sight which releases the sight and the artistic picture work which distribute the wallpaper and the screen saver et cetera free (Internet , Free , Picture , Illustration , Photograph , Wallpaper , Desktop , Screen saver , Online , Animation , Actress , Model , Idol , Nature , Scenery , Overseas , Movie , Character , Game , CM , 3D , CG , JPEG , Distribution , Careful selection link collection, Download )
3DCG CANNED CREATIVE 3DCG CANNED CREATIVE (Tokyo) -(2002) Air Brush&3DCG Architecture,Technical Illustration,QT,QTVR,Objectmovie,3DCG Character. (ArchitectureLandscape, Illustration , TechnicalIllustration, Character , WEBDesign , QTMovie)
Jamie Baker Folio Jamie Baker Folio -(2002) Artwork done for animation illustration and comics. Includes storyboards, character designs and animation samples from Commercials, TV series and Feature films. (animation , manga , illustration , CG , storyboard, character-design )
NAHO works NAHO works (Chiba) -(2002) NAHO kodama's HP (kdoama, naho , character , design , illust , 3DCG , GAME , zooop, TV )
ROMPERZ ROMPERZ (Saitama) -(2002) Japanese Flash Site (Flash , 3DCG , animation , Romper)
OYAKO DON-PURI OYAKO DON-PURI (Tokyo) -(2002) Design and Child-rearing (pcb , pekechiki, pekepeke, web , design , graphic , homepage, column , character , illustration )
Good Grief! Good Grief! (Hyogo) -(2002) Showing the series of animation charactors( 3D Graphics) created by Tamie Aaskura with her original design.Microsoft Agent will guide you through the site. (character , 3DCG , shockwave3D, Agent , Tamie, Asakura , original , design , computer , graphics )
SESERAGI SESERAGI (Fukuoka) -(2002) Kusano's Home Page. Please Look at my illustration. (illustration , art , CG , character )
bbbswonderland bbbswonderland (Okinawa) -(2002) BBBs WonderLand is the gallery of an illustration. Please see the illustration which BBB drew hard. (illustration , WonderLand , dear , Wonderful , Picture , character , drawing , BBB, CG , Illustrator )
SHOZI.COM SHOZI.COM (Hiroshima) -(2002) The HomePage of SHOZI DESIGN OFFICE, Inc. (illustration , CG , advertise , design , hirosima , animation , character , comics , Mac )
glad glad (Okayama) -(2002) Do you like to see paintings? Illustrator tuna's HomePage (cg , tuna , Illustrator , Illustration , Flash , graphic , character , paintings )
Fairy Fairy (Ibaraki) -(2002) Fairy's HomePage (fairy , art , painting , CG , PIXIA )
Character Development Factory [Phi] Character Development Factory [Phi] (Tokyo) -(2002) Character Development Factory [Phi]. (Products , merchandising , contents , Flash , Movie , licensee, Character , 3DCG , Illustration , Comics )
Tenryu's Illust Gallery Tenryu's Illust Gallery (Tokyo) -(2002) Tenryu's Illust Gallery.Anima and Game character CG.TenryuGadho's HomePage. (Animacharacter, Gamecharacter , Illust )
i-work i-work (Aichi) -(2002) i-work is showing 3DCG illustlation images that is mainly photoreal comics image. (illustlation, design , comics , images , photo , arts , graphic , gallery )
YuttaSeisakusho YuttaSeisakusho (Tokyo) -(2002) Yuuta's HomePage!! I am Illustrator! (illustration , Illustrator , Graphic , designer , frog , green )
Logo,Logomark Logo,Logomark (Toyama) -(2002) logomark design (logo , logomark , graphicdesign )
MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustration work company. (illustration , cartoon , design , graphic , picture , symbol , comic , animation , character , animal )
bambi design bambi design (Tokyo) -(2001) bambi design's HomePage illustration and comic Comic bambina (design , illustration , game , flash , comic , animation , horror , character , gallery , work )
No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! (Tokyo) -(2001) Yes!lots of gif-animations,poem,graphics about unknown creatures. (gif-animation , poem , graphics , daiary, design )
Uni-Q Uni-Q (Tokyo) -(2001) CG (CG , PhotoShop , PhotoShop )
SYLPH SYLPH (Shizuoka) -(2001) Realistic 3dcg illustration gallery. Theme is Dog,Cat and the countryside. Mochizuki's web(japan). (dog , cat , countryside , realistic , illustration , gallery , character , max, animal )
miruky house miruky house (Miyagi) -(2001) Miyuki's Home Page (pcture, girl , cat , dog , photograph , computer , CG )
Kazuo Hakamada-BITS TOWN Kazuo Hakamada-BITS TOWN (Tokyo) -(2001) Introduce a future-like space illustration, the illustration which actually used it for the work, a character illustration, and so on. (KazuoHakamada, illustration , illustrator , spaceillustration, characterillustration , CGcharacter, futureart)
CYBER COMMUNE Osaka,Japan. CYBER COMMUNE Osaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2001) Web Designer RUKIA's Work report,gallery,and Diary. (D-MIX, surya, Illustrator , character , Graphicdesigner )
UnknownZone UnknownZone (Hyogo) -(2001) Welcome AsakaMukai's illustHomePage!! (illust , Harry , Potter , comic , fantagy, girl , novel , character , desain)
ASSH-P- ASSH-P- (Tokyo) -(2001) Sayaka's Home Page! (picture , illustration , circle , anime , novel )
tuna tuna (Okayama) -(2000) This homepage picks up illustration, CG, a character design. (cg , illustration )
nonstar wab nonstar wab (Tokyo) -(2000) indie graphic design! (design , graphic , illustration , comick, art , indiepop, subculture , culture , CG , game )
COBO_LABO_ILLUSTRATIONS COBO_LABO_ILLUSTRATIONS (Kanagawa) -(2000) Japanese illustrator,COBO YAMAGUCHI's web site.The works has Japanese traditional tasts. (ILLUSTRATOR , ILLUSTRATION , character , DESIGN , FLOWER , SIGHT , PLANT , CRAFT , JAPANESE , TRADITION )
umechan's room umechan's room (Tokyo) -(2000) this site is about my origianal story, my drawings, my original characters, my dogs, my chipmunk, and my diary! (comics , original , story , game , anime , pets , dog , japan , CG , character )
Mega graphics Mega graphics (Osaka) -(2000) Mega graphics from japan Pop&Cute illustration!! (illust , illustrator , gallery , postcard , soho , lightwave, 3dcg , photoshop , desigh, artist )
- ART GALLERY - Y's COLLECTION - ART GALLERY - Y's COLLECTION (Shiga) -(2000) very good site! (character , CG )
Absolute Blue Absolute Blue (Tokyo) -(2000) Excellent 3DCG charactor,2DCG,FLASH site. (3D , Lightwave, character , illustration , FLASH , design , manga , animetion, japanimetion, autolink )
The Air Castle The Air Castle (Fukushima) -(2000) This webpage is created by Sesela. The main of this page is some original and anime caracter CG. (illustrate , original , anime , game , character , fantasy )
Interval Interval (Tokyo) -(2000) Ogawa's Portfolio of Painter. Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo,Japan (painter , illustrator , illustration , picture , gallery , portfolio , design , art , exhibition , character )
Illustrator Motoki Yamashita Illustrator Motoki Yamashita (Kanagawa) -(2000) Illustrator Motoki Yamashita's Home Page (illustrator , design , textyle, diving , designer , graphic )
comicomi.net comicomi.net (Osaka) -(2000) The ultimate site for every Manga,Anime,Otaku's Doujinshi and Comic or Computer Game Fantasies. (Manga , Doujinshi, Comic , Japanimation , Otaku , ComputerGame , Hentai)
Sonota no Page Sonota no Page (Tokyo) -(1999) Sonota no Page. The original illustrations. (illust , CG , photoshop , anime , original , painter )
sukinakotoyarou sukinakotoyarou (Hiroshima) -(1999) KEI's hobby Web Page.Girls illustrations and tawagoto. (PlayStation , Bass fishing , movies , painter5, zombie , original , games , link , character , japanese )
Museum of Digital Sculpture Museum of Digital Sculpture (Tokyo) -(1999) This is the virtual museum of Kohtani's studio, having an eye on Digital Sculpture. (art , illust , 3D , CG , SF , fantasy , design , bryce , shade , graphic )
Monocrome Memories Monocrome Memories (Shiga) -(1999) Monocrome illustrations (illustrations , comic , manga )
A-DURIAN A-DURIAN (Kanagawa) -(1998) Graphic gallery in 3DCG by LightWave3D and character illustration and e.t.c. (LightWave, 3DCG , A-DURIAN)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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