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{criticism, critique} + {essay}
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Second Note Second Note (Ibaraki) - Souko's HomePage (secondnote, piano , music , dialy)
haiku serch system haiku serch system (Kanagawa) - haiku serch system (haiku , serch, engine )
Yuma Hayase Yuma Hayase (Kanagawa) - Clumn&essay (column , essay , diary )
komanori online komanori online (Tokyo) - norihiro komatsu's web page.
trifling words trifling words (Kanagawa) - trifling words... DIARY , ESSAY , and site.DESIGN (diary , essay , design , anime , life , hentai)
P@ssage P@ssage (Osaka) - Site "P@ssage" is seeking the CORE of many topics on philosophy, art, literature, motion picture. Site's concept is paving the actual way for the THINGS which seems difficult, using the pictures in connection with Karl Marx, Jean-Luc Godard, Shinobu Orikuchi, and so on. (modern , thought , philosophy , sapiens, Wissenschaft, reason , ratio , passion , critique , space , node , cyber , esthetic , beauty , art , literature , film , cinema , arts , painting , picture , music , baroque , social , economics , Adorno, Benjamin , derrida, Hegel, Kant , foucault, Marx , Godard, zizek, surrealism , deconstruction, structure , OrikuchiShinobu, mode , diary , essay , link , charisma , journal , capital , stamp , ruins , meeting , happening , despair , fate , photo , image , fetishism , image , progressive , rock , crimson , SM , masochism , sadism , fetishism , fetish , feminism , feminine , system , class , history , lover , immorality , art , Eros , custom , scape )
devalk devalk (Hokkaido) - Homepage of the de Valk (music , books , fairy , essay , movie , cooking , critic , apple , reading , joke )
YOUYOU-KOBO YOUYOU-KOBO (Chiba) -(2002) WELCOME TO THE YOUYOU-KOBO! (Ango , Sakaguti, works )
kusogiga-syoko kusogiga-syoko (Aichi) -(2002) poem,novel & essay.music is MP3. (poem , novel , essay , music )
new creative note new creative note (Tokyo) -(2002) seyryudo's HomePage (literature , poem , novel , essay , art , creation , dream , life , writing , imagenation)
Enishida's HomePage. We want our philosophy! Enishida's HomePage. We want our philosophy! (Osaka) -(2002) osaka (philosophy , thought , life , society , column , criticism , essay , ethics , humanlife)
FUKUCHAN's HOME-PAGE FUKUCHAN's HOME-PAGE (Osaka) -(2002) FUKUCHAN's Collections of MIDI, Poem, Novel,etc. (MIDI , Music , Poem , Novel , Essay , Homepage, CGI )
Used book store Kankedo Used book store Kankedo (Osaka) -(2001) Used book store Kankedo (philippines , philippine )
syajijunrei syajijunrei (Osaka) -(2001) Literary HomePage TrueEyes (literature , novel , essay , movie , music , diary , criticism )
My Thinking My Thinking (Tokyo) -(2001) Criticism of newspaper artile and column on WWW. Mainly, current issue, politics, relation with Korea. (current , issue , newspaper , news , internet , column , criticism , article , thinking , essay )
WORKS poetics WORKS poetics (Tokyo) -(2001) Initial poetical works "after a dream and the point" ("from five pieces of having "YURIIKA" "work [ this month ]" existing carried -- please look at the locus to "LAST POETIC") (Poem , Verse , Song , Essay , Critic , Literature , Works , Dream , Trace , Aftertoon)
Mikepapa's Cafe Asia Mikepapa's Cafe Asia (Toyama) -(2001) Mikepapa's net cafe, please come and talk with me! (china , malaysia , thailand , overseas , science , opinion , essay , knowledge , literature , miscellaneous )
web magazine Izyn web magazine Izyn (Tokyo) -(2001) CREATION WEB MAGAZINE [Izyn].....novel,essay,comment,fairy tale,and etc. (novel , essay , comment , fairytale , magazine )
Non-fiction page at skysoft Non-fiction page at skysoft (Tokyo) -(2001) Introducing new release,such as History,Biography,Family & Relations,Psychology,Essay... (History , Biography , Relations , Self-improvement, Psychology , Religion , Essay , Criticism )
Some Literary Scraps Some Literary Scraps (Kyoto) -(2001) some essays (essay , litterature, critique , Haruki , MURAKAMI , Saiichi, MARUYA )
tv director site tv director site (Kanagawa) -(2001) Yuu can know tv director's life! (TV )
Theatre Akatsuki Theatre Akatsuki (Tokyo) -(2000) Japanese Modan Play Group "Theatre Akatsuki" official page. (Red Moon, Play Group, Theater , No , Performance , Art , Review , essay , Tokyo , Kamakura )
Sakana's Portal Site Sakana's Portal Site (Chiba) -(2000) Sakana's Portal Site including the essay titled Memo on Salamander's Haiku Journey written in Salamander Japanese English. (essay , diary , commentary , review , translation , english , literature , palindrome, haiku , salamander)
Pick-it-Up Pick-it-Up (Tokyo) -(2000) Those who want to read some uniqe essey and mail-magazine cannot help comming to my homepage Pick-it-Up. (essey, novel , magazine , criticism , board , healing , book , mail , philosophy , reading )
Tack'ns Tack'ns (Tokyo) -(2000) Original Essays by Tack'n.
neurol? neurol? (Yamagata) -(2000) japanese (japanese , MIDI )
pastrale pastrale (Kanagawa) -(2000) hahaha... (MIDI )
jibaku.com jibaku.com (Kanagawa) -(2000) Online KAMIKAZE HP of Japan. (nobel , medical , essay , poem , music )
Lost Rainbow Lost Rainbow (Hyogo) -(2000) I have original novels and midis. And I will describe about politics,crime, public, and etc. I also have an chat room. So I wanna speak with you. (novel , midi , crime , drama , music , tv , public , politics , bible , essay )
The Hiding Base of Rutora The Hiding Base of Rutora (Chiba) -(2000) poem,critique,and so on (critique , poetry , philosophy , essay , poem )
kusogiga-syoko kusogiga-syoko (Aichi) -(2000) poem,novel & essay.music is MP3. (poem , novel , essay , music )
honesty village in Octcity honesty village in Octcity (Chiba) -(1998) Honesty Village in Octcity.Yachimata City Chiba prif. Japan. (essay , politic , society , education , moral , criticism )
Fudemamire HomePage,Japan Fudemamire HomePage,Japan (Kanagawa) -(1998) Fudemamire HomePage.(Japanese Only) (story , art , short , essay , movie , drama , comment , diary , writing , literature )
Daiga's Photo Page Daiga's Photo Page (Tokyo) -(1996)Daiga's Photo Page Daiga's Photo Page Japanese Photographer Daiga's JPEG-FULLCOLOR Photographs (Cityscapes, Landscapes) and Noriko's [Photo Notes] (Critique, Essay) are here! (English, Japanese) (Photograph , Essay , Landscape , Cityscape, art )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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