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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{document, documentation} + {project, planning, plan}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={document, documentation}
@2={project, planning, plan}

  • PlanningJoy's HomePage (Osaka) -
    PlanningJOY Co,. SalesPromotion Pop,Display,Sign,Object,Premium,Campaign Produce
    (Pop, Display, Sign, Premium, SP, Campaign, Planning, Product, CopyWriter, FormDesign)

  • Agent System Center's Homepage (Kanagawa) -
    Agent System Center's Homepage
    (agsc, asc,,, agentsystemcenter, agent, system, center,, Balancesheet)

  • Professional for making of business plan (Tokyo) -
    We are the professional for making of business plan. Please contact us.
    (business, plan, copy, writing)

  • Cho Translation Office (Tokyo) -
    Cho Translation Office. In the meantime, translated articles for some technical magazines.
    (English, Translation, Technical, Documents, Papers, Catalogs, Promotion, Foreign)

  • ISO (Aichi) -

  • Ecology Service Co.,Ltd. (Tokyo) -
    Ecology Service Co.,Ltd.
    (Ecology, Service, Co.,Ltd.)

  • FELLOW-SHIP (Osaka) -
    Japanese Only.
    (PHP, PostgreSQL, i-mode, EZweb, HDML, J-Sky, CGI, SOHO, ASP, login)

  • Gamer's Cafe (Osaka) -
    Planner mitcho's HomePage
    (game, plan, planner, create, gamer, mitcho, playstation, sound, graphic, communication)

  • Office WIS (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Office WIS`s HomePage

  • Pen Planning co. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Providing Japanese marketing information.
    (planning, design, copywriting, contents, idea, soho)

  • seiko nennyu-gakuin (Osaka) -(2002)
    seiko hennnyu-gakuin
    (law, master, graduate, admission, transfer, school, examination, composition, bachelor)

  • FELLOW-SHIP (Osaka) -(2002)
    imode,J-sky,ezweb and PC web site developper.
    (FELLOW-SHIP, IT, SOHO, PC, imode, J-Sky, EZweb, WEB, Excel, Windows)

  • workfor (Okayama) -(2002)
    workfor's HomePage
    (editor, rewriter)

  • Office Minamida (Aichi) -(2002)
    Office Minamida
    (Office, Minamida, DB)

  • Highly efficient groupware (Tokyo) -(2002)
    ASP type groupware service. A server, soft installation, an engineer, etc. are unnecessary entirely.
    (Groupware, Strage, SharePoint, Frontpage2002, Trial, ASP)

  • EGO BUSINESS (Kyoto) -(2001)
    (ISO14000, 401K, SOHO, 401K)

  • Project Analyzer-Overview- (Toyama) -(2001)
    Tools and tips for Visual Basic programmers. Project Analyzer: dead code detection, cross-references, call trees, automatic document generation. VB Watch: profiler, debugger, and protector (adds error handling). RegExpr. Eval (math parser). ActiveXplorer. VB Friend, CodeSMART productivity add-ins. Source+ code librarian. EasyAPI. Optimization tips and VB links.
    (VisualBasic, code, analyze, download, VB6, DeadCode, add-in, documentation, VB7, VB5)

  • Project Analyzer-Overview- (Toyama) -(2001)
    Tools and tips for Visual Basic programmers. Project Analyzer: dead code detection, cross-references, call trees, automatic document generation. VB Watch: profiler, debugger, and protector (adds error handling). RegExpr. Eval (math parser). ActiveXplorer. VB Friend, CodeSMART productivity add-ins. Source+ code librarian. EasyAPI. Optimization tips and VB links.
    (VisualBasic, code, analyze, download, VB6, DeadCode, add-in, documentation, VB7, VB5)

  • YadiWeb (Osaka) -(2001)
    game factory
    (game, plan, work)

  • Project Stations is the leading service of project management service provider. (Chiba) -(2001)
    Project Stations is the leading service of project management service provider. One stop service of project management is integrated here and every tools are well organized for PM expert.
    (Project, Management, ASP, Mitsubishi)

  • The Seminar for salesmen (Tokyo) -(2001)
    How to make the good proposal.
    (How, to, make, the, good, proposal.)

  • CrE-a Home Page (Osaka) -(2001)
    (event, promotion, insentive, anniversary, comunication, plan, festival, direction, produce, creation)

  • Floatation plan document creation vicarious execution service (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    The service which creates a floatation plan document instead for those who are going to promote an undertaking from now on is introduced.It responds to all the needs in connection with a floatation or new business from a feasibility study to creation of a business plan, financing, and enterprise starting.
    (venture, floatation, outsourcing, consultant, support)

  • ComeHereDandy (Aichi) -(2000)
    (game, nobel, pulan, pulaner, book, bbs, daily)

  • total support project team (Chiba) -(2000)
    (Warwhouse, Department, Short, Keeping, Cutting, Personal, Computer, Creaning, Installation, Polystyrene)

  • pressplan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    press plan

  • Soken Planning Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    We are a consulting firm concentrating on the object technology and information design.
    (Object, Oriented, Technology, Distributed, Document, consulting, marketing, research, OMG)

  • tokyo syscom (Tokyo) -(2000)
    ketteiban now on sale

  • PC AT work (Osaka) -(1998)
    We tell you how to use business software efficiently, Office 98, Claris Impact, FilemakerPro so on. You can search techniques by FilemakerPro based database. If you're a business person making business documents usually, check here soon.
    (Office, Impact, Filemaker, proposal, documents)

  • welcome to DeskOh (Tokyo) -(1998)
    welcome to DeskOh
    (DeskOh, PublicInformation, PlanningProduction, WritersGroup)

  • Planning and Development Business Service (Saitama) -(1998)
    We, Planning and Development Division is such as real division of your company. We are able to satisfy your necesary work quality and ready to be ordered by you now. English is available.
    (plan, development, business, service, support, integration, simulation)

  • Document Shop Ken's Services (Chiba) -(1998)
    Provides knowledgeable translation of computer software documents and Windows online help topics, translation Helpdesk service, and DTP services.
    (document, software, online help, translation, localize, project management, DTP, FrameMaker)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan