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{flash, glint, flair} + {script, scripting}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={flash, glint, flair}
@2={script, scripting}

  • www.aqa (Kanagawa) -
    (web, aqa, homepage, shopping, javascript, html, flash, perl, cgi, stylesheet)

  • End With (Hyogo) -
    Flash Material site
    (Flash, material, HP, diary, fla, swf)

  • J.M.WORKS for WEB MUSIC GRAPHICS (Wakayama) -
    J.M.WORKS is the laboratory of FLASH.

  • FuturAction (Tochigi) -
    Personal site using FLASH. There are material of FLASH.
    (Futur, Internet, Action, script, html, material, dialy, link, service, infomation)

  • (Tokyo) -
    Flash,PHP,Game and more. Japanese web creator rky's HomePage. Tokyo, Japan
    (flash, game, actionscript, font, wallpaper, free, download, tokyo, japan, creator)

  • 3D House Model HYUSYA (Shizuoka) -
    This is a HomePage of HYUSYA who create 3d_house_model.
    (house, 3d, VBS, Script, xvl, flash, CG, Photoshop, Shade, Tip)

  • Failed -
    Flash Design Factory. Downloadable Contents->CGI, Flash, Sound, Hit Counter, Message Board, Mail Form. All contents are zip-formatted. Financial Plan and Management.
    (flash, cgi, perl, swf, fla, download, finance, management, plan, script)

  • you can make Flash Contents without Flash (Saitama) -
    You can make Flash Page without Flash application. Put on many kind of contents you like, seems like MS Excel and you will find wonderful Flash Pages.
    (flash, easy, homepage, animation, movie, sound, photo, script, swf, fla)

  • FLEXTIME (Fukui) -
    (FLEXTIME, flash, design, action, script)

  • tomisan's room (Fukuoka) -
    It creates a home page in Word2000. The FLASH material, JavaScript and the style sheet which is free in the processing and so on
    (Word2000, FLASH, JavaScript, apeskin, FLASH)

    (Web, CG, HTML, Java, Script, CGI, Flash, Active, Design, Studio)

  • A flash material and flash game studio (Nagano) -
    Flash material and flash game studio Web paege
    (flash, free, material, game, fla, swf, actionscript, move, homepage, script)

  • Trivial arts on the WEB (Kyoto) -
    the trivial arts on the WEB
    (CGI, perl, JavaScript, PHP, Flash, programming)

  • FUNNY HOUSE (Aichi) -
    The website enjoyed by 3DCG created by the game created by Flash, or Shade
    (FunnyHouse, miitaro, Flash, Shade, AppleScript, column, miwaki, FlashMX, ActionScript, game)

  • nishiaki Flash,Movie,Sound,Web etc. (Fukuoka) -
    nishiaki's Page. Flash design,Web design,Web programming,Movie,3DCG,CD-ROM/DVD-ROM,Panorama Web,etc.
    (Flash, Web, programming, Movie, 3DCG, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Panorama, Sound, design)

  • FLEXTIME (Fukui) -
    (FLEXTIME, flash, design, action, script)

  • TSST (Kanagawa) -
    web design,web training,flash,dreamweaver,fireworks,action script etc
    (tsst, WebDesign, WebTraining, Flsh, ActionScript, Design, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS)

  • RICH TASTE Web (Tokyo) -
    Rich Taste Web is a laboratory for realizing rich and attractive contents in crossing browser environment. It is the page of Tip collections, such as Java Script, Flash, and a file maker, and a sample.
    (JavaScript, CrossBrowser, DHTML, DOM, Flash, FileMaker, Java, balloonHelp, PopupMenu, Tip)

    mizuki's php/perl scripts site.
    (php, mizuki, cgi, perl, fleugel, soft, group, flashphp, flashcgi, phpbbs)

  • ORGA SENCE (Saitama) -
    Flash, CGI, JavaScript, Web Design & Programming.
    (Flash, CGI, JavaScript, Design, ActionScript, Application, Programming, Gallery, Perl, Create)

  • BON (Tokyo) -
    This is presentation about my animations and games using Action Script. Plese enjoy it!
    (design, graphic, action, script, Flash, site, java)

  • Chappy's World (Wakayama) -
    Chappy's HomePage
    (chappy, SEIZY, fan, applet, script, stationary)

  • Muratech Factory (Tokyo) -
    This site is all about FLASH MX, cfc, Remoting, server side ActionScript, and ColdFusion MX.
    (FLASH, ColdFusion, Remoting, XMLsocket, MURATECH, FACTORY, FCS, cfc, sample, ming)

  • AFFORD INTERFACES (Hokkaido) -
    Introduction of FLASH free material distribution and own web production and design work etc.
    (interfaces, gui, design, graphic, download, cgi, flash)

  • Gruru COLLECTIONs on the web (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Welcome to Gruru COLLECTIONs. My Illustration Gallery & CGI,JavaScript,Flash,Material download servise.
    (Beautiful-lady's-art, mascot's-art, Free, wallpaper, Flash, TroubleShooting, Tips, Questions)

  • PROGRESSIVE (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Flash and 2d graphics.
    (PROGRESSIVE, movie, design, web, Flash, action, script, graphic)

  • WEB CREATE Tips (Chiba) -(2002)
    (WEB, CREATE, Tips, HTML, Java, Script, FLASH, PHP, Action)

  • Officeamuse (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    The hosting website production, the system development, and the FLASH sound production are developed in Hokkaido Toyohira Ward.
    (flash, actionscript, MP3, MIDI, officeamuse, tips, onstage, system, website, homepage)

  • FLEXTIME -(2002)
    always trial and error...
    (FLEXTIME, flash, actionscript, BBS)

  • kitten's works (Osaka) -(2002)
    Kitten's works is japanese mysterious world. Please experience tea ceremony and japanese sweet's photo.
    (column, pet, cat, tea, ceremony, flower, arrangement, japanese, sweet, manners)

  • sunna502 (Tokyo) -(2002)
    We are manufacturing the optimal homepage.
    (sunna, flatbe, design, flash, homepage, web, site, technic, javascript, logodesign)

  • Louis's Arcade (Tokyo) -(2002)
    ShotGamesSite made by macromedia Flash.
    (game, short, flash, actionscript, free, enjoy, fun, break)

  • bikkurimark (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    BK's Home Page
    (DHTML, SSI, BBS, Dynamic, CGI, Flash, bikkurimark, BK)

  • Homepage production value pack (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    The homepage production that there is of value is a low rate.
    (HomePage, Value, Pack, site, shockwave, VRML, mover, Web, Java, Javascript)

  • HTMLstudy (Aichi) -(2002)
    HTML, JavaScript, VbScript
    (HTML, VBscript, JavaScript, flash, ASP, WSH, DHTML)

  • StillyRice,Japan -(2001)
    Komekari's HomePage,Diary etc.
    (Diary, Flash, Script, Friends, BBS)

  • wildcard (Aichi) -(2001)
    wildcard | MotionGraphics was accelerated more by programming
    (design, hisayuki, takagi, movie, motion, program, script, flash, actionscript, director)

  • mebimomo play zone (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Kokimaro's HomePage. Japanese only.
    (Japanese, CGI, JavaScript, Flash, game)

  • (Chiba) -(2001)
    palm MTB
    (palm, MTB, JavaScript, FLASH)

  • Scene Zero (Nara) -(2001)
    This site is private site. Contents is just HTML & somthing.
    (money, html, diary)

  • Takayuki's page (Niigata) -(2001)
    Niigata, Niigata, Japan.
    (game, java, script, onlinesoftwear, sharewear, freewear, flash, shock, wave)

  • Script Tips Laboratory (Fukuoka) -(2001)
    (tips, DHTML, FLASH, HTML)

  • CODE0251 | GRAPHIX (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    CODE0251 | GRAPHIX.
    (graphic, design, flash, WEBSITE, homepage, move, cgi, javascript, sapporo)

  • interactive space (Osaka) -(2001)
    flash experiment site
    (interactive, simple, design, experiment, macromediaflash, actionscript)

  • sarunoie (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Entity made by FLASH and Photoshop Usage Macromedia Flash,Adobe Photoshop
    (FLASH, Photoshop, SETTERS, Javascript)

  • NECOZ Inc. (Saitama) -(2001)
    NECOZ toal produce of Network & Communications. We does an extra hand of your web business.
    (necoz, network&communications, consulting, i-mode, degital, web, web-site, web-design, web-produce, web-director, deta-base, system, CGI, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA, FLASH, internet, online-shopping, programing, online-promotion, home-page, marketing, translation, administration-of-domain, acquisition-of-domain, rent-out-saver, hosting-service, administration-of-home-page)

  • qblock project (Yamaguchi) -(2001)
    This site has continued to find the way to create cool web site using by Macromedia Flash.This site also has a link from (it is really cool designer's site link page, having link with that site is a kind of big status!!!)
    (flash, macromedia, cool, homepage, design, art, actionscript, javascript, designer, shift)

  • Matsuju's HomePage(Game...) (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    A lot of GAMES MIDI STORYS and SearchEngine.
    (Game, MIDI, JavaScript, Java, Flash, CGI, VB, WWA, VisualBasic, HomePage)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    We offer hosting service of good quality by low price for an individual / a group / an individual enterprise person.We are thoroughly particular about comfortable access!
    (hosting, WEB, CGI, Java, SSI, Flash, lowprice, comfortable, HP, frontpage)

  • SO-FLASH (Tokyo) -(2001)
    flash -aterial
    (FLASH, material, bbs, script, java)

  • Browsea_Swallow (Tokushima) -(2001)
    Do you like Flash5 Action Script? Browsea_Swallow have some sample and reference.
    (action, script, Tokushima, Flash, 5J)

  • D.C.T.PROJECT (Tokyo) -(2001)
    business support/consulting/homepage design/planning/internet
    (DCT, Web, design, homepage, e-business, CGI, javascript, FLASH, banner, animation)

  • Internet GAMERS! (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    (Internet, game, netgame, java, h, linksite, enjoy, hobby, entertaiment, flash)

  • WEB HUNTER (Kyoto) -(2000)
    (free, soft, netidol, homepage, media, flash, sound, movie, access, music)

  • HoeiSangyou (Osaka) -(2000)
    Good cleaner
    (cleaner, rakuraku, FLASH, Game, MUSIC, sozai, anime, HOEI, MOVIE, JavaScript)

  • CLUB ZENA (Hokkaido) -(2000)
    (DHTML, JavaScript, JavaApplet, MIDI, Flash, loveletter)

  • Swishzone -(2000)
    Make movies in seconds! Attractive shareware for all webmasters interested in Flash animation. No need to have Flash!
    (swishzone, flash, macromedia, swish, animation, java, javascript, homepage, dtp)

  • dennoupagekai (Aichi) -(2000)
    This page is JavaScript and Flash !!
    (JavaScript, Flash4)

  • 911club (Aichi) -(2000)
    Link to HP material, the convenient flash of the reference page and so on and the JAVA site is enriched. ( Intention ) There is a divining corner, too,!
    (search, shockwave, biorhythm, analizer, link, material, java, 911club, BILLBOARD, soho)

  • Amakakeru Neko-no Hirameki (Kanagawa) -(1999)
    Get my own ScreenSavers for WIN! Or would you like to get some cute icons? Play games? Most of the contents related to the comic,Rurouni-Kenshin. All written in Japanese, besides my e-mail address. Ha!
    (screensaver, icon, quiz, JavaScript, midi, comic)

  • Web Laboratory (Aichi) -(1997)
    In this page, Info-Japan shows basic and new technolody of web. You can learn about how to make the home page. But Japanese only. Sorry.
    (RealVideo, Flash2, plugin, download, RealAudio, Shockwave)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan