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{IP} + {network, internetworking, networking, net, internet} + {telephone, phone}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
MFEST Co. MFEST Co. (Kanagawa) - Fujisawa,shonan,JAPAN (MFEST)
big business chance!! big business chance!! (Okinawa) - big business chance (SOHO )
Exceed Media Technology Co.,Ltd. Exceed Media Technology Co.,Ltd. (Tokyo) - Exceed Media Technology (Outsourcing , Multimedia , IPPhone , AL-201)
Times21 CORPORATION Times21 CORPORATION (Hyogo) - It is the company which does the introduction proposition of the IPtelephone BB phone in for the corporate body individual. The BB phonewhich understands from one. From today you expert of IP telephone! For enterprise way in reduction of communication expense this move. (times21, BBPHONE , IPPHONE , BROADBAND , Enterprise , KOBE , ADSL , YAHOO , Communication , HOTSPOT)
portable telephone portable telephone (Kanagawa) - portable telephone business (TEL , IP , PHONE )
China-Japan Network Co.,Ltd China-Japan Network Co.,Ltd (Tokyo) - China Japan business (China , Japan , business , economy , market , consulting , IP , network , translation )
Manekineko Internet Homepage Manekineko Internet Homepage (Osaka) - IP phone manekineko. (IPphone , catphone, IP )
dream dream (Okinawa) - dream
PROCOM ENTERPRISE PROCOM ENTERPRISE (Tokyo) - adsl,ftth,networkcamera,etc (adsl , ftth , broadband , support , isp , ip , pc , network , web , camera )
Telephone. Telephone. - *This's contents are only Japanese ! (Telephone , Private line of telephone, Integratted Services Digital Network, VoIP, Cheap sale , Entry , Extension , Procedure simplicity, Expensive negotiation, AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine, For corporations, 12 mega, Business phone , Optical fiber , Connection , Hosting )
GOKO INFORMATION NETWORK SYSTEM CO.,Inc. GOKO INFORMATION NETWORK SYSTEM CO.,Inc. (Tokyo) - We provide consulting and constructuring on information network systems. (LAN , PBX , IP , PHONE , TELEPHONE , PC , FAX , HITACHI , goko )
it&communications it&communications (Saitama) - it&communications (LAN , ADSL )
Telephone. Telephone. - *This's contents are only Japanese ! (Telephone , Private line of telephone, Integratted Services Digital Network, VoIP, Cheap sale , Entry , Extension , Procedure simplicity, Expensive negotiation, AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine, For corporations, 12 mega, Business phone , Optical fiber , Connection , Hosting )
nitsuko nitsuko (Tokyo) - (nitsuko, business phone , IP phone , telephone , movement controle, car movement controll, voice mail, CTI , network , LAN )
M'tel M'tel (Miyagi) - M'tel IP Phone (M'tel, IP , Phone , Cafe , PC , PDA , BMC , 3D , Internet , Free )
mtel mtel (Kanagawa) - mtel (mtel, PDA )
It is a comfortable broadband in Yahoo! BB It is a comfortable broadband in Yahoo! BB (Shiga) - It is pleasant that Yahoo! BB of a topic depends on both a telephone and Internet now || more comfortably! A broadband telephone BB phone of a topic is supplied! (YAHOO , Yahoo!BB, ADSL , LAN )
Midyal International Telephony service e-denwa.net Midyal International Telephony service e-denwa.net (Kanagawa) - New International Telephony service. Midyal International Telephony service e-denwa.net (midyal, IPphone , international , telephone , telephone )
ECS Corp, ECS Corp, (Aichi) - ECS corp, (VoIP, eggphone, Telephony , Internet , ECS, Gatewaybox, ADSL )
Brain Links Corporation Brain Links Corporation (Tokyo) - Brain Links Corporation (VolP, NTT , ME, brain , links , blc, Web , ip , h323, sip)
KDDI Europe Ltd KDDI Europe Ltd - Cheap International Call from UK by CALL 127 and Virus Free e-mail by KEW (internet , flower , frame , cell , UK , virus , e-mail , international , call , discount )
NTT-Neomeit group HomePage NTT-Neomeit group HomePage (Osaka) - NTT-Neomeit group HomePage (LAN , IP-VPN, IT, PC , telephone , Neomeit, GIS)
IPPhone IPPhone (Aichi) - IPphone 2.6yen/min ADSL,CATV,FTTH all ok (IPPhone , internetphone , intenetTV)
Good phone Good phone (Osaka) - Good hand phone (Good , phone , IP )
Matsuoka-shohten Matsuoka-shohten (Aichi) - IP-Phone servise BB-Phone for company (BB, Phone , IP , internet , telephone , comunication, cost , down , AICHI )
Free Net Phone! Free Net Phone! (Kanagawa) - Free Net Phone! (Free , Net , Phone! , IPTalk, Yahoo )
Aomori,Japan,Bravo Net Aomori,Japan,Bravo Net (Aomori) - IP-Phone,ADSL Service Provider and Hosting Service Bravo Net (IP-Phone , InternetProtocolTelephony, IP-Talk, BravoNet, ADSLProvider, HostingService )
Broadband it for you! Broadband it for you! (Tokyo) - If you give up Broadband.,you come to a right place! (IPphone , ADSL , internet , broadband , 12Mbps, 12Mbps)
KDDI Europe Ltd KDDI Europe Ltd - Cheap International Call Service KDDI CALL 127 and Virus Free e-mail KEW (internet , flower , frame , cell , UK , virus , e-mail , international )
Soma's Mobile IP Phone Soma's Mobile IP Phone (Kanagawa) - Mobile IP Phone (3D , M'tel, BMC , soma )
kinmiraituusin kinmiraituusin (Hokkaido) - iptelephone (ip )
mobile IP fon mobile IP fon (Kanagawa) - mobile IP fon (BMC , Mtel, mobile , LAN )
It is here if it is the thing of telephone subscription right . Flets ADSL which makes the telephone charges of NTT cheaper, Flets ISDN, a my line, telephone-charges discount service, and a telephone. It is here if it is the thing of telephone subscription right . Flets ADSL which makes the telephone charges of NTT cheaper, Flets ISDN, a my line, telephone-charges discount service, and a telephone. (Hyogo) - It is introduction about the various services which make cheaper telephone charges and the charge of an Internet connectivity of NTT. The phonecall charges of a cellular phone also end at a low price. ISDN with a cheap telephone subscription right, cheap ISDN, and a privilege, and FURETTSU ADSL -- Internet-based phone services of a low charge, such as information There is also introduction of ADSL or ISDN. If it is a telephone line, it is over by 6800. There is phonecall-charges 1000 yen part free service etc. (NTT , Telephone , Line , right , Telephone charges , charges , INS64, INS , ISDN , IP , TA , CALL , Free , DSU , Flets , ADSL , ISP , Shop , Sale , Webmaster, my line, cheap , Discount , Subscription , International , In the city, Outskirts of a city, sell , broadband , bb, Affiliate, Internet , service , OCN , SDSL , J-DSL, Carrying , Cellular phone )
YAHOO!BB PHONE YAHOO!BB PHONE (Tokyo) - YAHOO!BB PHONE (yahoo , bb, phone , internet , business , free , costdown , ip , brordband, docomo )
Telephone Telephone (Tokyo) - Telephone Service (NTT , Telephone , phone , Business , Line , Connection , IP , right , ISDN , INS64, TA , charges , Flets , ADSL , Shop , Sale , Acquisition , Application , Privilege , my line, cheap , Discount , sell , Whole country, broadband , Internet , service )
New Telephone Line Low Price New Telephone Line Low Price (Tokyo) - Telephone Line Service (telephone , line , ip , cheap , ADSL , ISDN , network , NTT , sale , charges , shop , store , service , flets , Internet , net , connection , lowprice , Telephone right , speed , High Speed , TA , terminal , adapter , DSU , analog , digital , broad , band , online , order , shop , circuit , rental , service area, Business , Japan , Agency )
kinmiraitsuushinn.com kinmiraitsuushinn.com (Kyoto) - Wellcome to kinmiraitsuushin.com The best performanced international call service is here. (internationalcall , innternationalphone, ipphone , globalcard, internetphone , longdistancecall)
bb-phone bb-phone (Aichi) - bb-phone (ip , phone , bb, tel , cost , bbhone)
IP IP (Tokushima) -(2002) 3D IP IT (3D , IP , IT)
cosmo digital.co.ltd cosmo digital.co.ltd (Saitama) -(2002) welcome to my home (voip, lan , adsl , ins , computer , FAX )
Telephone ISDN ADSL Telephone ISDN ADSL (Hokkaido) (Aomori) (Akita) (Iwate) (Yamagata) (Miyagi) (Fukushima) (Niigata) (Ibaraki) (Saitama) (Chiba) (Tochigi) (Gunma) (Tokyo) (Kanagawa) (Nagano) (Yamanashi) (Toyama) (Shizuoka) (Gifu) (Aichi) (Ishikawa) (Fukui) (Shiga) (Mie) (Kyoto) (Osaka) (Nara) (Hyogo) (Wakayama) (Okayama) (Tottori) (Shimane) (Hiroshima) (Yamaguchi) (Tokushima) (Kochi) (Kagawa) (Ehime) (Fukuoka) (Oita) (Miyazaki) (Kumamoto) (Saga) (Nagasaki) (Kagoshima) (Okinawa) -(2002) Telephone Internet Service (NTT , Telephone , phone , Business , Line , Connection , IP , right , ISDN , TA , Free , charges , Flets , ADSL , Shop , Sale , Acquisition , Application , Privilege , my line, cheap , Discount , sell , Whole country, broadband , Internet , service , OCN )
IT agent Co.,Ltd. Internet Service IT agent Co.,Ltd. Internet Service (Tokyo) -(2002) itagent (b-mobile, virus , hosting , IP , xSP, DataCard, ISP , mobile )
Free, Free and Free in Japan Free, Free and Free in Japan -(2002) All the free communication resources in Japan. (free , no , charge , reduce , price , sale , discount , costdown , reduction , lowprice , special , registration , cheap , net , internet , domestic , long distance , Japanese , CATV , international , overseas , telephone , phone , communication , mobilephone , cellular phone , internetphone , internettelephone , broadband , facsimile , postcard , greeting , service , fax , IP , ad , ADSL , voice , foreign , Japan , chat , PHS , click , mobile , ISDN )
Free public telephone,e-tele Free public telephone,e-tele (Tokyo) -(2002) Chiyoda,Tokyo,Japan (telephone , free , public , e-tele, IP , advertisement , service )
BBphone BBphone (Kyoto) -(2002) BBphone,start (BBphone , Yahoo )
Livecom Corporation Home Page Livecom Corporation Home Page (Tokyo) -(2002) Livecom Corporation Home Page (Netlive, MPEG2, livecom, dml, encoder , realtime , IP , software , video , live )
e-mediaworks e-mediaworks (Ishikawa) -(2002) Get Great Savings on all international Calls. i-Voces prepaid calling card.MEDIAWOKS Inc.HomePage Matto,Ishikawa,Japan (international , prepaid , call , card , lowest , rate , compare , save , internet )
J-LAN J-LAN (Tokyo) -(2002) none (bb, cable , ipphone , j , phone , tools , localareanetwork , internetphone , agency , construction )
It is here if it is the thing of telephone subscription right . Flets ADSL which makes the telephone charges of NTT cheaper, Flets ISDN, a my line, telephone-charges discount service, and a telephone. It is here if it is the thing of telephone subscription right . Flets ADSL which makes the telephone charges of NTT cheaper, Flets ISDN, a my line, telephone-charges discount service, and a telephone. (Tokyo) -(2002) It is introduction about the various services which make cheaper telephone charges and the charge of an Internet connectivity of NTT. The phonecall charges of a cellular phone also end at a low price. ISDN with a cheap telephone subscription right, cheap ISDN, and a privilege, and FURETTSU ADSL -- Internet-based phone services of a low charge, such as information There is also introduction of ADSL or ISDN. If it is a telephone line, it is over by 6800. There is phonecall-charges 1000 yen part free service etc. (NTT , Telephone , Line , right , Telephone charges , charges , INS64, INS , ISDN , IP , TA , CALL , Free , DSU , Flets , ADSL , ISP , Shop , Sale , Webmaster, my line, cheap , Discount , Subscription , International , In the city, Outskirts of a city, In the city, sell , broadband , broad , dband, Affiliate, Internet , service , OCN , SDSL , xDSL , J-DSL, present , Carrying , Cellular phone )
iti internet phone iti internet phone (Tokushima) -(2002) internet phone(IP phone) (internet,phone,IPphone, MLM )
Intense it is cheap Integratted Services Digital Network, the ADSL and telephone joining right Intense it is cheap Integratted Services Digital Network, the ADSL and telephone joining right (Tokyo) -(2002) Integratted Services Digital Network from DSU * TA included intense cheap case 6800 Yen. If the Integratted Services Digital Network light/write, telephone joining right is not with Integratted Services Digital Network is possible immediately. You can use the telephone line. In addition, also telephone joining right expensive negotiation, intense is cheap sale. We sell below half price of the NTT. The high-speed ADSL of topic, there are from 1980 Yen. It is the proper agency of the NTT. (ISDN , fretts and ISDN, ADSL,flets,ASDL,J-DSL,Broad Band,8M, TELEPHONE , IP connection, Discount , Tarminal Adapter)
netmeeting netmeeting (Tokyo) -(2002) hi (msNetmeeting, messenger , windowsmessenger, msnmessenger, voip, h323)
Selecom Co.,Ltd Selecom Co.,Ltd (Fukushima) -(2002) Pages which sell TV phone i-ClicQ with IP telephone function, such as corporate guidance of Selecom, Inc., and product introduction (Cheap , IPtelephone , TVtelephone, WindowsCE3.0, VoIP, Internettelephone , Encoding, Decoding, Curtailment , TVphone)
BROTEL BROTEL (Hyogo) -(2002) internet TV TEL (IPPhone , internetphone , TVPHONE)
Welcome to Packet-Cha! Welcome to Packet-Cha! (Tokyo) -(2002) Web VoIP Phone Packet-Cha! web site. (TCP/IP, VoIP, windows , chat , messenger , download , free , voice , Phone , pc )
PLUSNET PLUSNET (Kyoto) -(2002) PLUSNET has a mission of proposing new information technologies to companies. Recently the Internet technology has integrated telephone, facsimile machine and other telecommunication equipment into one network. Information Technology system has developed exponentially. New functions are added one after another. This Division, as a professional advisor in Telecommunication and Office Automation Equipment, offers an effective and economical Information Technology system by considering service, products and systems that the companies require comprehensively. (telecommunication , education , solution , security , network , kyoto , internet , reduction , VoIP, e-Learning)
Free special searching, no charge translation and free dictionary Free special searching, no charge translation and free dictionary (Tokyo) -(2002) No charge translation and map searching, telephone number searching, real estate searching, recruiting job hunting part-time job searching, book, media searching and security information et cetera (Internet,Web,DVD,CD,free)
Get 5 dollar free call ! GlobalTel International Telecommunication Get 5 dollar free call ! GlobalTel International Telecommunication (Osaka) -(2002) http://global-tel.info GET 5 dollar free call ! GlobalTel Super low rates of international and long distance phone calls Callback, Super saving! Cheap rates available from more than 220 counties Dial Direct, Accessing universal toll free numbers more than 50 countieis from your home phone, mobile phone, public phone One flat rate 24 hours, 365 days No connection fee, No minimun monthly charges Multilingual voice Instructions, More than 15 language! Online sign up now! Prepaid card, You can order on the Internet for Direct and Callback cards (international , prepaid , card , callback , mobile , free , call , phone , communication , overseas , long distance , toll free , shop , internet , Voip, fee , service , portable , global , myline , 001 , 0061, 0041 , 0078, 0033, J-phone , debit , provider , passport , rental , pay-phone, GSM , docomo , Japan , USA , Europa , Philippines , student , homestay , cheap , super , discount , how to, country code)
Fresh Voice Top Page Fresh Voice Top Page (Tokyo) -(2002) It is the site which introduces the What's New and the function of TV phone software Fresh Voice of free distribution. (Fresh-Voice, VoIP, community-site, anet, TV-phone, voice-chat, free-software )
Pantrade Pantrade (Tokyo) -(2002) We have the total sulution for internet. For example, VOIP gateway,any type of broadband router and so on. Besides these products, we are importing and exporting a lot of products to Japan,Taiwan and China. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact with us. (Pantrade, VOIP, Gateway , AFC, CD-R, CD-ROM , IPphone , trade , sport , press )
AT&T AT&T (Tokyo) -(2002) AT&T in Japan (Network , Voice , Broadband , Internet , Outsource , Data , Global , Phone , VPN , LAN/WAN)
Get 5 dollar free call ! GlobalTel International Telecommunication Get 5 dollar free call ! GlobalTel International Telecommunication (Osaka) -(2001) http://global-tel.info GET 5 dollar free call ! GlobalTel Super low rates of international and long distance phone calls Callback, Super saving! Cheap rates available from more than 220 counties Dial Direct, Accessing universal toll free numbers more than 50 countieis from your home phone, mobile phone, public phone One flat rate 24 hours, 365 days No connection fee, No minimun monthly charges Multilingual voice Instructions, More than 15 language! Online sign up now! Prepaid card, You can order on the Internet for Direct and Callback cards (international , prepaid , card , callback , mobile , free , call , phone , communication , overseas , long distance , toll free , shop , internet , Voip, fee , service , portable , global , myline , 001 , 0061, 0041 , 0078, 0033, J-phone , debit , provider , passport , rental , pay-phone, GSM , docomo , Japan , USA , Europa , Philippines , student , homestay , cheap , super , discount , how to, country code)
Java Telephony Java Telephony (Kanagawa) -(2001) Java telephony Api driver XJNTA. DONDABA built on Java XJNTA technology. (Java , CTI , VoIP, MPEG4, PBX , Server , Telephony , FAX , ACD, Telecom )
mihodenki mihodenki (Tottori) -(2001) tottori and simane personaicomputer.pbx.lan.telephon (FAX , LAN , NEC , PBX , VOIP, CTI , WAN )
namzak top! namzak top! (Tokyo) -(2001) namzak japan,company outline,the introduction of the product and related companies. (help , support , remote , VoIP, ASP , sharing , CRM , WebArrow, namzak, solution )
Comz Mini Shop Comz Mini Shop -(2001) FLETS ISDN, ADSL, Affiliate Shop, myline, my line (ISDN , FLETS , ISP , TA , affiliate program, NTT , Webmaster Program, Shop , ADSL , IP , telephone , my line, myline , present , sweepstakes , cheap , sell , broadband , INS , discount , OCN , DSL , SDSL , xDSL )
Comz Mini Shop Comz Mini Shop -(2001) FLETS ISDN, ADSL, Affiliate Shop, myline, my line (ISDN , FLETS , IP , TA , business phone , telephone , buy , sell , NTT , ADSL , Shop , ADSL , IP , telephone , my line, myline , present , sweepstakes , cheap , sell , broadband , INS , discount , OCN , DSU , OCN , ODN , TA , free , free pc , DSL , SDSL , service area, internet , broadband )
internet ip telephone service internet ip telephone service (Hokkaido) -(2001) internet ip telephone service.low rates around the clock.it connects to the 230 countries. (internet , overseas , telephone , call , long , distance , tourist , student , from, abroad )
BROBAN ! Gigabit Stream BROBAN ! Gigabit Stream (Chiba) -(2000) FTTH broadband Internet Service by Koushinmou, INC. (DSL , ADSL , voip, catv , ftth , isdn , isp , ntt , 1000Base-LX, ctf)
Wlcome to BIS Limited Wlcome to BIS Limited (Tokyo) -(2000) We make an effort every day so that the Internet may infiltrate as a true infrastructure. (bis , voip, network , lan , ipphone , telephony , wan , software , uniwide, server )
Nippon Technical Service co.,ltd. Nippon Technical Service co.,ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000) Nippon Technical Service co.,ltd. (LAN , POS , VOIP, FAX , NTS, OEC, MCA , AVM, GPS )
Comz Mini Shop Comz Mini Shop -(2000) ISDN (ISDN , FLETS , ISP , TA , online signup, NTT , Webmaster Program, Shop , Phone , ADSL , present )
Neucom Corporation HP Neucom Corporation HP (Tokyo) -(2000) Intenert Data Center(xSP),IP Telephony products,PKI,digital watermark ,CA (IP , Telephony , WORLDCOM, CA , watermark , wisekey, EC, PKI)
VoIP VoIP (Tokyo) -(2000) VoIP gateway (VoIP, LANdeVOICE, VoFR, LdVnet, VoATM, IP , CRM )
ldvnet co.,ltd. Tokyo,Japan ldvnet co.,ltd. Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2000) ldvnet co.,ltd. Tokyo,Japan VoIP LANdeVOICE (VoiceOverIP, telephony , wireless , ipnetwork, catv )
InternetPhone Telephone Adapter InternetPhone Telephone Adapter -(1999) The adapter use for Internet Phone.The generally telephone set connect to Personal Computer. (InternetPhone , Telephone , Handset, Adapter , ip , lmr, ipa )
HOTCN HOTCN (Hokkaido) -(1998) HOTCN. Hokkaido Telecomunication Computer Network. Hokkaido Internet provider. (HOTCN, HOTNET, Internet , IP , Provider , Sapporo , Hokkaido , TEL )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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