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{manual, handbook} + {translation, translational, translator, translate}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Technical Service Co., Ltd. Technical Service Co., Ltd. (Osaka) - Translation & Beyond. Your link to a new world of customers (Translation )
Translation Web Translation Web (Chiba) - Japanese-English, English-Japanese Translation (translation , japanese , english , web , article , academic , document , medicine , art , manual )
Eigoya Eigoya (Tokyo) - Translation service (English & Japanese) Check us out! (translation , English , Japanese , Manual , Certificate , Register , Website , Transcription , Mail )
Sun Global Sun Global (Tokyo) - Sun Global is born of a merger of the well-established translation, manpower and software localization services of its partners in a bid to meet the new challenges of Web globalization era that opens up a dramatic market potential. (asian , globalization , internationalization , japanese , language , localization , software , technical , translation , web )
PAN TRANSLATION SERVICE PAN TRANSLATION SERVICE (Yamaguchi) - Pan Translation servie provides translation and interpreting services in various fields. Please feel free to contact us for quotation etc.. (interpreting , translation , Auckland , Trade , brochure , manual , medical , patents , company , visits)
Books&Magagine Editional Office TechDOC Books&Magagine Editional Office TechDOC (Kanagawa) -(2002) We are writing and edit production of the book and magazine. It copes with an extensive medium to development of a program, mastering of the CD-ROM and DVD. TechDOC copes with it widely from the advanced technology document and the program to the article for the beginner. (marketting, certificate , translation , university , labolatry, sales , strategy , distribution-channel)
QSES QSES (Tokyo) -(2002) Safety,Manual,Safety Label,PrePress (safety , manual , label , marking , semi , s2, F47, ce, Field , Evaluation )
C-brains C-brains (Kanagawa) -(2002) YOKOHAMA C-brains Corporation (homepage, Web , learning , e , manual , xml , php , mysql, database , yokohama )
Akira International Home Page Akira International Home Page (Hyogo) -(2002) Akira's activities are devoted to the English translation of technical manuals (sound acoustic and electric appliances), legal and accounting documents, and scientific books. All of your orders are delivered after having been checked by professional American translators to guarantee a highly professional level of quality. (Akira , Translation , English , Sound , Instruction , Public , Contract , Technology , Manual , TOA )
TransWord, Inc. Sakai, Osaka, Japan TransWord, Inc. Sakai, Osaka, Japan (Osaka) -(2002) TransWord, Inc. offers high quality translations of English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Northern European languages, and Southeast Asian languages to Japanese. (Translation , Japanese , Multi-languages, Computer , Machinery , Electronics , Specifications , Manual , Standards , Sakai )
Obun Printing Company, Inc. Obun Printing Company, Inc. (Tokyo) -(2002) Obun Printing Page (DTP , CTP , CMPS, technical , writing , manual , transration, On-demand, printing )
MCI.Co.Ltd. MCI.Co.Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2002) medical,marnarketing,translation,catalog,manual (medical , marnarketing, translation , catalog , manual )
SANSEI International SANSEI International (Tokyo) -(2002) From a select list of experienced professionals, we provide simultaneous and consecutive interpreters for meetings, seminars, press conferences, lectures and other occasions. Our skilled translators provide clear, accurate translations of various documents into Japanese or other languages. Transcription and video translation services are also available. (Interpretation , Interpreter , Translation , Translator , VTR-translation, Manual-translation, Video-script, Conference-interpreter, Technical-translation, SANSEI )
Welcome to VEC Welcome to VEC (Kanagawa) -(2002) Welcome to VEC. We provide you translation services of manuals, catalogues, data sheet, etc. Also check out Vec's semiconductor transfer systems! (translation , manual , industrial , semiconductor , tranfer , DTP , Japanese , document , robot , machine )
ITAS Temporary Workforce ITAS Temporary Workforce (Kanagawa) -(2002) One of the group companies of IBM Japan Ltd. Hiring and providing temporary staffs, HAKEN-SHAIN in Japanese, mainly specialized in IT technical manual Translators, Checkers, OA and DTP operators. (temporary , workforce, IT, manual , translator , checker , OA , DTP , operator , IBM )
Kawamura Translation Company Kawamura Translation Company (Hokkaido) -(2001) Kawamura Translation Company's Homepage. Provides quality translation by our trained, experienced translators. We use Trados or SDLX to optimize translation steps. (translation , memory , tool , Localization , manual , software )
Network Factory Network Factory (Tokyo) -(2001) If you need Japanese translation of your web pages or any computer documents, I can help. (translation , manual , documents , localize , Japanese , qmail )
Guide to SoluTec Guide to SoluTec (Oita) -(2001) High Quality Translation by SoluTec (Translation , Translatiing, Translator )
C&R C&R (Tokyo) -(2001) We aer professionals of publishing, translating, and web creating. Yes, we are C&R. (catalogue , manual , homepage, www , english , japanese , design , creative , internet , site )
cannac web cannac web (Tokyo) -(2001) cannac's HomePage,design,system,translation,manual (cannac, web , system , translation , manual , design , e-commerce, useability, HomePage, business )
technology translation technology translation (Gunma) -(2001) technology translation (translation , manual , specification , patent , semi-conductor, conputer, elctronics)
Kiele Translation Services Kiele Translation Services (Tokyo) -(2001) We provide high quality business and technological translations from English to Japanese. (Translation , Engligh, Japanese , Computer , Information , Localization , Manual , Management )
SFDB ANG SFDB ANG (Chiba) -(2001) Angilas's HomePage (sfdb)
Yoshimi's Room 335 No. 2 Yoshimi's Room 335 No. 2 (Shizuoka) -(2001) HP for English learners, Jazz and Fusion lovers (English , Grammer , Translation , Jazz , Fusion , Manual , Literature , Onlin, Dictionary , idioms)
Sophie's Office Sophie's Office (Tokyo) -(2001) High-quality translation company managed by a translator. Samples and recruit info provided. (high-quality , translation , computer , software , manual , press-release, Sophie's-Office, Takeda )
carabiner carabiner (Tokyo) -(2001) A virtual office created on the Internet by four freelance professionals (writer , designer , translator , illustrator , manual , DTP , design )
STC Tokyo Chapter STC Tokyo Chapter (Tokyo) -(2000) XML seminar for translators. technical writers, editors, WEB designers, etc. (STC, TC, seminar , Tokyo , Chapter , localization , documentation , XML , WEB , design )
Akagane's home page Akagane's home page (Osaka) -(2000) Akagane's home page (chinese , translation , ahina, shanghai , manual , techinical, cost , printing )
GAIBUN_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE GAIBUN_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE (Kyoto) -(2000) GAIBUN SERVICE'S HOMEPAGE We are Translation Company in Japan. From Japanese to English, Chinese or Korean and reversely. DTP and DTV services. (gaibun, service , translation , company , manual , localize , Japanese , Chinese , Korean , English )
GAIBUN_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE GAIBUN_SERVICE_HOMEPAGE (Kyoto) -(2000) GAIBUN SERVICE'S HOMEPAGE We are Translation Company in Japan. From Japanese to English, Chinese or Korean and reversely. DTP and DTV services. (Gaibun, Service , translation , company , manual , multilingual, Japanese , Chinese , Korean , English )
FASCINO CORPORATION FASCINO CORPORATION (Tokyo) -(2000) Open an office in Japan or make brochures for Japanese customers? We are the one to help you. (Printing , Translation , Import , Export , manual , Fascino)
BRAIN INFINITE HOMEPAGE BRAIN INFINITE HOMEPAGE (Tokyo) -(1998) Brain homepage (brain , multimedia , manual , design , translation , dtp , cad , TechnicalIllustration, creative , shockwave )
BearSystem-Index BearSystem-Index (Chiba) -(1998) (translation , computer , computer , Bear , System , translate , manual )
Suzuki Manual Lab Suzuki Manual Lab (Ibaraki) -(1998) Suzuki Manual Lab offers you advanced translation and DTP of computer manuals, etc. I use various tools to achive high-grade productivity.If you have a manual which is scheduled to be updated, please consult me. If you are a skillful translator or DTP operator, please join my lab. (Windows , computer , translation , FrameMaker, manual , Word , update )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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