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{database, databases} + {soft, software}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Takukyo Engineering CO.,LTD.(Japanese Language only) Takukyo Engineering CO.,LTD.(Japanese Language only) (Kumamoto) - SXF,CIMA-DM CAD (Japanese Language only) (SXF, CIMA-DM, SIMA-DM, JSP , CAD , DXF , OCF, DOWNLOAD , japan , kumamoto )
Casign.Worx Casign.Worx (Tokyo) - Casign.Worx product Software Solution,Web Programming and IT Consalting. (casign, ebank, money , cgi , source , shoot , ofe, ofx, csv , worx)
Nagoya Hokubu Baseball League Nagoya Hokubu Baseball League (Aichi) - We are Hokubu Baseball League of Nagoya City in Japan. This site is powered by JavaServerPage(JSP) and Access. The site manager is Kenichi Kusumoto. (JavaServerPage, Java , JSP , Access , Japan , Nagoya , baseball , database , league , servlet )
Accela Technology Corporation Accela Technology Corporation (Tokyo) - Accela Technology Corporation provides full-text retrieval software. (eAccela, Full-text, retrieval , knowledge , CRM , document , translation , software , database )
housing navigator next housing navigator next (Kyoto) - estate database apllication (NEXT2000, reins)
Horse Racing Indicator Horse Racing Indicator (Hokkaido) - Horse Racing Indicator (Horse , Racing , Speed , Index , Database , Software )
StarStoneSoftware Development Inc. StarStoneSoftware Development Inc. (Mie) - Experience our high tech business softwares! (business , application , software , database , sniffer, email , surveillance , ARP , switching )
Collaboration Plus Co.,Ltd. Collaboration Plus Co.,Ltd. (Tokyo) - Collaboration-plus.co.,ltd. (Collaboration , Plus , IT, DB, PC , Tech )
Enjoy domino/notes Enjoy domino/notes (Ishikawa) - Lotus Domino/Notes (domino , notes , R5, DB, R5)
URL FILTER DATABASE NEO-BLOOD Inc. URL FILTER DATABASE NEO-BLOOD Inc. (Tokyo) - If your customers are interested in preventing their employees from accessing inappropriate Japanese websites during business hours, we have a solution for you. (URL , FILTER , DATABSE, NEO-BLOOD, web )
Pao@Office Pao@Office (Tokyo) - Pao@Office's Home Page (soft , mail , database , db, barcode , .NET , C# , VB , PAO , Report )
Welcom To Adventure Software Welcom To Adventure Software (Chiba) - ADVENTURE SOFTWARE is introducing the database development tool and the component for DELPHI. (AVSOFT, DELPHI , ORACLE , VisualNAVI, PatyDatabase, SuperEdit, RAD , VCL, SQL , TOOL )
SoftPower,inc SoftPower,inc (Hiroshima) - Softpower.Inc (database, , softwere,, CreateDM)
At Will At Will (Tokyo) - Marketing agency (OCR , CTI , E-MAIL , DATA , FAX , TEL , DATABASE , iDC , SOFT )
Automatic Page Working DENODO Shiga,Japan Automatic Page Working DENODO Shiga,Japan (Shiga) - DENODO makes a professional home page. (DENODO, AUTO , BUSINESS , NETWORK , DATABASE , RENTAL , ACCESS , SOFTWARE , netshop , professional )
StarStoneSoftware development Inc. StarStoneSoftware development Inc. - StarStoneSoft is providing software assisting you to improve efficiency of your time by eliminating daily routine work. (database , excel , library , quality , qa, production , control , planning , factory , soho )
HIP Online HIP Online (Tokyo) -(2002) WEB Solution. (hosting , web , solution , domain , e-mail , housing , HIP , ONLINE , magagine, database )
YUKI Software YUKI Software (Ibaraki) -(2002) YUKI Software, Ibaraki Japan (internet , database )
PCLINK PCLINK (Nara) -(2002) PC-Link (Link , PC , Program , Software , Hardware , VB , DataBase , VB )
kinol interactive kinol interactive (Hiroshima) -(2002) we kinol interactive is a company providing application services, software development and computing consultations. (kinol, ASP , stocker, counter )
www.FileMaker.cx www.FileMaker.cx (Hokkaido) -(2002) Vist my site for FileMaker stuff! (filemaker, db, database , access )
DSKShop-OnlineSoftware-Search all address from phone number! DSKShop-OnlineSoftware-Search all address from phone number! (Tokyo) -(2002) do you want to search for many address from telephone number or zip code? Our software enable you to do it! from 40million people! (software , address , search , database , shop , easy , cheap , zipcode, tel , online )
NotesBozeWebSite NotesBozeWebSite (Kanagawa) -(2002) LotusNotes DataBase (LotusNotes, Notes , DataBase , FreeSoft )
arsware arsware (Tokyo) -(2001) software company (JAVA , COLDFUSION, ORACLE , LISP , AUTOCAD , ARX, WEB , SQL , DB)
crm crm (Tokyo) -(2001) crm (softwear, customer , support , sales , manegement, crm , online , shop , data , base )
AuctionManager AuctionManager (Aichi) -(2001) AuctionManager's HomePage (AuctionManager, Auction , Excel , ExcelVBA, VusualBasicApplication, Database )
Tomato's Software Library Tomato's Software Library (Saitama) -(2001) Tomato's Software Library (calorie , calc, database , microsoft , word , search , checker )
Date Base Software Date Base Software (Osaka) -(2001) Date Base Software (DM)
DataIn DataIn (Miyazaki) -(2001) Excel DataIn (VBA , KuugaFactory, Soft , DataBase )
Computer page at skysoft Computer page at skysoft (Tokyo) -(2001) Introducing new release,such as network,OS,database,LINUX,Java,AI... (computer , science , windows , network , database , programing, application , mac , internet )
CollectIN forPalmOS,Input database program CollectIN forPalmOS,Input database program (Osaka) -(2001) Input soft for PalmOS.This soft can directly entry Access file,ODBC database and CSV file (CollectIN, Palm , ACCESS , ODBC, CSV , database , CSV )
HomePage of Russian software about Russian and East European Languages HomePage of Russian software about Russian and East European Languages (Hiroshima) -(2001) You can buy Russian software about Russian and east european languages. (russian , software , translation , database , development )
Software Consultant-Visual Basic,VBA,Lotus Script Software Consultant-Visual Basic,VBA,Lotus Script (Fukuoka) -(2001) personal computer Developer Arch Uni (Visual , Basic , Access , Lotus , Excel , VBA , SQL )
Crazy Access to Access Crazy Access to Access (Tokyo) -(2001) The site produced by Mr.Raita who is a free software programer. Japanese only. (Access , MS-Access, MS-DOS, VBA , Visual , Basic , Programing, Development )
Culdcept Database Culdcept Database (Kanagawa) -(2000) Culdcept Database HomePage (Culdcept , Culd, Cepter, Expansion , Ohmiya , Soft , Database , blue003@excite.co.jp)
Japan-China Strategic Service Japan-China Strategic Service (Shiga) -(2000) Japan-China Strategic Service's Home Page (software , database , security , consultant , e-commerce, development , network , china , translation )
Dynamic Communication & Creation Dynamic Communication & Creation (Fukuoka) -(2000) CTI Solution Builder DyCOC's Home Page (dycoc, cti , member , display , callcenter , crm , database , telephone , fax )
dangonet dangonet (Tokyo) -(2000) Dangonet's HomePage. (LocalAreaNetwork , Database , software , dangonet, DBLease, DBSearch, Self-Navi, Kibi-Dango)
Abiss Home Page Abiss Home Page (Osaka) -(2000) Abiss Software Home Page (e-BASE, Abiss, database , software , faq , SportsFarm)
welcome to dennnou HP welcome to dennnou HP (Shizuoka) -(2000) Fuji, Sizuoka, Japan (Soft , barbar , salon , Access , hair )
Hiryu is an internet company ! Hiryu is an internet company ! (Tokyo) -(2000) Hiryu is an internet company.We are structuring many sites with data-base systems.And taking to present funny sites and new-tech products. (FlyingDragon, flying-dragonz, ring , environment , sites , DegitalAssistant, database , software , hiryu)
execllent life institute execllent life institute (Kanagawa) -(2000) execllent life institute (cooking , recipi, database , free , soft , mickey )
Assistor Assistor (Miyagi) -(2000) Assistor's Website (Database , Homepage, Access , VisualBasic , VB )
SScience.com SScience.com (Kyoto) -(2000) SScience.com is a portal site for everyone who is looking for any software products or services related to Scientific Field. We will provide the specific search engine regarding the following three categories, 1. Application software : S/W Product Search 2. Sofware companies who have good experience in scientific programming : S/W Vender Search 3. Free/Shareware software Also we are willing to provide the following services for indivisuals and/or companies who would like to promote software business all over the world. 1. Translation of Web pages between English and Japanese 2. Place an advertisement in this page 3. Register software product information in our database 4. Register software company's information in our database (science , engineering , software , database , search , magazine , translation , procure , agent , advertisement )
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT (Tokyo) -(2000) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT (CAREER TECHNO) (occupation , offer , engineer , technology , software , hardware , computer , IT, DB, information )
Atamano Yoku Naru Game Atamano Yoku Naru Game (Hokkaido) -(2000) Atama no yokunaru game (GAME , ENGLISH , WINDOWS , WIN98, WIN95, DOWNLOAD )
WARA HomePage WARA HomePage (Tokyo) -(1999) Tokyo,Japan (DATA , soft , NEW )
Welcome to Creators' Studio [ATCH! Factory] Welcome to Creators' Studio [ATCH! Factory] (Gunma) -(1999) We introduce Creators' Studio <ATCH! Factory> on the Web. We produce some HomePages, Computer systems, and develope databases. (computer , database , support , gunma , software , hardware , develope)
DBbra DBbra (Hokkaido) -(1999) Goo! (URL , Email , IE)
Knowledge Soft Corporation Knowledge Soft Corporation (Tokyo) -(1998) Knowledge Soft Corporation Home Page Introduction and Sales of Knowledge Mandala (Knowledge Management System : Knowledge Valuing tool) (DataWarehouse, MetaData, KnowledgeDatabase, KnowledgeModeling, KnowledgeValuing, ERP , year2000problem, ValueChain, KnowledgeMandala, EC)
DBbra DBbra (Hokkaido) -(1998) Goo! (URL , Email , IE)
DBbra DBbra (Hokkaido) -(1998) Goo! (URL , Email , IE)
kapal japan kapal japan -(1998) (Arago, southern pacific, detabase, server starter kit, QuickSilver, internet , dBXL, application , intranet , package software )
Communication Road Communication Road (Hyogo) -(1998) Web Produce Rental Server etc. (Software , Server , Database , Akashi , HP)
WebShare WebShare (Kanagawa) -(1998) WebShare Homepage (SFA , Web , WebShare, Server , Designer )
Visual Recall 3.0J Visual Recall 3.0J (Tokyo) -(1998) Visual Recall provoide you to Document Management Function ( full text/property search, perusal, information visualize ) for the purpose of making full use of document, image data. (VisualRecall, software , database , multimedia , client-server, document , image , network , management )
nihon office machine nihon office machine (Tokyo) -(1997) Nihon Office Machine's HomePage (database , micro-cosmos, cosview, image , photo , software , LAN )
OWL3 Web-DB linkage tool OWL3 Web-DB linkage tool (Tokyo) -(1997) Web-Database access tool (Web-database )
ABACUSS LTD. Home page ABACUSS LTD. Home page -(1997) Full Service Web Design/Page Hosting. Also provide web content and banner ad production and display. We have the CAT-NET, CAT Encycropydia, the HTML3.2 Guide, etc.... (abacuss , kanji , database , HTML , guide , cat , shareware , freeware , design , hosting )
NEC Express Server Middleware Home page NEC Express Server Middleware Home page (Tokyo) -(1997) NEC Express Server software catalog (internet , intranet , windows , middleware , server , multimedia , security , groupware, PC , database )
Welcome TECHNOCORE WORLD Welcome TECHNOCORE WORLD (Tokyo) -(1996) Welcome TECHNOCORE WORLD (technocore, windows , software house, personal computer , database , application , internet )
Relational database conference Relational database conference (Saitama) -(1996) This is Relational database consutruction conference. Moreover, there are Guest book/online chat/BBS/link making system and so on. (Computer and multimedia, software , database )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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