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{design, designing} + {designer} + {WWW, web, W3}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={design, designing}
@3={WWW, web, W3}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.


  • TG3rd (Chiba) -
    Designer team of web design&ZIPPO design&T-shirt
    (design, designer, homepage, web, zippo, t-shirt, charactor, flash, accessibility, original)

  • Original Jewelry KAMIU (Osaka) -
    Original jewerly shop KAMIU will be open in September. We are now making our site and looking for volunteers to help us.: Marketing plannner, web designer, merchandiser, jewelry maker, jewelry design and jewelry piece. (Volunteers must live in Japan and be able to speak japanese.)
    (jewelry, original, on-line, shop, silver, volunteer, marketter, web, designer, design)

  • (Hyogo) -
    The site is designed by free lance web designer IZUTSU ATSUKO.
    (web, designer, design, kobe, flash, free, illust, illustrator, print, digital)

  • FOLSER -
    (FOLSER, Freice, Web, Designer, site, Homepage, magazine, Search, rental space)

  • Designer's if (Kanagawa) -
    It designs for you.
    (DTP, Design, designer, if, logo, web, japan)

  • (Osaka) -
    CG designer's site, based in Japan. Illustrations, storyboards for Japanese TV commercials and a comic strip, made with PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR and PAINTER CLASSIC. And also making a storyboard for CG beginners.
    (photoshop, Illustration, Painter, Macintosh, 2D, character, comic, design)

  • Web Adventure (Osaka) -
    Web Adventure
    (webdesigner, html, stylesheet)

  • nextpage (Hyogo) -
    Web design studio which works Kobe at a base. A Web design, HTML coding, QuickTimeVR, CubicVR, ObjectVR, etc. It will be the NeXT page if it is called a homepage in Kobe!
    (Kobe, Web, Design, HTML, QuickTimeVR, CubicVR)

  • Echo Nako (Tokyo) -
    A web desinger's PR site. You can mainly see her illustration works.
    (web, design, illustrations, e-cards, post, cards, Keio, University, designer)

  • __________________reaLize (Hiroshima) -
    (architecture, architect, house, service, web, design, designer, offer, hiroshima, creater)

  • 0-KING (Tokyo) -
    Character-Design ART-Direction Illustration WEB-Design leave it to me!!!
    (WEBDesign, ARTDirection, Illustration, CharacterDesign, art, Illustrator, pro, photo)

  • WATER HIP WORLD (Saitama) -
    This is creator's homepage.
    (image, design, photo, designer, illust, illustrator, homepage, photoshop, create, art)

  • pirka web site (Hokkaido) -
    pirka means beautiful and right in Ainu language. We aims to communicate with various people through creative activity, and extending the ring. We hope to provide the place of an announcement of the work of creator in all the genres in the world through activity of this free paper, website creation, event holding, etc. Moreover, we hope to exchange the information by the network born from there.
    (free, paper, design, creator, pirka, designer, artist, japan, hokkaido, sapporo)

  • 2003 reiko sakamoto WEB Design (Tokyo) -
    2003 reiko sakamoto WEB Design
    (WEBdesigner, Freelance, design, SOHO,

  • nDF (Osaka) -
    nDF *-- n Designing Factory --* WEB DTP CD-ROM Designing Hitoshi Noguchi's Designing Factory
    (Hitoshi, Noguchi, Osaka, Design, n, Designing, SOHO, WEB, creater, DTP)

  • PICOMA CENTER (Tokyo) -
    web designer's page CUTE!
    (indie, guiter, design, designer, cute, pop)

  • HOTLINE, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto) -
    (HOTLINE, MONTHLY, design, designer, advertising, web)

  • (Osaka) -
    This is! I release now trend!
    (sugar, KICK, THE, CAN, CREW, music, design)

  • 21WebSpider (Osaka) -
    (html, cool, photo, girl, hp, design, free, web, designer, background)

  • su-su design office (Kyoto) -
    Su-su design office is web designer.
    (susu, su-su, webdesign, design, designer, system, homepage, Kyoto, web, xxx)

  • pastel (Hiroshima) -
    marinmarin's Free Material & illust Gallery
    (Free, Material, illust, Gallery, marinmarin, Designer, web, Illustrator, Postcard, Healing)

  • Webmastrofrodo (Chiba) -
    (WEB, WEBCONTENTS, WebDesign, WebDesigners, COOLWebDESIGN, WebCreator)

  • 3Enhanced design for designers (Tokyo) -
    3Enhanced design for designers brings to the web design community tutorials and a well maintained forum for web software including Flash, Photoshop, Swift3D and others.
    (Flash, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Tutorial, Forum, Swift3D, Illustrator, Sorenson, Squeeze, Web)

  • SOHO know-how (Tokyo) -
    soho know-how
    (Web, design, writer, color, Mac)

  • internet total support for end user (Ibaraki) -
    internet total support for end user
    (homepage, lan, setup, lecture, web, design, install, school)

  • Web Flower Designers' International (Akita) -
    Web Flower Designers' International

  • DaiichiSeisakusitu (Tokyo) -
    Design&Planning Office DaiichiSeisakushitu
    (SOHO, Design, Job, offer, DTPdesigner, Cameraman, Illustrator, Web, Tokyo, designer)

  • SC-DESIGN (Gunma) -
    I can make your web-site and have Flash technics.
    (web, site, homepage, flash, web-designer, web-design)

  • Okiron Design specializes in the design, development and marketing of web sites for your individual needs, vision and goals. -
    Website Creation Company
    Okiron offers the technology, design and vision that can make your web-site a state-of-the-art web property that is not only functional and beautiful, but also designed to drive revenue and a loyal userbase.
    Contact us today to discuss your unique design requirements.
    (website design, website creation, web site, web development, web goals, Domain register, Web design, Web Designer, Web company, ecommerce)

  • INNOCE CO.,LTD (Tokyo) -
    INNOCE-Services include Web Site Design,Building,and Renovation,plus Bookediting and Planning.
    (edit, design, innternet, planning, innoce, web, publish, designer, editor, book)

  • Skill&Soul (Osaka) -(2002)
    I do by being cheap from all designs, such as a homepage and a flier, to printing.
    (web, flash, DTP, skill&soul, design, hp, cool, create, music, i-mode)

  • ananai-plus (Osaka) -(2002)
    (design, architectural, HOMEPAGE, HP, DOMAIN, WEB, DESIGNER, CREATE, ananai-plus, ananai+)

  • sense of beauty (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Sachie's HomePage
    (web, HP, webdesign, design, hpdesign, senbeau, senseofbeauty, homepagedesign, sachie)

  • NipeOchhi (Hyogo) -(2002)
    web designer
    (web, designer, DM, HP)

  • ganbare takashi (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    web movie
    (flash, web, animation, html)

  • aqua cube (Kyoto) -(2002)
    I want to be a web designer.
    (personal, diary, Japan, Japanese, text, Kyoto, web, design, designer, student)

  • kyodo photoengraving (Ishikawa) -(2002)
    A merit group designer is cheaper than where, and makes a wonderful homepage, a pamphlet, a flier, etc.
    (MediaField, Photoengraving, Homepage, WEB, movie, Estimate, Lowcharge, Pamphlet, Designer, kyodo)

  • BrokenDish (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Hideki's HomePage
    (handmade, Gallery, Art, overground, Design, hidekin, roughgoing, flash, BKD, Creator)

  • UMO5 (Yamanashi) -(2002)
    (design, web, T-shirts, umo5, architecture, grarphic, homepage)

  • Work information portal site (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Work information portal site
    (work, job, career, business, aruyon, recruit)

  • emphase web studio (Osaka) -(2002)
    (HP, Web, design, Flash, Dream, Weaver, Photo, shop, illustrator, Macromedia)

  • Digital Design Box DD-BOX (Hiroshima) -(2002)
    We are a creator's professional units.
    (Creator, Design, homepage)

  • web design studio (Okayama) -(2002)
    web design
    (web, design, japan, okayama, kurashiki, SOHO)

  • imagination works (Wakayama) -(2002)
    this page is hiroki yoshida's homepage.this is imagination works.hiroki yoshida is free designer.
    (imaginationworks, design, designer, web)

  • Web Design (Hokkaido) (Aomori) (Akita) (Iwate) (Yamagata) (Miyagi) (Niigata) (Fukushima) (Saitama) (Ibaraki) (Chiba) (Tochigi) (Gunma) (Tokyo) (Kanagawa) (Yamanashi) (Nagano) (Toyama) (Shizuoka) (Gifu) (Aichi) (Ishikawa) (Fukui) (Shiga) (Mie) (Kyoto) (Osaka) (Nara) (Hyogo) (Wakayama) (Tottori) (Okayama) (Shimane) (Hiroshima) (Yamaguchi) (Tokushima) (Kagawa) (Ehime) (Kochi) (Fukuoka) (Oita) (Miyazaki) (Kumamoto) (Saga) (Nagasaki) (Kagoshima) (Okinawa) -(2002)
    Web design, Domain hosting.
    (cool, design, web site, web, site, server, domain, studio, creator, designer)

  • NEWORDER (Kanagawa) -(2001)

  • ideogram (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    ideogram webdesigner's hompage
    (ideogram, design, webdesigner, cool, html)

  • Creaters (Osaka) -(2001)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Various Creator T-Tee's site where there are my illustrations, and web-design, and etc.
    (T-Tee, illustration, illustrator, web, design, designer, art, artist, comic, cartoon)

    (Design, Designer, Apparel, Trend, Outsourcing, Product, Interior, Wear, Brand, Styling)

  • Designer T's Play Rooms (Tokyo) -(2001)
    T's diary.
    (Play, Takemi, Matsui, Design, Web, Internet, Macintosh, Diary, Tips, Personal)

  • ufufuchannel (Tokyo) -(2001)
    KANA's Homepage
    (web, design, cute, Flash, ufufu, ufufu-channel, creator, designer)

  • Cherry Blossom (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Designer's comunication site.This site is POP & CUTE design. You can make questions about flash or any other graffic applications on bbs.
    (webdesign, designing, lolita, teenager, girl, graffic, cute, design, 2d, designer)

  • Interforce (Fukuoka) -(2001)
    The super creators on InterForce !!
    (homepage, hp, CD-ROM, creator, internet, director, designer, flash, web, movie)

  • Mac Maniac (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Tips of Mac, and the laboratory of Web design.
    (Mac, Tips, Web, design, designer, laboratory, Shockwave, Yosemite, BW, G3)

  • shiroyama design (Aichi) -(2001)
    (designer, web, photo, ad, print)

  • Worldnet Japan - Freelance Web Design in Japan -(2001)
    Freelance web design based in the Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto area. Worldnet Japan is looking to take your business to the world or the world to Japan.Website design and implementation for businesses searching for consistent service, competitive strategies and worldwide experience...Worldnet Japan
    (web, design, japan, freelance, designer, flash)

  • prism (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Prism is a non-genre creator's web magazine, which aim to stimulate creative viewpoints.In every issue, creators will put their imagination and creativity toward a certain creative focus point. A theme will be setup in every issue. The theme will be developed around the aggregate in the every day life which everyone is familiar with and the aggregate in society, etc. Around the aggregate, elements will be created with the creator's viewpoint. Furthermore, each of that creators work concentrates as an element of a new aggregate in Prism.
    (prism, Japan, creater, magazine, creative, photo, design, art, illust, viewpoint)

  • .Room (Saitama) -(2001)
    For information exchange of Web design
    (Web, design, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl)

  • DesignEXchange WEB (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (design, material, digital, photo, illust, font, download, search, artist, designer)

  • denim scrap (Aichi) -(2001)
    (photoshop, illustrator, terragen, dream, dreamweaver, web, macromedia, flash, design, fireworks)

  • inter-plain web design (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    inter-plain web design
    (flash, inter-plain, flash5, web, designer, soho, homepage, internet, webdesign, design)

  • EIMYWEB International (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Total web design, translation, technical writing, typing, and distance learning, communication, culture information service.
    (web design, designer, web developmet, create web site, translation, technical writing, typing, distance learning, information, culture)

  • clip (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    murai reina's HomePage. yokohama,kanagawa,japan
    (design, webdesign, web, art, illustration, illust, ReinaMurai, manga, artisut)

  • DTP Designer Natsuko Motojima (Tokyo) -(2000)
    DTP Designer Natsuko Motojima

  • namecard,design,ARU,fukuoka,japan (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    ARU'S WebShop
    (business, personal, aru, design, pepar, namecard, present, printing, webshop, order)

  • MAXI design (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Homepage design office,Hatagaya Shibuya-Ku Tokyo Japan.
    (Homepage, web, HTML, Internet, MAXI)

  • AT-Factory (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    POP & COOL Design
    (Design, T-shirts, Factory, AT, Web, Designer, Flash, Art, Illustration, Music)

  • SAME FEELING (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    SINGO&MAI HomePage
    (Photo, Dessin, Dessinateur, webDessinateur, Photograph)

  • Designer's Collection (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Our site is an introduce of Web creater. We can make an English home page and transrated E to J and/or J to E. Please join our HP, and E-mail to us.
    (creater, introduce, home, page, illustrator, designer, java, flash, HP)

  • TOSIYASU KAWANO (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    ToshiyasuKawano's web site design etc...
    (designer, design, webdesign, toshiyasu, kawano, tosiyasu)

  • Motion Explorer (Saitama) -(2000)
    Motion Explorer is a gallery including many games, fortune-telling, etc. which are made by Flash 4 script and cgi. Please come and enjoy yourself in ME. Thanks.
    (soho, web, design, job, flash, shockwave, macromedia, watch, designer)

  • Digital Factory (Aichi) -(1998)
    Digital Factory
    (homepage, home, page, CGI, web, site, design, designer, Nagoya)

  • 01/DRAGON DANCE WEB DESIGN (Nara) -(1997)
    (low price, Macintosh, beginner girl, web designer, homepage designer, cool, pretty, JAVASCRIPT, CGI)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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