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{design, designing} + {illustration, illustrate, illust} + {illustrator}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Shota's illustration display Shota's illustration display (Tokyo) - illustrator Shota Sahara web site (illustration , illustrator , sahara , shota, SOHO , web , cute , pretty , sweet )
703world 703world (Tokyo) - 703world (703world, 703, naomi , T-shirts , Design , Designer , Illustrator , Illustration , Anime )
kunikitous-design kunikitous-design (Tokyo) - They are an illustration and the page of a design. (illustrator , photoshop , flash , design , kunikitous, kuniki)
izutsu.info izutsu.info (Hyogo) - The site is designed by free lance web designer IZUTSU ATSUKO. (web , designer , design , kobe , flash , free , illust , illustrator , print , digital )
Humbagar-Gallery Humbagar-Gallery (Kanagawa) - Hello!! This is saya's HomePage. A work of art!! (hambager, Lonely , Water , gallery , jeans , Maya, Photoshop , illustrator , mediaart, design )
P*matsumoto WEBSHOP P*matsumoto WEBSHOP (Tokyo) - P*matsumoto WEBSHOP (P, matsumoto, illust , illustrator , design )
makino himawari makino himawari (Kanagawa) - I will live slowry illustrator makino himawari Homepage (slowlife, illust , character , art , eco , illustrator , diary , picture , apainting, artist )
Nagara.net Nagara.net (Osaka) - CG designer's site, based in Japan. Illustrations, storyboards for Japanese TV commercials and a comic strip, made with PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR and PAINTER CLASSIC. And also making a storyboard for CG beginners. (photoshop , Illustration , Painter , Macintosh , 2D , character , comic , design )
f*ck frog f*ck frog (Ehime) - Art and illustration space! (art , illust , illustrator , manga , animation )
MASHIRO nostalsy*pop MASHIRO nostalsy*pop (Tokyo) - artist[mashiro]original illustlation & originalhand made accessory (design , art , illustrator , original , goods , pop , handmade , perler, beads , japan )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
nihon-ad kikaku co.,LTD nihon-ad kikaku co.,LTD (Osaka) - Japanese only! (print , printing , Design , illustrator )
DAN DESIGN WORKS DAN DESIGN WORKS (Osaka) - DAN DESIGN WORKS HomePage (Illustrator , Illustration , Pers , Architectural , Rendering , Render, Perspective , Photoshop , Shade , Illust )
aple22 aple22 (Fukuoka) - aple22,graphic design,design,art,artist,illust,photo,japanese animation,japan,fukuoka (aple22, graphic , design , art , illust , photo , book , printing , japan , fukuoka )
shippo-sya shippo-sya (Tokyo) - Production of an illustration which is helpful to children's books and a text. (Juvenile , picture , Illustration , design , Free-lancer, Teaching , materials, Text , child )
Atelier USAGI Graphic Box Atelier USAGI Graphic Box (Tokyo) - Atelier USAGI's Digital illustration's Web Page. (AtelierUSAGI, illustration , Digitalillustration, graphicdesign , Art , illustrator , gallery , photoshop , Adobe )
a-press top a-press top (Tokyo) - school infomation (UIOD, DESIGN , ILLUSTRATION , FINEART , ART , DESIGNER , ILLUSTRATOR , SCHOOL , EDUCATION , FOUNDATION )
illastreter Tokunaga wako illastreter Tokunaga wako (Ibaraki) - illastrater Tokunaga wako
Yoshiteru Sakagami Design Yoshiteru Sakagami Design (Tokyo) - Japanese illustration,Art,ComputerGraphics, (japan,graphic,design,illustrator)
0-KING 0-KING (Tokyo) - Character-Design ART-Direction Illustration WEB-Design leave it to me!!! (WEBDesign , ARTDirection, Illustration , CharacterDesign , art , Illustrator , pro , photo )
gravities gravities (Tokyo) - design illust gallery (design , illust , illustrator , illustration , kosuke , yoshie , gravity , gravities)
WATER HIP WORLD WATER HIP WORLD (Saitama) - This is creator's homepage. (image , design , photo , designer , illust , illustrator , homepage, photoshop , create , art )
Character Creator Hikaru Matsumoto Site Character Creator Hikaru Matsumoto Site (Tokyo) - Let me introduce my works, which are used unique characters showing in this site. You can enjoy my unique works. All characters even background in my works were made by me. (Illustrator , Artist , Characters , Freelancer, Craft , Design , Hino Tokyo, Japan , Modeling )
FACTORY34 FACTORY34 (Tokyo) - T-shirt and illusrations. (T-shirt , illustrator , design , character , card , 3DCG , work , logotype, cut , cray )
DiveinToyz.com DiveinToyz.com (Tokyo) - takeuchi masaya illustration design manga illustrator work bubbble Figure doll (takeuchi , masaya , illustration , design , manga , illustrator , work , bubbble, Figure , doll )
across 110th street across 110th street (Tokyo) - across 110th street (design , graphic , flash , illustration , web , art , mac , Visual , illustrator , creat)
Illustrator Nagai Hiroshi 's Home Page Illustrator Nagai Hiroshi 's Home Page (Kyoto) (Osaka) (Shiga) (Hyogo) (Nara) (Shimane) - Illustrator Nagai Hiroshi 's Home Page. (illustrator , illust , design , newspaper , magazine , newspaper , hankyuu, trip )
A Collection of My Illustrations A Collection of My Illustrations (Osaka) - This is the site made by a Japanese storyboard artist for TV commercials in Japan. There are not only the storyboards, but also illustrations and Making storyboards pages. And more, the Japanese pages have short & long story comics (manga) talking about the daily lives in Japan. If you are interested in original TV commercial plans or comics, please take a look at them. (advertisement , artworks , commercials, design , drawings , illustrations , illustrator , Japanese , planning , storyboards)
A Collection of My Illustrations A Collection of My Illustrations (Osaka) - This is the site made by a Japanese storyboard artist for TV commercials in Japan. There are not only the storyboards, but also illustrations and Making storyboards pages. And more, the Japanese pages have short & long story comics (manga) talking about the daily lives in Japan. If you are interested in original TV commercial plans or comics, please take a look at them. (advertisement , artworks , commercials, design , drawings , illustrations , illustrator , Japanese , planning , storyboards)
Solid Illustrator Hikaru Matsumoto Solid Illustrator Hikaru Matsumoto (Tokyo) - Solid Illustrator Hikaru Matsumoto (Illustrator , Illustration , Artist , Freelancer, Solid , Craft , Design , Character , Modeling , Dummy )
WEBdesign&Create EastForest WEBdesign&Create EastForest (Hiroshima) - This site is EastForest's site engaged in producing from WEBdesign to instractor.We correspond to all over Japan,At a SOHO,at an enterpriser,at a WEBdhirekutor,at an instractor. (WEB , design , Hiroshima , SOHO , illust , IT, direction , Instractor, Photoshop , Illustrator )
HOLISTIC,ART/AVATAR&ILLUSTRATION HOLISTIC,ART/AVATAR&ILLUSTRATION (Hyogo) - Avatar master,Illustrator's page.Graphic illustration,Ordermade art,spiritual work and so on. (illustrator , avatar , ordermade , avatarmastar, illustration , pet , artist , psychology , graphicdesign , art )
gungoographics gungoographics (Chiba) - hello (design , illust , photoshop , anime , japan , graphics , gungoo, gungoographics, fukai , painter )
ura mani mani ura mani mani (Chiba) - Welcome to ura mani mani! (uramanimani, accessory , illustration , picture , paint , recipe , photoshop , illustrater, art , cafe )
pastel pastel (Hiroshima) - marinmarin's Free Material & illust Gallery (Free , Material, illust , Gallery , marinmarin, Designer , web , Illustrator , Postcard , Healing )
Japan Illustrator rica2784's Japan Illustrator rica2784's (Tokyo) - Illustrator/rica2784's/HomePage (Illustrator , 2784)
Japan Illustrator rica2784's Japan Illustrator rica2784's (Tokyo) - Illustrator/rica2784's/HomePage (Illustrator , 2784)
GranGlamGraphics GranGlamGraphics (Tokyo) - Welcome to GranGlamGraphics web site. We can show you fine graphics and illustrations. (GranGlamGraphics, GranGlam, Gran , graphic , illustration , original , design , designer , illustrator , Tokyo )
KAT.S'S WORLD KAT.S'S WORLD (Fukuoka) - KAT.S'S WORLD (KAT.S'S, WORLD , photoshop , Illustrator , web , CG )
In One's Own Way In One's Own Way (Chiba) - Taku's HomePage (illustretor&designer) (illustretor, designer , illust , design , originar)
T.F : 1/f T.F : 1/f (Osaka) -(2002) It displays the illustration of the copyright one,being original,the work. (novel , illustration , CG , work , original , design , illustrator )
S_fish S_fish (Fukuoka) -(2002) KotoSakanata's illustration homepage. I use AdobePhotoshop and AdobeIllustrator. (AdobePhotoshop, AdobeIllustrator, CG )
Atelier USAGI Graphic Box Atelier USAGI Graphic Box (Tokyo) -(2002) Atelier USAGI's Digital illustration's Web Page. (AtelierUSAGI, illustration , Digitalillustration, graphicdesign , Art , illustrator , gallery , photoshop , Adobe )
moko moko (Chiba) -(2002) Illustraion site (Flash , Illustrator , Photoshop , CG , design , illustration , material, wallpaper )
kumagoya kumagoya (Saitama) -(2002) Meet me at KUMAGGOYA. Please show my illustrations. (illustration , illustrator , design , designer , animation , craft )
mantion design web mantion design web (Aichi) -(2002) mantion design web.Graphic Designer Naohiro's HomePage. (graphic , mantion, illust , web , designer , Japan , Nagoya )
Nagao no E Nagao no E (Tokyo) -(2002) Various works of prominent Japanese artist Nagao Minoru including book and CD covers design, fantastic world, Haiga, Haiku Illustrated are ehxhibited. (Illustration , Haiga , Haiku , illustated, CD , jacket , bookcover, painter , interior , design )
glad glad (Okayama) -(2002) Do you like to see paintings? Illustrator tuna's HomePage (cg , tuna , Illustrator , Illustration , Flash , graphic , character , paintings )
Watanabe Masaru Gallery Watanabe Masaru Gallery (Tokyo) -(2002) I am Watanabe, a free lance's illustrator. 80 pictures are exhibited to my website. There are also wallpaper of a cellular phone and a greeting card. (Illustration , Illustrator , Fantasy , Binding , Design , Editorial , Advertisement , Greeting , wallpaper , phone )
kikki's kikki's (Osaka) -(2002) I live in osaka JAPAM. (Design , Mac , iMac , illustrator , photoshop , painter , kikki, osaka , japan )
absolute coulibaly absolute coulibaly (Tokyo) -(2002) illustrator yumiko coulibaly's webgallery (illustrator , webgallery, webdesign , art , artist , blackmusic , advertizing, illustration )
Route423 Route423 (Nagasaki) -(2002) Illustration (Illustration , Illustrator , Gallery , mobil, POPCUTE)
Masumi Kuwahara Illustlations Japan Masumi Kuwahara Illustlations Japan (Yamaguchi) -(2002) Masumi Kuwahara Illustlations Home Page (Illustlation, Illustlator, Photoshop , Japanese , Girl , Mac )
MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustration work company. (illustration , cartoon , design , graphic , picture , symbol , comic , animation , character , animal )
hibi no utakata hibi no utakata (Kanagawa) -(2002) Illust Gallery (CG , Mac , Macintosh , Graphic , Design )
BryanOzakis FireWorksDesign BryanOzakis FireWorksDesign (Hyogo) -(2002) BryanOzaki illustlation and design homepage (illustration , illustrator , japanese , hanga, cg , design , designer , music , snowboard , surf )
capsule circuit graphic capsule circuit graphic (Chiba) -(2001) Designing with Photoshop, Illustrator & Flash ! (Web , Flash , Illustrator , Photoshop , Quark , SOHO , Mac , design , photo , HTML )
FUUYAAN FUUYAAN (Osaka) -(2001) Illustrator & Designer FUUYAAN's HomePage (Illustrator , Designer , Art , Japan , illustration , picture , design , drawing , tienetsu, sketch )
www.T-Tee.com www.T-Tee.com (Tokyo) -(2001) Various Creator T-Tee's site where there are my illustrations, and web-design, and etc. (T-Tee, illustration , illustrator , web , design , designer , art , artist , comic , cartoon )
PLANETFACTORY PLANETFACTORY (Kyoto) -(2001) Design&Illust YOKO's HomePage (design , designer , illust , illustrator , character , criticism , column , YOKO )
flowers flowers (Tokyo) -(2001) Miki Sekiguchi's HomePage (illustration , CG , illustrator , art , artist , design , flash , Mac , Macintosh , love )
kiyroom kiyroom (Tokyo) -(2001) kiyo's Illustoration page! (illust , illustration , Digital , kiyroom)
cheez page cheez page (Tokyo) -(2001) Cheez page! bycheez&okadoo. Sorry Japanese only! (cheez, USAROBO, flash , character , illustration , Illustrator , movie , cute , design , original )
oono mari illustration oono mari illustration (Tokyo) -(2001) oono mari's illustration file (illustration , illustrator , art , bookcover, editorial , design )
chaos art design chaos art design (Chiba) -(2001) Tsutomu Miyata HomePage (fashion , photo , music , graphic , movie , motion , design , art , chaos , illustrator )
illustration studio jinjin illustration studio jinjin (Osaka) -(2001) jinjin's illustration studio!! (illustrater, illustration , art , artist , webdesign , animation , manimimanimyat, jinjin , artshop , computer )
Throughout the land Throughout the land (Tokyo) -(2001) Ryo Tsutsui's HomePage (Throughout, the, land , Ryo , Tsutsui , Illustration , TableTennis , design , gallery , character )
Naked Organ Naked Organ (Shiga) -(2001) Web Gallery,Free Download,Graphic,Design,Illust,Paint (design , graphic , illust , illustrator , paint , painter , designer , free , download )
mach56 mach56 (Tokyo) -(2001) design unit offering web site and graphic design services in English and Japanese. Also specialized in flash animation. (www , internet , web site , home page, design , designer , soho , graphic design , illust , illustrator )
cherry cherry cherry cherry (Tokyo) -(2001) Hitomi Nagao's illustrations (illustration , illustrator , fasion, japanese , japanizm, dezign)
os planning os planning (Aichi) -(2001) desing Macintosh printing an illustration Illustrator Phtoshop planning (desing, Macintosh , printing , an, illustration , Illustrator , Phtoshop, planning )
orange*rico- homepage orange*rico- homepage (Kanagawa) -(2001) orange*rico-homepege!-very cute! (illust , Character , It, dresses , and, changes. , Miscellaneous , goods , Fashion , Designer )
Akiko Hangai's HomePage Akiko Hangai's HomePage (Tokyo) -(2001) (Illustration , Design , Exotic , GIF Animation , Arizona , Bali , Okinawa , Pinhole Camera, Illustrator )
T-Tea on tha Web!!! T-Tea on tha Web!!! (Tokyo) -(2001) The illustration works of T-Tea have heart of ROCK. (illustration , illustrator , design , ROCK , charactor, Americancomic, comic , cool , dope , HIOHOP)
SPIRITEK SPIRITEK (Osaka) -(2001) The site develops as a place for the work announcement like the illustration etc. It is thought that the web design is one of the expression methods by aiming at interactive Web site which can be felt "It is happy" because accesses it. It is moving when the impression can be written in BBS. (Illustration , Design , Photoshop , llustrator, CG , SPIRITEK, Art , Gallery , Sketch , Creator )
carabiner carabiner (Tokyo) -(2001) A virtual office created on the Internet by four freelance professionals (writer , designer , translator , illustrator , manual , DTP , design )
Rosemary's HomePage Rosemary's HomePage (Osaka) -(2000) Osaka (original , illustration , illustrator , design , art , fantasy , gallery , monster , characters , designer )
Another Dimension Digital Design Another Dimension Digital Design (Shizuoka) -(2000) BBS Skin,Flash,CG,DesignTips... (DTP , Webdesign , shockwave , Design , Flash , Shade , Illustrator , Photoshop , GoLive, Digital )
ESAKA Supporters ESAKA Supporters (Tokyo) -(2000) The official website of Esaka Masami (esaka , masami , illustrator , illustration , design , designer , bikkuriman )
COBO_LABO_ILLUSTRATIONS COBO_LABO_ILLUSTRATIONS (Kanagawa) -(2000) Japanese illustrator,COBO YAMAGUCHI's web site.The works has Japanese traditional tasts. (ILLUSTRATOR , ILLUSTRATION , character , DESIGN , FLOWER , SIGHT , PLANT , CRAFT , JAPANESE , TRADITION )
ko's site ko's site (Kanagawa) -(2000) [ko'site]graphic & music with macintosh,live info. (macdesign , graphic , illustrator , webdesign , kosuzuki, photoshop , flash , live , music )
sumiegyarari sumiegyarari (Tokyo) -(2000) sumie no ilast desu (sumie, ilusut)
HIRO'S HOME PAGE,Japan HIRO'S HOME PAGE,Japan (Osaka) -(2000) HIRO'S HOME PAGE,post card,accessory,from Japan (post , card , accessory , design , Illustrator , designer , stationery , Japan )
Mega graphics Mega graphics (Osaka) -(2000) Mega graphics from japan Pop&Cute illustration!! (illust , illustrator , gallery , postcard , soho , lightwave, 3dcg , photoshop , desigh, artist )
Illustration Room Illustration Room (Chiba) -(2000) Koiyoshi`s HomePage (adobe , Illustrator , Illustration , Hobby , Design , CARTOON )
Interval Interval (Tokyo) -(2000) Ogawa's Portfolio of Painter. Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo,Japan (painter , illustrator , illustration , picture , gallery , portfolio , design , art , exhibition , character )
Illustrator Motoki Yamashita Illustrator Motoki Yamashita (Kanagawa) -(2000) Illustrator Motoki Yamashita's Home Page (illustrator , design , textyle, diving , designer , graphic )
Designer's Collection Designer's Collection (Tokyo) -(2000) Our site is an introduce of Web creater. We can make an English home page and transrated E to J and/or J to E. Please join our HP, and E-mail to us. (creater, introduce , home, page, illustrator , designer , java , flash , HP)
ReM SleeP ReM SleeP (Tokyo) -(2000) Design Illustrator Fortune drug novel consultation alcoholic!!!!! Falling into a deep sleep... (Design , Illustrator , doll , novel , consultation , alcoholic )
KUWASAWA Design Jyuku The seminar series The latest design Mr.TakesiKojima KUWASAWA Design Jyuku The seminar series The latest design Mr.TakesiKojima (Tokyo) -(1998) It has been taken place the seminar in KUWASAWA JYUKU. A lectuer was Mr.TakesiKojima who is a famous illustorator. (design , KuwasawaDesign , Mr.TakesiKojima, illustrator )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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